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6.3 Final remarks

Blockchain technology provides a distributed medical data storage framework. Ownership of the personal data remains with the patients who have the access to the EHRs and give the corresponding permissions to the healthcare providers on request. A blockchain

network provides continuous data availability as it does not have the single point of failure, which centralised systems have. Finally, as well as all centralized systems the service built on top of blockchain technology provides the integration possibilities with the current IT solutions that are used by the medical organisations.

Nowadays, blockchain technology is tried to be "pulled" into everything and its importance is often exaggerated. Technology experts and the experts from the domain warn against excessive use of the technology in healthcare and remind of the problems that may arise if blockchain is actively used in the healthcare market.

Overall, blockchain provides the basis for a qualitative leap in healthcare. The use of blockchain to store medical records will make the transition to personalized medicine possible. With this transition, it will become much easier to analyze the quality of care provided by medical organizations and, most importantly, to form an optimal and more accurate treatment plan. In this way, technology can make a significant difference in the quality of life.


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