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With global average temperature rise having reached 1.2°C above pre-industrial times, the 2090

indicators contained in the 2020 report provide insights into the health impacts of climate 2091

change today, and in the future. Extremes of heat hit vulnerable populations the hardest, 2092

with some 296,000 deaths occurring as a result of high temperatures in 2018 (Indicator 2093

1.1.3) 2094

The climate suitability for the transmission of a range of infectious diseases – dengue fever, 2095

malaria, and Vibrio bacteria– have demonstrated sustained rises across the world (Indicator 2096

1.3.1). This is occurring at the same time as crop yield potential is falling for each of the 2097

major crops tracked, with dire consequences anticipated for food-insecure populations 2098

(Indicator 1.4.1).


And yet, the global response has remained muted. The carbon intensity of the global energy 2100

system has remained flat over the past three decades, and global coal use for energy has 2101

increased by 74% over the same period (Indicators 3.1.1 and 3.1.2). This has resulted in an 2102

estimated 390,000 deaths from particulate air pollution generated by coal fired power, with 2103

total global deaths for all ambient sources exceeding 3.01 million in 2018 (Indicator 3.3). In 2104

the agricultural sector, emissions from livestock grew by 16% from 2000 to 2017, with some 2105

990,000 deaths occurring globally from excess red meat consumption in 2017 (Indicators 2106

3.5.1 and 3.5.2).


In the face of this, the response from the health profession continues to gain momentum.


Spending on health system adaptation continued its previous upward trend, rising by 5.3%


in 2019, to $18.4 billion (Indicator 2.4). A nine-fold increase in original research on health 2110

and climate change has occurred in just over 10 years, and, in half that time, health 2111

institutions with total assets of $42 billion have divested their holdings from fossil fuel 2112

industries (Indicators 5.3 and 4.2.3). Led by low-income countries, more governments are 2113

linking health and climate change in their annual UN General Debate speeches and their 2114

NDCs under the Paris Agreement.


The public health and financial effects of COVID-19 will be felt for years to come, and efforts 2116

to protect and rebuild local communities and national economies will need to be robust and 2117

sustained. Despite concerning indicators across each section of this report, the 2021 UN 2118

climate change conference presents an opportunity for course correction, and revitalised 2119

Nationally Determined Contributions. The window of opportunity is narrow, and if the 2120

response to COVID-19 is not fully and directly aligned with countries’ national climate 2121

change strategies, the world will be unable to meet its commitments under the Paris 2122

Agreement, damaging health and health systems today, and in the future.

2123 2124




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