• Ei tuloksia

8 Limitations of the research and future suggestions

Though yielded relatively sufficient results, there are a number of limitations observed by the author while making this study. First and foremost, due to the limitation of time and resources, the author did not convert variables used in the online survey into their local meaning for each region. Hence, with the diversity of participants, there can be cases in which participants from different countries provide different answers due to their own interpretation of the survey, which may affect the final result. The author believes that in the future, it will be interesting to have specific studies on the perception of consumers in different parts of the world regarding brand personality.

Secondly, with the lack of access to the recent literature on the topic, some information used in the literature review stage, which is the foundation of this research theoretical framework, might be outdated. This restricted the options available for the author when constructing the theoretical part of the research, which may impact the relevance of the research outcome.

In addition, this research examines the impacts of brand personality on purchase intentions using participants' familiar or preferred brands. This leaves a favorable attitude from participants, which may influence their answers in the survey.

Therefore, it will be interesting to see how people's purchase intentions might be impacted by a foreign brand personality profile.


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