• Ei tuloksia

Evaluation of the study and suggestions for the future

Overall, I am satisfied with how I conducted my study and how I wrote this report.

What increased the quality of my study, was that I had carefully thought through my interview questions beforehand (Hirsjärvi and Hurme 2017: 184). However, while I was conducting my interviews, I came up with even more interesting interview questions that I could have asked. Unfortunately, I had already conducted the first interviews and could not add new questions to the remaining interviews. I received answers to my research questions through my interview questions (Tuomi and Sarajärvi 2011: 162). As the interviews included, for example, questions about the participants’ co-teaching relationships, it is possible that they did not tell me everything, especially, their more negative experiences. The results could have been more reliable if I had used an anonymous questionnaire as my data collection method, but as I stated in chapter 3, it would have been challenging to find enough participants

for it. (Hirsjärvi and Hurme 2017: 186.) After all, I think that interviewing was the best possible method for this study. Through interviews, I received more detailed information than I would have through a questionnaire (Tuomi and Sarajärvi 2011:


I transcribed all the interviews by using a similar method, which made my data more reliable (Hirsjärvi and Hurme 2017: 185). When analyzing the results of this study, I was as objective as possible (Tuomi and Sarajärvi 2011: 136). The results would be more generalizable if the participants would have come from schools all around the Finland from different sized cities instead of almost all of them coming from the same area (Tuomi and Sarajärvi 2011: 140). When thinking about anonymity, it would have, also, been better if I had not chosen many teachers from the same school. I would have chosen my interviewees differently if I had had more time to collect them. While conducting this study, I, also, learnt that it is easier to receive interviewees to a study by asking them face-to-face, and that is a method I would have used more if I had known how effective it is.

I have written my report very carefully and ensured that there is no plagiarism in this report (Kuula 2015: 35). The results are, solely, based on the data collected in the interviews so I have not invented them (Kuula 34, 37). I have told about the phases of my study very thoroughly in chapter 3 so that the readers of this report can see how this study was conducted (Tuomi and Sarajärvi 2011: 141). Other aspects related to the ethics of this study are discussed more in chapter 3.

Looking at co-teaching from the point of view of language teaching was challenging because the participants stated that they did not see a substantial difference in co-teaching between different subjects. They had, only, experienced co-co-teaching in languages and could not, hence, compare it to co-teaching in other subjects.

Furthermore, it was difficult to find background information and previous research that would have been conducted from the point of view of language teaching. That is why this topic was, maybe, not the best possible for a master’s thesis in English and Swedish but, on the other hand, more research on the topic was needed. Master’s

theses are not intended to be scientifically significant, so the number of participants in this study was not in such level that the results could be generalized.

The topic of this study is important because there was not much research conducted on co-teaching from language teachers’ point of view previously. The results suggest that co-teaching suits language teaching well in language teachers’ opinion. The positivity that the participating English and Swedish teachers felt towards co-teaching could inspire more teachers to try co-teaching. The results of this study show that teachers should be provided with more planning time. Increased knowledge on teaching among administrators could help them to develop better conditions for co-teaching. There is, also, need for more education on co-teaching for language teachers.

Providing more information about co-teaching for teacher students and working language teachers could lead to more effective co-teaching. Some aspects that enable effective co-teaching and co-teaching relationship are discussed in the chapter 2.6.

In the future, co-teaching in languages could be studied, for example, through a questionnaire, as it might give different results than an interview. Another possibility would be to continue collecting data through interviews with a larger sample than in this study so that more generalizable data could be gathered. In this study, the participants were English and Swedish teachers, but the topic could be researched from the point of view of teachers of other languages, too.


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