• Ei tuloksia

Critical examination of the study and future research suggestions

As with the majority of studies, the design of the current study is subject to limitations. First, even though the researcher was able to deeper and in more detail analyze the stories and answers of the case companies, this study is lacking the interviewed material as only 9 interviews were conducted, among those only 5 of them were the service SMEs internationalizing to Russia. It was a challenge to find SMEs that are doing business in Russia in a good scale (several potential interviewees refused to participate because they did not have enough experience in the Russian market or failed with international activities there). Obviously, broader amount of interviews and stories of case firms would have given more information to be able to make generalizations on the topic and give more practical outcome reinforced by real examples. Second, case firms were from different service sectors and industries, therefore it is difficult to generalize the internalization process of the Finnish service SMEs. So, each case is unique and all the Finnish SMEs do not face the same challenges ((e.g.

for high-tech industries language barrier can be mild in comparison to traditional industries) or succeed with the same recommendations. However, based on the stories described regarding internalization process, motivational factors, difficulties, entry mode selection, doing business in Russia, etc., lessons can be learnt and practices can be applied in the future attempts to penetrate and succeed in the Russian market. Third, due to the fact that author used semi-structured interviews and most of the questions required an “open” answer, next limitation is objectivity. Interviewees were giving their personal opinions so they might pointed out the facts (e.g. challenges) that are important to them


but not necessarily applicable for every SME. Fourth, the interviewer has Russians nationality and even though interviewees were asked to answer honestly, especially about the cultural differences, the answers might be not


Eriksson & Kovalainen (2008) claims that basic (classic) framework for the evaluation of qualitative studies is built upon three main evaluation criteria – validity, reliability and generalizability. Validity might be tricky to asses as qualitative research is subjective by nature and includes interactions between humans. One measure of validity can be asking questions, e.g. “can I trust these findings?” or “are conclusions giving an accurate explanations of the situation?” Validity is a concept that aims to prove to readers and the researcher that descriptions and explanations are correct, so it is very important that findings should be certain and be based on evidence (Eriksson & Kovalainen, 2008). Two groups of interviewees helped to gain different perspectives on the internalization process. First, co-founders/CEOs or main decision makers for the process of internalization acted as representatives of the case companies.

These people are the ones who not only know all the processes but also were the ones knowing at first hand why and how all the decisions were made.

Second, consultants that have vast experience and insights from this field supported respondents‟ points of view. Moreover, the researcher was using credible and reliable data that comes from official sources and databases. Topics selected for the discussion of the results were based on the theories presented in the theoretical background as well as recurring themes that were coming up frequently by the interviewees. Besides, topics that were initially intended to be studied were actually studies as author aimed to gain perspectives and experiences of real companies with internalization process to the Russian market.

Reliability makes sure that another researcher is able to replicate the study and find similar conclusions (Eriksson & Kovalainen, 2008). Because only nine case companies were studied, it is possible that other researchers might get slightly different results and descriptions; however, author of this study found several studies about internalization of Europeans SMEs to Russia and many observations are similar with current study; furthermore, the same patters are seen between the answers of case companies and experts. Therefore, if the same study is set, it is unlikely that it will bring exactly identical findings to the current research, but it is highly likely that similar results will be discovered.

For the future research, it would be curious to make a research using bigger number of case companies structured by service sectors and industries, so that intra-industry differences would be taken into consideration as well as analyzed how these differences could impact the internalization process of these firms. Moreover, future research could examine, in more detail, what models of internalization and entry modes certain services follow. Another point is that further studies can focus on the individuals influence and their networks in the process of internalization. Furthermore, it would be worth studying Scandinavian service SMEs as they have a lot of similarities with Finnish firms. Also, future research may build on the findings of this study by


finding how certain entry mode help to deal with the challenges inherent to the Russian market.



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I. Interview questions for Finnish SMEs

I. Interview questions for Finnish SMEs operating in Russia Background:

1) What is your position and your main tasks in the company?

2) Could you tell me something about the company and its history?

a) When it was established?

b) What is the main area of business and main products/services?

c) Previous experience in international business activities: What markets it covers?

d) When did the company internationalized for the first time? Where and why?

e) How many employees works in the company?

f) Does annual turnover exceed EUR 50 million, or an annual balance-sheet total exceed EUR 43 million?

Internalization to Russia:

1) When did the company entered Russian market? (to which cities?)

2) What are the motivational factors for entering the market? Why the firm decided to internationalize? Why did the company find Russian market attractive?

a) Following the customer?

b) Market potential?

3) What were the goals of this internalization?

4) Describe the process of internalization to Russia? What were the stages?

4) Describe the process of internalization to Russia? What were the stages?