• Ei tuloksia

For a company with no experience from social networking sites, the first thing to do in order to be able to set any objectives is to find out information about the metrics of social networking sites which can be used for measuring marketing performance. Mega started its objective determining phase by investigating what metrics are generally used for measuring marketing in social networking sites.

After this the management and marketing personnel was gathered for a meeting to

decide what metrics would be the most useful ones for the company. Based on the discussions of the meeting (see attachment 3), the goals were set for each month and also in a longer period of time. The six main objectives for Mega are presented in the figure 9. These objectives are good and simple way to start measuring the performance. In the future the company can set even more detailed objectives once it has increased its experience in using social networking sites as a part of marketing communications. As the objectives gets more detailed, marketing can be designed more effectively which helps to develop and improve overall social media operations. Evaluating the relevancy of the objectives at least few times a year helps developing marketing in social networking sites to a wanted direction.

Figure 9. Mega's main objectives for marketing in social networking sites

Once the profiles and company pages have been created, the first step is to increase users’ awareness of the company and get followers for the profiles. It is always important to try to increase the amount of followers and share content that will help to do so. Interesting content helps to keep the current followers and attract new users to visit the profile and follow the company. One objective for Mega is to increase the amount of followers and fans every month in every used site, even with one follower each month. Besides increasing followers, the company wants to engage their followers with the brand. This means that the

company is constantly following the success of shared content and trying to see which kinds of posts are the most attractive ones and have the biggest reach. It is important for the company to be active to constantly keep a certain level of impressions, clicks, engagement and page visits each month. The ideal situation is to have every post liked, clicked, shared and commented by users. Besides increasing visits and followers to Mega’s social networking site profiles, it is also important to increase the traffic to company’s web page and web shop. By following the traffic sources of the web site and web shop with the help of Google Analytics service it is possible to see how well users are finding these web sites through social media profiles.

One major objective besides the ones presented before, is to increase the word of mouth among current and potential customers and followers, and this way to increase the reach of company’s marketing communications. Mega’s objective is, eventually, to have followers who are actively commenting and sharing the content posted by Mega within their own social network and this way increasing the awareness of other users about Mega Electronics. Not all of those who are reached by company’s marketing communications need to be from Mega’s target audience. It is important to remember that even though someone is not from Mega’s target audience, it does not mean that this person does not know anyone who would be interested in the company and its products. This means, that even if the post or message reaches people who are not interested in Mega or its products, they can still be valuable for the company as they may spread the information inside their own social network which may include even several people from company’s target audience. Moreover, with the posts and shared content Mega aims to enhance the image of the company as professional and high quality medical device company. When followers are getting more engaged, Mega’s one objective is to utilize social networking sites when the company is launching a new generation heart rate variability product to the markets. When Mega has been able to increase visibility of the company in social media, it can use its channels for marketing these new innovative products and this way reach and get closer to more people from the target audience and thus, it is able to increase interaction

between the company and its customers. “In the future, one goal is to create a useful forum for new product info and creative ideas where active customer groups can become a part of company’s developing processes and Mega can create deeper commitment into that certain product area” says Mega’s CEO, Mr.

Arto Remes.

Increasing sales through social media marketing is also one objective for the company. But as it has been said, when making marketing in social media, one should not concentrate too much on the direct sales or purchases received through social media communications, but more on the amount of interaction and engagement rates the company is able to create through its actions in social networking sites. Awareness and engagement of followers and customers, and spreading the information among them can be seen even more valuable for the company than immediate sales. High engagement rates and spreading of information can lead to new long-term customer relationships, partnerships with new distributors and thus, increased sales in the long run.