• Ei tuloksia



Even considering all the advances reached in this area, for computers to recognize, identify, and synthesize emotions in real life remains science fiction at the moment. Nevertheless, this is a possibility that is being refined today. As shown, the application of affective techniques in assistive technology systems to enhance the rehabilitation of, integration of, and communication among people with disabilities is very promising. Most of the efforts so far have been centered in unimodal and unistage interaction; however, there are also studies related to multimodal interactions.

In particular, the work presented in this paper shows that affective mediation may serve to transmit information through mediation systems. This therefore enhances the user’s expressive features (by text and speech) and his/her ability to recognize and model messages.

Gestele adds information related to the user’s affects and to the style of conversation even over the telephone, thanks to the associated speech synthesizer that modifies various basic prosodic parameters. In order to minimize the effort required by the users to inform their interlocutors about their current emotional state, the model has been designed to adapt automatically, depending on the words used in the conversation. Such a modeling component must be improved and tested with end users (mobility- and speech-impaired people) in the future. Furthermore, other ways for the automatic recognition of user affect are being designed within the many projects LHCISN is involved in. The above-mentioned alternative ways will embrace the rest of the systems of the Lang’s (1984) bio-information model, that is, behavioral (facial gestures, speech prosody, etc.) and physiological responses (heart rate, skin conductance, etc.).

Finally, we are working on developing a decision model that allows for integrating and interpreting information taken from diverse sources (e.g., speech, facial gesture, and heart rate), as found in Obrenovic, Garay, López, Fajardo, & Cearreta (2005). Such a significant step is a huge challenge, as little work has been done on how the three response systems described by Lang (verbal, behavioral, and physiological) interact among themselves. From another point of view, the applied research itself may make the basic research easier.


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Garay, Cearreta, López, & Fajardo

3. This variable was introduced as the recommended ranges of each parameter, for each emotional state is wide and variations in the selected values or combination of values could affect the efficiency of the comprehension of such an emotional state.


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Authors’ Note

The involved work has received financial support from the Department of Economy of the local government

“Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia.”

All Correspondence should be addressed to:

Nestor Garay

Laboratory of Human–Computer Interaction for Special Needs Computer Science Faculty, University of the Basque Country Manuel Lardizabal 1; E-20018 Donostia (Gipuzkoa). Spain e-mail: nestor.garay@ehu.es

Human Technology: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments ISSN 1795-6889


An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments ISSN: 1795-6889 www.humantechnology.jyu.fi Volume 2 (1), April 2006, 84–102


Abstract: This paper explores how we designed, with input from some elderly persons, a multi-agent user-controlled network for the home. The system was designed to support the elderly in living longer at home with minimal support. We describe how our work attempts to tackle issues such as privacy, control of personal space, and enjoyment within the home. As the number of elderly individuals’ increases, a certain amount of information gathering or support may be required to assist the elderly in their homes. However, we strongly believe that we should preserve people’s privacy in their homes and ensure that any artifact we propose is seen as enjoyable, aesthetically pleasing and, most importantly, not stigmatizing.

We describe in this paper how a lightweight setup, using a multimodal mobile robot, a PDA, and an interactive television, can assist the elderly in the home in an enjoyable and unobtrusive way.

Keywords: interactive television, ubiquitous computing, information interface, elderly.


The aging of Europe’s population (by 2020, more than 25% of Europeans will be aged 60+;

Lutz, O’Neill, & Scherbov, 2003) will have a dramatic effect not only on our societies but also on technology and product development. This trend will influence the design of high-tech commodities and information and communications technologies (ICTs), such as mobile devices. In addition, the desire of older people to live in their own homes and the decline in institutional living, will drive a growing demand for solutions that allow for aging in place1 (Corso, 1977). Home solutions based on mobile and stationary ICTs (such as our proposed system) have the potential to satisfy this demand by aiding people in coping with everyday life and supporting their integration into society.

© 2006 Lynne Baillie & Raimund Schatz, and the Agora Center, University of Jyväskylä URN:NBN:fi:jyu-2006160

Raimund Schatz Telecommunications Research

Center, Vienna Austria Lynne Baillie

Telecommunications Research Center, Vienna


A Lightweight, User-Controlled System for the Home

The Telecommunications Research Center (Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien [FTW]) in Vienna, Austria, is involved in various scientific endeavors, one of which is to investigate and develop multimodal interfaces for mobile devices for next-generation telecommunications. Several partner companies of FTW were interested in building a lightweight, user-controlled network for the home. They envisaged a quite utilitarian design for this environment, which would borrow ideas and elements from existing “smart” homes and similar environments. In contrast to this vision, however, some user-centered design experts believe that technology for the home should be part polemic, part science, part serious, and part fun (Norman, 1988).

Therefore, a better solution for low-level home monitoring2 may result from undertaking user studies and gaining experience and knowledge from elderly people in their homes. We would like to mention at this point that we did not intend for our resulting design or system to be used by people who have high care needs. This can be done much better with a system of the type suggested by Dewsbury, Taylor, and Edge (2002).