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The main aims of this thesis were to characterize the anxiety- and depression-like phenotypes of TrkB signaling-deficient mice (TrkB.T1), to examine the role of BDNF-TrkB signaling in the antidepressant-like effects of ketamine and other glutamatergic drugs, to study the network theory of ADs in a mouse fear extinction paradigm and to investigate the behavioral effects of adult fluoxetine treatment in mice exposed to fluoxetine early in life. Based on the results obtained, the main conclusions are as follows:

I. The phenotype of TrkB.T1 mice is characterized by decreased spontaneous activity, indifference to the surrounding environment or novel objects, increased behavioral despair and a lack of motivation, with some similarities with BDNF(+/-)mice. Therefore, TrkB.T1 mice may serve as a rodent model of depression.

II. Both ketamine and the AMPA potentiator LY451646 induced antidepressant-like effects in WT and BDNF(+/-)mice. Furthermore, neither ketamine nor LY 451646 affected the levels of phosphorylated-Trk or BDNF protein. These results indicate that the antidepressant effect of glutamatergic drugs may be independent of BDNF-TrkB signaling.

III. Early postnatal fluoxetine exposure resulted in long-lasting behavioral alterations in adult mice. When given again in adulthood, chronic fluoxetine treatment rescued some of these behavioral changes. These results demonstrate that ADs may have long-lasting effects on infants and children that should be considered when formulating treatment recommendations. More importantly, we determined that these changes may be recovered with adult AD treatment.

IV. The initiation of fluoxetine treatment before or after fear conditioning facilitated long-lasting fear extinction in adult mice. Furthermore, neither fluoxetine nor extinction training alone produced permanent fear memory erasures; both were needed for a long-lasting effect.

These findings suggest that fluoxetine can also open developmental-like plasticity in the fear circuitry of adult mice, leading to the permanent reformation of fear responses.

Taken as a whole, these findings strengthen the previous hypothesis that BDNF and TrkB signaling are involved in phenomena associated with depression and, more specifically, to the mechanism of action of ADs. Furthermore, the AD fluoxetine, when used in combination with an environmental stimulus, can facilitate long-lasting changes in the neuronal network. Finally, our results suggest that there might be other fast-acting ADs with a mechanism of action other than BDNF-TrkB signaling.


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