• Ei tuloksia

Evaluation of the study and future research


6.2 Evaluation of the study and future research

The chosen theoretical framework and the method of analysis proved to be fruitful in analysing the data. Critical discourse analysis as a theory and method was a relevant selection regarding the analysis because it contextualizes social problems in texts.

Furthermore, I decided to apply two focal concepts of discourse studies, discourse, and genre, in this study because their axiom is that language is a variable, context-bound resource that constructs knowledge of social reality. Moreover, these concepts were central tools in making observations and conclusions on the research data. I believe that the detailed analysis of the linguistic and discursive level choices is a strength of this study. Moreover, I was able to identify if the findings were based on genre conventions and draw larger conclusions based on them. In addition, I would like to bring forward the utilization of the notion of rhizomes as a strength of this study. Since the tourism industry intertwines with many different processes, the idea of rhizomes facilitated both my own understanding of the discourses and their interconnectedness, and the description of the findings.

The main weakness of this study is the small size of data. Due to the extent of this study, the findings do not represent a comprehensive analysis of the discourses


related to Finnish Lapland as a tourist site. Since the data comes from one tour operator with a specific target group on the French-speaking Swiss tourists, the results of this study are not generalizable to other tour operators. For instance, the discursive construction of Nordic Finnish destinations can be different when the target group is Asian, British, or Swedish tourists. Furthermore, another limitation of this study is the ignorance of the multimodal material in the catalogue, i.e., I decided not to analyse the images of the catalogue. However, I was able to answer my research question without the examination of the images, which facilitated the decision of leaving out the images. Consequently, this study is limited in terms of its generalizability and its reliance on language use as the single mode of meaning making. Nevertheless, I was able to conduct a detailed and descriptive analysis of Kontiki’s winter travel catalogue and provide insight on how Finnish Lapland is marketed to a niche market of Swiss tourists.

The present study could be extended in various ways by expanding the research data. A multimodal study of the catalogue could reveal more about the representations of the arctic environment, its habitants, and the relationship constructed between the tourist and the locals. Moreover, it is possible to conduct a comparative analysis on the discursive constructions of Finnish Lapland, North of Norway, and Iceland in the catalogue. This type of analysis would certainly provide fruitful information on the tools used for differentiating the three arctic areas from each other. Furthermore, I believe that a comparative analysis of Kontiki’s previous and former winter travel catalogues could give some insight on how the changes and processes occurring in the tourism industry affect the discursive formations of the catalogues. Thus, the research material of this study as well as Kontiki’s materials in general offer various perspectives on carrying out research related to discursively constructed arctic regions from the viewpoint of a Central European tour operator.

This study has proven that a travel catalogue is a powerful tool for shaping conceptions, expectations and knowledge of a place and its inhabitants. Furthermore, the study gave some insight on how a travel catalogue of one tour operator is shaped to respond to the ongoing trends of the tourism industry. This power structure, in turn, brings forward the two-sided nature of discourses: they are both ways to talk, write and think, and a mechanism through which power is exercised and knowledge is constructed.



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