• Ei tuloksia

Different fMRI modalities, including phMRI and rsfMRI, have unarguably made a significant impact on brain research during the last two decades. This was further supported by the present work, where it was shown that with simple optimization steps (I, II) preclinical fMRI is indeed a powerful brain research tool that can have a significant impact on drug development (III) and subsequently on clinical environment. In summary, the present work suggests that

I) URE may be the best anesthetic for preclinical phMRI experiments, if the recovery of the animal from experiment is not required. BOLD responses to nicotine under URE anesthesia were similar to those reported in conscious animals, and were well associated with electrophysiological activity and nAChR distribution. If recovery or follow-up studies are required, then ISO and MED (or their combination) may represent the best alternatives.

II) the preclinical rsfMRI acquisition can provide invaluable information related to the brain responsiveness during anesthesia. This information can be exploited in both fMRI study design and data interpretation, as resting-state acquisition can follow the progression of anesthesia, and subsequently the progression and level of responsiveness to external stimuli.

Negligible or unexpected responses can possibly be explained with the fluctuating level of functional connectivity during the experiments.

III) the preclinical phMRI and rsfMRI methods can detect distinct changes in brain activity and connectivity after acute PCP administration, which resemble the chronic pathophysiological changes observed in patients with SCZ. Additionally, the preclinical neuroimaging measures display a good correspondence with the in vivo microdialysis data and behavioral tests. It was shown, that by optimizing the dose of phencyclidine, different SCZ-like symptom classes can be highlighted in animal model of SCZ. This information can be directly exploited in the preclinical testing of the effects of novel drug candidates for SCZ.

Despite recent progress, the full potential of preclinical (or clinical) fMRI has surely still not been reached, and there are still many methodological improvements to be expected. For instance, one possibility is to try combinations of different anesthetics and doses to minimize the effect of anesthesia, as well as finding novel ways to optimize fMRI contrast or parameters by developing improved imaging sequences, and development of more sophisticated MRI hardware for better temporal/spatial resolution. Other options would be to devise robust awake animal imaging setups, or improve rsfMRI/phMRI data preprocessing and analysis methods. Additionally, the exact neurobiological sources and mechanisms underpinning the fMRI signal, especially rsfMRI signal, are still far from being clear, which hinders the fMRI data interpretation. These are only some of the methodological possibilities, and their achievement will require extensive cooperation across disciplines and between many research groups. Additionally, experts in neurobiology, neurology, and neuropharmacology should be challenged to pose the most interesting questions to focus the evolution of the fMRI technique; it could be argued that advances in fMRI may provide revolutionary insights how healthy brain functions and reveal causes of many devastating neurological diseases.

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