• Ei tuloksia

The evaluation of the research process

This whole research process has been a valuable experience for me. It has certainly ignited a spark towards researching. Reflecting back, there are a couple of things I

probably would have done differently. First of all, in terms of the interviews, I could have divided the interviewed themes into more detailed sections, such as what does money mean to you in terms of wellbeing. However, would the questions then have been too dogmatic or leading? The wider layout of the issues enabled each participant to discuss relatively freely his or her own opinions and perceptions related to wellbeing.

Regarding the written thesis, the theoretical framework is extensive and as far as I am concerned, it offers a solid foundation for the wellbeing examination. Nevertheless, I could have connected the theory more closely to the actual research section.

One particular setback for me personally was that the data of one of the rehabilitation customers could not be transcribed and used for this study. That discussion included plenty of argumentation that would have been valuable for this research. It could have helped if I had taken notes during the interview or written a research diary right after the interview, which I did not do. However, not being able to apply one piece of the data did not affect the significance of the results of this study since the total sample was adequate. This missing part would have only deepened the interpretation. In addition to this technical difficulty, there were some challenges in finding participants for this study in order to interview customers from each three previously formed customer profiles. Ultimately, however, everything went smoothly.

The field of wellbeing tourism offers a great number of interesting research opportunities. This case study had a somewhat sociological perspective to the wellbeing tourism. The follow-up study could concentrate further on the marketing side. What are the most suitable marketing concepts in terms of promoting the wellbeing tourism services? How can these concepts be utilized in order to reach the right customer segments? In addition, the established wellbeing types could be studied in the context of marketing. What kind of a marketing mix fits best to each wellbeing type?

Since the focus is on the developing of the recreational tourist services and marketing, the recreational visitors could be researched more deeply in terms of the wellbeing services. In addition to overnight vacations and stays, Peurunka offers activities for the residents of the surrounding communities. How do these short-time visitors perceive wellbeing? What kinds of differences are there between the overnight tourists and the

visitors who participate for example in one group exercise class per week? Why do people come to Peurunka? How does age/gender/education/professional occupation affect the expectations of the wellbeing services? On the other hand, the random sample could be taken outside the premises of Peurunka, for example to Jyväskylä or Laukaa.

What do the people who have not visited Peurunka think of the wellbeing services they provide there? What are the preconceptions of Peurunka of a person who has not visited Peurunka?

At the beginning of this research, I would have described my perceptions of wellbeing as a combination of exercising, nutrition and the significant individuals. As I am now finishing the project after a year and a half, I would say that my perceptions have somewhat reformed. I am more aware of the dimensions of wellbeing, the reasons, the motivational factors, the consequences and the effects it has. It is not about certain factors or actions. It is the entirety that counts – and how you live with it. After all, I think wellbeing is to live a life that is good for you.

”Happiness is when you are satisfied with what you have. You don’t need to push yourself all the time to achieve something more. You can live happily in the present moment. You can have plans and dreams but not those obsessive thoughts that you have

to do something. (HT6)


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