• Ei tuloksia

EDI and ERP systems have been used widely in industrial manufacturers. They placed an essential role in the logistics and supply chain management tracking network, in which they have been providing an effective and efficient approach for exchanging data amongst trading partners and used as a central platform of many IS systems in the supply chain network. The integration of EDI and ERP systems has been considered as the key factor in the sustainable development because they can help companies increase the flexibility and responsiveness significantly as well as reducing the cost of business operations. The paper has pointed out both advantages and disadvantages of the integration. Alternative approaches are also introduced to give manufacturers more options in choosing the most suitable implementation plan. Further research can be applied on the implementation of EDI and ERP systems separately so that they can be interconnected without using the mediate platform.

The implications of the research paper are immense in the logistics technology management perspective. It is always needed to applied innovative technologies in business operations to enhance the productivity and to gain competitive advantage. The productivity of the logistics manufacturers highly depends on the behavior of their respective supply networks. Safe, error free and on time delivery of the raw materials, components or parts contribute to the scheduled manufacturing/assembly operations. In order to ensure these environments, delivery shipments needed to be tracked and traced with regular interval and the value of business operations such as purchasing or ordering has to be increased by utilizing the benefits of information systems in daily activities (Shamsuzzoha et al., 2011).

To support the requirements, there is no single technology rather than a combination of various systems and processes. From LogTrack project, we can conclude that the future system should at least include the following aspects:

 Information from different sources should be collected into a centralized location and provided based on requests of participants involved.

 Development of integration systems between manufacturing company and its suppliers and transport companies is requisite. Different standards and technologies can be employed such as EDI, AIS, XML based web-service, etc.

 Use of tracking devices for expensive goods is needed.

 Transaction monitoring system on each event during the logistics chain can be implemented by using RFID and bar code systems.

 Visualization of supply chain within portal can be achieved by using Google Maps and other technologies.

Although the mediate platform has been proven that it was working properly in LogTrack project, it is still necessary to carry out more real pilot cases in order to test the reliability and scalability of the system. More customers, suppliers and industrial manufacturers need to be involved to increase the credibility of the solution.

On the whole, the system has a huge impact on the logistics and supply chain management tracking network, especially on the case company. Although it is highly fashionable to hire outside transport companies to handle company’s logistics needs, the issue is more complicated when it comes to the global manufacturing due to the separated inbound and outbound flows of goods. Therefore, such a system is totally necessary and suitable for the case company. The cost for implementation might be a lot, yet the payback period should be short because of all the advantages and benefits it can bring back. For example, the system does not only ensure the safety and timely arrival of one of the most expensive and important piece of equipment shipped, the engine, but also enhance the customer satisfaction. Frequent updates on the progress of shipment can be easily achieved using this tracking system. It is not limited by the type of carrier, either on truck or vessel, and that is a remarkable improvement comparing to other tracking systems (e.g. DHL, UPS etc.). In addition, lots of time and efforts when switching between different input sources can be saved when combining all the information into one centralized location, the portal. Company’s managers and suppliers do not have to log into their ERP system as information about projects and shipments are already presented in the system in a user-friendly way.

Last but not least, the idea of such a system can be applied in any logistics companies. To illustrate, the implementation of checkpoint system using RFID and bar code systems which is presented in this paper can be used as the basic approach/principles for logistics companies which want to utilize disruptive innovations such as RFID in their tracking system.


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