• Ei tuloksia

This chapter will give a general overview of the whole work presented in previous chapters including a proposed solution to the energy needs by the farmers and the community of Pörtom.

The use of energy can not be overlook due to its significant contribution to a nation’s development. Using fossil fuels as energy sources has negative effects on the atmosphere; and because of these, many nations are sourcing for an alternative energy form, which will not contribute to the destruction of their environment at large.

However, that brings the thought about renewable energy; it can contribute to diversification of energy carriers for production of heat, fuels and electricity via the use of combination of production heat and power (CHP).

The purpose of this research was to look at the future of renewable energy in the dynamic of innovation. Also focus on how renewable energy influence technology innovation diffusion within the field of renewable energy. This research as well tries to find solution to energy problem encounter by greenhouse farmers and municipality occupants in the community of Pörtom.

In finding solutions to the problems stated above, this thesis tries to look into various research methods that are available. Due to the nature of this work, and the ways information such as data was collected from greenhouse farmers, operation analytical approach was then used for analysing the available data received.

The use of renewable energy was analysed and found to vary based on the availability of the source of energy within the locality where it is needed. There are various types of renewable energy sources namely hydropower, biomass, solar, wind, and geothermal.

All of these energy sources have different types of technology that goes along with them. In recent times, the growth in use of renewable energy as sources of energy has been on an increasing rate. These increments occur as a result of national and local

policies which have been in support of the growth of the adoption of the use of renewable energy. The adoption of renewable energy as energy source significantly depends on how the adopter opinion on the energy source compared to their needs and how innovative it is to them.

Using renewable energy as innovation source was reviewed by looking into the meaning of innovation as defined by different scholars. It was discovered that to some people innovation is regarded as newness. But the degree of the newness depends on the adoption and diffusion of the innovative technology. As for the greenhouse farmers of Pörtom and the user of the municipality building, the combination of power plant with heat generation and power (CHP) is new technology to the farmers and occupants of municipality building due to different technologies used by them. None of these farmers and occupants of municipality buildings generate electricity with their current used technology.

In conclusion there is an opportunity to use renewable energy as an innovation source in the community of Pörtom by building a power plant in Pörtom with the possibility to solve the energy problem of lead users and occupants of municipality buildings. The proposed power plant will then replace their current used oil-burners and give the lead users and municipality as a whole green energy at a competitive price. With regard to the present oil-market, it will also bring safety to the lead user with more sustainable energy and a cheaper energy prices for the future.

The proposed power plant is best located in north east of the community of Pörtom with capacity of supplying 8 MW of heat and 3.7 MW of electricity sold to the grid. Straw will be the main source of the renewable energy due to its availability in the community.


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Ring piping system

Appendix 2

Conventional piping system

Appendix 3

CHP Power plant location

Appendix 4

Emission downfall direction