• Ei tuloksia

Conclusions and recommendations

In this work, gamma spectrometry, X-ray radiography, and gamma and X-ray tomography methods have been reviewed. Related to the X-ray tomography, MODHERATO simulations have been performed by the author.

Gamma spectrometry, radiography, and gamma and X-ray tomography are promising examination methods for understanding fuel behaviour under normal, transient and accident conditions. Gamma spectrometry and tomography are also important methods in safeguards and verification of nuclear fuel.

Due to properties of irradiated nuclear fuel and the type of its gamma emitters, a rather complex implementation is required, both for the acquisition of spectra and their analysis and interpretation.


Semiconductor detectors are commercial products and manufacturers do not have interest to develop detector only for measurements of irradiated nuclear fuel because these measurements represents a minority of the gamma spectrometry measurements.

Large number of peaks from different decays makes high resolution desirable in order to select the decay of interest. An optimum would be to use detectors with high resolution and high peak efficiency together with spectroscopic analysis. However, both high resolution and high peak efficiency may be difficult to achieve in practice.

In gamma emission measurements HPGe detectors are superior due to their high energy resolution. In X-ray transmission measurements, good high speed particle detection efficiency is desirable. Recent development of

semiconductor compound detectors has shown that their characteristics are excellent for X-ray transmission measurements. For example, the high electron mobility in GaAs, offers the prospect of high speed particle detection and signal processing.


Typically the collimator is made of iron or steel because of their low cost.

However there are better collimator materials available e.g. tungsten due to its much higher atomic number.

Mechanical bench

The nuclear fuel to be measured should be positioned laterally and angularly with accuracy within a few millimeters and one degree. These requirements are challenging to the design of the mechanical bench. Excellent performances of the detector and the X-ray source will be forfeited if the accuracy of the mechanical bench is poor. Accurate design should be emphasized.

Image reconstruction

At the moment the filtered backprojection method is the best mathematical reconstruction method available for tomography of nuclear fuel. However there are also other image reconstruction methods that can be used for the tomography of the nuclear fuel, e.g. statistical maximum likelihood and maximum entropy methods, which are needed if the measured data contains a lot of noise.

Good scanner design, careful positioning of the object and optimum selection of scan parameters can minimise the artifacts present in an image.


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