• Ei tuloksia

7. Main results & Conclusions

7.3 Evaluation & Suggestions for Future Research

This research acts as a base for further research regarding this female leadership in football. It gives further knowledge on the specific factors that influence female leaders’ careers in football

governance in two of the Nordic countries, Finland and Norway. Besides answering the need of single sport specific knowledge about women leaders in sport management and giving further information about women’s careers in sport context, the results are beneficial for the Finnish and Norwegian Football Associations in their actions becoming more gender equal.

Generalization of case studies is challenging as the aim is to deeply understand a phenomenon within its context rather than to create generalizations. However, the results of this multiple case study on the two case organizations were rather parallel, which strengthens the results of this research. This can be seen to increase transferability of the results. Same factors influence the possibilities of female leaders in the football associations of two Nordic countries. Therefore, it is presumable that a similar research conducted in another Nordic country, for instance in Sweden or in Denmark, can deliver similar results. In addition, similar results may be found on other masculine sport fields as in ice-hockey or on other masculine fields as in the metal industry. The obstacles women face in these masculine fields are presumably at least to some extent similar to those in this research. However further research is needed to make any greater generalizations or transferring of results.

This research was limited to consider only employed leaders and chiefs in NFF and SPL because of time and resource limitations. Interviews of employees who are not on the leading level but

pursuing to go forward on their careers may have delivered different views and more opinions regarding the factors hindering women’s careers. In addition, with a quantitative research method the informants could have felt more anonymous and freer to address their opinions and experiences.

However, as the number of leading level positions is low in both organizations the sample size may have been too small to deliver meaningful results.

The research process itself was challenging but educating. I as a rather novice researcher felt narrowing down the topic and theoretical framework especially challenging. In addition,

interviewing and succeeding to receive relevant and deep information in the interviews requires experience and skills that I as a master student have only a limited amount. However, I feel that the interviews were successful, and I was able to create the needed trust between the interviewees and myself. All in all, I feel that I was able to stick with my research plan, conduct the research with good research integrity and deliver meaningful results for my research questions and thus

experience the research process not only educating but also successful.

The topic of this research rarely studied, and more research is needed to study the specific characteristics of football and to study women’s leadership career in football context to deliver stronger and more generalizable results. An interesting field for further research is the football club level in both countries. This research indicated that women lack the right kind of football

experience from club level. Research is needed to see if the possibilities of women are equal to men on club levels. Another interesting direction for further research would be to study and compare the careers of female leaders in a traditionally feminine sport as gymnastics to football to see

differences and similarities with these two different contexts. What is the extent of influence of a traditionally masculine sport compared to a more feminine sport?


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