• Ei tuloksia

Chapter  6   Result  and  discussion

7.2   Further  explorations


7.1 Conclusion  

The study of touchpoint adaptability at Helsinki Airport researched the possibilities for designing better touchpoints so that customers can easily adapt. The guideline (Figure 34) offers guidelines to design adaptable touchpoints. The guideline can be applied as a basic framework at the beginning of the design process to the post-design phase.

The challenge of study is that there is limited previous researches have been done in touchpoint adaptability area. Because adaptability is abstract, it takes more time and efforts to get data. Also, when the surveys for customers are carried out, it is

important to encourage customers to be active to do the survey. When it comes to the result of study, it is a challenge to minimize large data into small ones in a visualized way.

7.2 Further explorations  

Based on the result of study, further study could be focused on the content of designer input part. In terms of methodology that related to "what designer should do" and

"beware of" can be put in content. In addition, some tools of designing adaptable touchpoint can be innovated as well as tools for measuring adaptability in service design area.



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Appendix 1: Questionnaire for Customer survey about touchpoint at Helsinki Airport