• Ei tuloksia

Much of the everyday work includes collaboration and co-operation. In addition, the mobility of the work is becoming increasingly important in the globalizing world. Therefore, the required collaboration tools, such as a group calendar should also be available when the users are moving around. In order to approach this challenge, a concept for mobile peer-to-peer collaboration platform was described in this thesis. By using the individual devices as the information sources in collaborative applications the information is always up-to-date and usable. In addition, storing this information locally and sharing it when needed will avoid the need for data synchronization to keep the information updated.

Moreover, this way it is possible to benefit from the implicit use of mobile devices for personal information management in a collaborative manner.

To enable this concept, some emerging technologies were consulted during the work. It was discovered that the Web technologies provide a distributed, extendible and flexible architecture for loosely coupled systems, thus they give a suitable platform for building collaboration tools as well [Jerstad et al., 2005].

They also provide an interoperable platform that can be used via a variety of devices. Therefore the proposed approach is to use lightweight Web services for mobile collaboration. The collaboration is done directly between mobile devices in a distributed manner without the need for centralized information storage. Therefore the hypothesis formed to be that the available Web technologies can be used to enhance mobile collaboration.

After these background investigations, concept architecture was designed.

The main goals for the design were to meet the requirements for a mobile collaborative system, as well as to comply with the requirements for Web services architecture. These requirements served as the basis when formalizing the proposed approach. To realize this, a set of novel requirements for mobile peer-to-peer collaboration platform was created. After the architectural design, the concept needed to be proven by implementation. This implementation linked the concept better with the current technological developments. It also worked as the testing ground for the limitations and constraints in the application domain. The prototype system also enabled the testing with end-user’s in order to get the valuable feedback for future development. As an overall result the concept was proven feasible by an end-user study.

As a summary of the work, the main contribution in this thesis has been to design and implement a platform for mobile collaborative work using the

emerging Web technologies. With a combination of constructive and empirical research methods, the approach was considered feasible and the hypothesis was proved correct. Therefore, it can be claimed that this work has successfully introduced and evaluated a novel concept for enhancing mobile collaboration.

Although it can be concluded that much of the work in this thesis was done on the implementation task for realizing the concept, most of the actual innovation was done on the formalization of the concept. The main challenge in the work has been to combine knowledge from the wide range of related work.

Moreover, now when the technology is available, tested and ready to use, the challenge is to find the right direction where to use, extend and improve it.


I would like to thank my instructor Dr. Jani Mäntyjärvi for his advice and ideas during the work. I would also like to thank my thesis supervisor Prof. Roope Raisamo for his constructive comments when formulating this thesis. Special thanks go to VTT in Oulu for providing the possibility to work with interesting research and to devote the time to do my thesis. I am also grateful to the researchers at VTT who participated in the user study, which gave valuable input for this work. I would also like to acknowledge the very important feedback from Ms. Georgie Cash for proofreading and commenting on the grammar of this thesis.

Oulu, May 24th, 2009 Ville Antila


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