7 Discussion and Concluding Remarks
7.4 Directions for Future Research
On the grounds of this study, some recommendations for future research concerning stakeholder collaboration in place marketing can be provided.
Firstly, this study revealed the importance of the antecedents of the collaboration for its communicative and power dynamics. While
unbalanced power dynamics cannot be avoided, this approach can belp to understand their relevant source, and facilitate in mitigating the negative effects which they may have on the collaboration. In this sense, future studies interested in power dynamics in place marketing collaborations should pay closer attention to the discursive antecedents on which place marketing collaborations are built. The legitimation strategies studied here are one angle to study the antecedents of the collaboration, but there are also alternative approaches. For example, the language and practices of consultants who provide assistance for planning and executing place marketing projects can be considered as a powerful transmitter of discourses. In a like manner, academia can also be considered as an influental transmitter of discourses, because the consultants often apply academic research in their work.
Secondly, while this study has illustrated the influence that dominant discourses have on the power dynamics of the collaboration, it needs to be stressed that discourses do not determine how the dynamics of the collaboration play out. Participants can question, criticise and bring alternative antecedents to the collaboration, which can subsequently lead to different dynamics. However, this can only come into frution if these
viewpoints are properly represented in the collaboration. In this sense, engaging participants with alternative viewpoints can be beneficial for challenging taken-for-granted assumptions, as opposed to a group of highly homogeneous participants with highly similar discursive resources.
This can also be considered a good practice for increasing the democratic legitimacy of place marketing activities (Eshuis and Edwards, 2013),
and allow more democratic forms of place marketing to emerge. In this sense, future research that is interested in the inclusive aspects of place marketing should address the role of more marginal groups and counter-discourses in place marketing collaborations.
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Journal of Place Management and Development
Discursive construction of the legitimacy of a place marketing project: the case of North Karelia
Juha Halme
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Discursive construction of the legitimacy of a place marketing project: the case of North Karelia
Juha Halme
Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
Purpose –The purpose of this paper is to theoretically explain the significance of discourse for the
Purpose –The purpose of this paper is to theoretically explain the significance of discourse for the