• Ei tuloksia

Directions for future research

emanate from the products naturally.

One of the main concerns towards scent marketing was how it affects people with allergies or who are oversensitive towards chemicals. Retailers and companies can address this issue with an open approach towards scent marketing. Explaining the methods how scent marketing is used and that the chemicals used in scent marketing meet the regulations and are not harmful can reduce the risks of scent marketing, and in turn, make consumers more acceptable towards the use of scents in retail environment.

6.3 Limitations  

The research was be conducted among the Finnish consumers, and thus, is only applicable in the Finnish markets. Scents have cultural meaning where as national culture has an effect on the consumer’s attitude towards advertising. This creates a situation where the results of the study can not be transferred directly into another country and another culture. It should also be noted, that not all Finns are ethnically similar and have similar cultural background, as Finland also has sub-cultures, such as the Sami people, or the more recent cultural groups created by increased immigration. Due to the cultural background of these groups, their opinions and perceptions might differ from the sample group’s opinions and perceptions and should be noted as a limitation of the study.

6.4 Directions for future research  

Scent marketing is a new marketing method and there is a lack of research on many different areas of the method. This research has shown that consumers seem to have a positive opinion towards the use of scent marketing. A larger scale research on consumer opinions of the topic could give more information on the use of scent marketing both for companies and consumers. Currently, it seems that there are a lot of misunderstandings on the scent marketing. Companies seem to think that consumers would not like the use of scent marketing and

consumers in turn are worried about its effects, especially on allergic people. With a larger research that would provide information on what consumers think about the use of scent marketing, companies could be more willing to use the method, which could give the industry a boost in the Finnish markets.

For the industry to grow in the Finnish markets, a research on how scents affect consumers and whether it can increase the sales are needed. There aren’t really researches on how much scent marketing has affected the sales, thus, companies lack the information of scent marketing’s benefits. A method that is difficult to justify is also difficult to execute, thus, factual data on scent marketing’s effects on sales could increase companies willingness to use scent marketing.




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