• Ei tuloksia

In conclusion, we had seven primary outcomes in our study; Firstly, all accuracy scores indicated a higher performance profile for the music genre task than music mood. Secondly, sub-band entropy ranked first in both feature selection methods (semi-manual and automatic), outperformed the MFCCs and all SB-Features in both music genre and music mood tasks. In GTZAN each band feature (except SB-ZCR) outperformed the MFCCs. Third, all sub-band features displayed a smaller tendency to overfit than the MFCCs. Fourth, semi-manual selection (Top 2 features) outperformed automatic feature selection (information gain) in both tasks. Fifth, semi-manual selection outranked all other models when considering an average rank between testing accuracy, artist filter testing accuracy, dimensionality and overfitting indicators. Fifth, music genre artist filtered models performed lower than non-filtered models with feature set rankings differing between the two. Six, music genre automatic artist filter partitioning performed similarly to studies with manual partitioning. Seven, information gain feature selection focused on different spectral regions for each task, octave 10 (12800 – 22050 Hz) was most relevant for music genre and octave 4 (200 – 400 Hz) for music mood.

Future research could focus on the efficacy of the band features, and especially the sub-band entropy in other classification tasks where spectral features are relevant; Such tasks include audio tag classification, artist identification, audio and music similarity estimation, structural segmentation, audio fingerprinting, and speech analysis. In addition, SB-Entropy, SB-Skewness, SB-Kurtosis and SB-ZCR have not been perceptually validated which remains an open question. An additional approach for future research would be the development of the sub-band concept with different features, filter designs, windowing methods and filter orders.

Such an approach might bring forth potentially novel and beneficial features. Finally, other

cultural contexts such as classification tasks with non-western music could further broaden the scope of evaluation and provide an extended perspective for the sub-band features.

Future research on the dataset level (GTZAN, PandaMood) would greatly benefit from a standardized approach to evaluation. The state of evaluation is deeply inconsistent within and between each task. The central gap in evaluation derives from the lack of, fault checking, common figures of merit, reported training errors, aggregate ranks and artist filtering. These discrepancies halt steady development in both tasks and limit the comparative scope between classification systems.


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