• Ei tuloksia

This research has been considering young people’s migration alacrity on the basis of data which is situational and tied closely to a peripheral context. The data has shown that so-called “city-dwellers” as well are planning migration, but it was difficult to demonstrate that migration plans, in that case, are really a con-sequence of restricted local opportunity structures even in urban areas. Further-more, it is impossible to say whether the urban opportunity structure in periph-eral areas is restricted for reasons having to do with the division of labour, a lack of sufficient educational opportunities, political issues and geographical distances; or is it just a “discourse” connected to the peripheral location and a commonly adopted negative mentality towards northern areas. For this reason it would be valuable to study migration alacrity also in more central areas, e.g. in the southern parts of the respective countries, and to set the comparison between peripheral and central areas as a research target.

This research shows that there really might be two different types of urban areas: central urban areas, where respondents would like to migrate, and periph-eral urban areas, which are less tempting in the minds of young people. These areas represent totally different types of urban living environments. Though it is possible to talk about urban areas in general, local realities are not the same.

Also the local realities and decision making in these areas should be carefully taken on account. I would theorise that place experience and sense of place do not take the same shape in all urban areas of northern Europe: sense of place and the possibilities for individual future orientations differ among young people living in central and peripheral urban areas.

It can be assumed that young people in peripheral rural areas are aware their restricted possibilities for education and work, and possibly for self-development as well in their home district. They may regard the long distances between peo-ple and places as a hindrance to personal life politics. In central urban areas the savings in regular travel distances – with loved ones, family, siblings and friends easily reachable – might even offset the trouble of migrating. In central urban areas young people also benefit from centralisation. E.g. official decision making takes place geographically closer to them, among those who are more familiar with central urban problems and needs than with the priorities of rural, or even northern urban areas.

In this study most of the data has been collected in peripheral urban areas, suggesting that the majority of young people living in those urban areas as well have migration plans. At least the majority of those involved in this study tend to think that life would be better in the South or in more central places. This tells us

172 that the image of one’s own and other areas are significant. Urban areas located in the North, which is already regarded as peripheral, have mostly negative images, whereas far away places may possess positive, even slightly romanticised images. The dichotomies of north/south and centre/periphery do exist; as can clearly be seen in the opinions of these young people. The north/south dichotomy is not limited to the local environment and possibilities it is able to offer; it can also be seen in the opinions about other local residents.

People living in the North and in one’s local area there are sometimes seen as boring; but “the others”, living somewhere off in big cities and more urban areas, are sometimes regarded as suspicious and dishonest persons. These aspects of living environment affect young people’s place experience and sense of place, and the valuation process according to which young people are making their future plans. Therefore it would be important to investigate representations, origins and consequences of this obvious mental dichotomy.

This study has concentrated on issues which are important in relation to mi-gration alacrity and factors which increase young people’s mimi-gration plans. This has focused on things that are commonly regarded as reasons for migrations.

However, it could be also useful to concentrate on things that are usually re-garded as binding factors, and in this way on young people who do not have in-tend to migrate and who are willing to stay in their home regions. Those young people, “abiders” or “locals” whose interests in life and the future are locally orientated (Agnew 1993, 262), have been a minority in this research, but that does not make them uninteresting. On the contrary, results of a study concen-trating on “abiders” could give valuable information about local communities in the light of those factors which are binding young people to their home districts.

Such research data would offer scholars and youth work professionals an ap-proach to this question which, if not tackling the matter holistically, would at least offer a good and informative start for further investigations, data collection and research projects (See Soininen 2002).

The research setting of this study opens a variety of new directions for new research tasks. This study also shows that there would also be a need for using other methods in investigating young people’s migration alacrity. For example, using qualitative material, which could be collected in interviews or which could be produced by young people themselves, e.g. in essays, could open up an understanding of more personal reasons for migration alacrity. Even though the research setting and the data collecting methods used in this research have been successful, I believe that research into migration and migration alacrity could still benefit from a more personal approach, avoiding surveys and having more direct contact with respondents. There is always a risk of misunderstanding and certain effects of the chain of representation (see chapter 3.4) in using structured questionnaires. Those risks could be avoided by using qualitatively oriented methods, e.g. methods which take advantage of interviews or personal narratives.

Personal narratives could be an interesting way to research migration alacrity, in that “narratives are representations” and individuals construct past events and experiences in personal narratives to claim identities and construct images (Riessman 1993, 2). The use of narratives as research data would benefit from understanding migration and migration alacrity as a significant part of the potential migrant’s biography (Halfacree & Boyle 1993, 337). Thus narratives

173 could be useful in the process of identifying young people’s representations of their place of residence and living environment, which are being used in the construction of their life politics, future orientations and perhaps their personal migration plans.



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