• Ei tuloksia

A series of experiments were conducted to form an understanding about the feasibility of convolutional neural networks to predict osteoporotic fractures from spine DXA images. The results show that CNN can learn patterns that predict osteoporotic frac-tures with diagnostic ability comparable to the current gold standard of BMD or the alternative method TBS. In our experiments the CNN prediction results outperformed the baseline by AUC 0.733 against BMD’s AUC 0.653 and TBS’s AUC 0.691. The best results of all the models are summarized in Table 5.10.

Table 5.10. Summary of the experiment results.

Model AUC

VGG19 0.733

VGG16 0.720

TBS 0.691

Deep custom model 0.687 Moderate custom model 0.681 Perceptron model 0.661 Shallow custom model 0.657

BMD 0.653

Both the perceptron model and the shallow custom model produced AUC very close to the BMD predictor. Therefore, it is assumable that the simpler models mostly just adapt to the input pixel intensities. The visualizations support this hypothesis by show-ing very fine-grained backpropagation maps and low contrast heatmaps.

The moderate and deep custom models seemed to learn something more, as they

out-patterns that had prediction ability for osteoporotic fractures. The visualizations show much clearer backpropagation maps and better focused heatmaps. The visualizations resemble the ones produced by the experiments predicting low TBS values, which supports the hypothesis of added textural analysis. TBS predicted osteoporotic frac-tures with slightly better AUC but very close to the deep model.

The pretrained models produced the best results in this study. They also converged faster than the custom models. The depth of fine-tuning did not have major effects on the results. The hypothesis is that their pretrained feature extraction capabilities were able to discriminate the classes with very little training, while further training quickly led to overfitting with a dataset significantly smaller than the pretraining set.

The visualization method proved to be helpful in interpreting the predictions, although it produced different results than expected. The expectation was that the models would learn to identify small signs of fracture risk. Instead, with custom models they learned wider patterns that possibly predict resistance to fractures. This can of course be seen as the other side of the same thing.

With pretrained models, the visualization results were difficult to interpret. Both the backpropagation maps and the heatmap varied too much to provide good transparency.

One possible explanation is that because the pretrained models have been trained with natural images very different from this dataset, they have learned to identify features that are not apparent in DXA images. Although these features may be useful for dis-criminating our classes, they may not appear visually so meaningful for human eye.

The results of low TBS prediction did not quite meet the expectations. The hypothesis was that CNN models would be well equipped to learn deterministic textural analysis methods. The best AUC of 0.820 was better than the prediction of osteoporotic frac-tures, but the problem should also be much easier to solve. In TBS prediction, all the information needed for the output calculation should be present in the input data. How-ever, this was not the main focus of this study, and not as much optimization effort was put into predicting TBS values.

small validation and test sets to leave enough samples for training. This compromises the credibility of the results to some extent. The variance in different randomly picked set distributions was quite high. Therefore, the reported prediction accuracies and AUC values have to be taken as indicative results. Conclusions should be drawn more about the magnitude relative to baseline rather than the precise value of the results.

The moderate level of the fracture prediction results was somewhat expected. The risk of osteoporotic fractures involves factors that most likely cannot be seen in DXA im-ages. For example, the risk of falling has major effect on the overall fracture risk (Patel

& al., 2005). Risk of falling in turn has factors such as muscle strength, eye sight and use of medications (WHO, 2003). On the other hand, skeleton’s resistance to fractures is largely based on bone strength, which can be predicted by many features visible in DXA images. Some of these features are known by medical experts, but some are most likely too difficult for human eye to detect. These are the kind of signs that could be revealed by statistical models like neural networks. It is difficult to estimate the highest possible prediction ability achievable by machine learning.

The results from our experiments consistently showed that increasing the depth of the network enables the model to learn more complex representations and improve the prediction. However, deeper models also require more input data since they are prone to overfitting. Data augmentation and different regularization techniques can mitigate this problem to some extent, but they do not remove the need for enough real-world samples. It is possible that with big enough datasets, the deep models could learn more detailed features and specific signs of fracture risk. With proper visualization methods this could even lead to new discoveries in the field of osteoporosis diagnosis.

6 Conclusions

This study presents introduction to artificial neural networks and deep learning that form the basis for convolutional neural network approach. Design possibilities in CNN architecture and the role of different hyperparameters is discussed. This theoretical background is put into test in the context of osteoporosis diagnosis. Predicting osteo-porotic fractures from spine DXA images is a difficult pattern recognition task that involves prediction of future events. Feasibility of CNN for this task was assessed experimentally by using two different approaches: training from scratch and transfer learning.

The experiments show that convolutional neural networks can be used with DXA im-age data to produce predictive ability different from the standard clinical methods cur-rently in use. However, due to limited amount of data and wide range of architectural possibilities, their true potential in this context remains to be unfolded. It is also likely that the DXA image analysis alone cannot provide the best fracture risk prediction, regardless of the model. It could contribute to more comprehensive prediction method that utilizes a wider set of input data to cover different aspects of the risk.

Using pretrained CNNs produced the best fracture prediction results in the experi-ments. The results support the advertised benefits of transfer learning, such as faster training speed and suitability for smaller datasets. On the other hand, the visualizations from the pretrained models were too confusing to draw conclusions. The custom mod-els produced less impressive results, but through clearer visualizations, they provided better transparency. This makes them very potential for further research.

Future study in this area should seek to exploit larger datasets and alternative image types. Hip images could be used together with spine images to gain better predictive ability. These images are usually taken in the same patient visits, so models based on the combination of these images would be also usable in practice. Another interesting aspect would be to add a longitudinal aspect to the input images. BMD values are often analyzed as trajectories over time, so similar approach could bring value to deep


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