• Ei tuloksia

This study found that in terms of access to care, migrant women were able to access the health services they needed both primary care and specialist care. In terms of discriminatory practices that may be related to culture, there were no reports of discrimination against the participants, rather equality in the system was emphasized in the participant's experiences. Overall, the immigrant women who participated in the study found their experiences with the Finland health system to be positive. The Finnish system was overwhelmingly rated to be better organized than those of participant’s home countries which are countries in the Middle and South East Asia.

The study findings suggest that there were no systemic barriers that affected utilization by immigrant women. Migrant women demonstrate stoicism and tolerance, not seeking care

immediately as the symptom is observed. The majority of migrant women also rely on traditional remedies for minor ailments and only seek help within the system if the condition is severe or chronic.

Language differences had a slight influence on accessibility but did not prevent access to care, it proved to be a challenge for migrant women to express their feelings, describe their symptoms, and present any requests they may have. The poor English language of some health care

providers might represent a bidirectional challenge exists in terms of communication for migrant women. This challenge was identified in the study as a potential factor that can limit care-seeking behavior and utilization.

While there was some reliance on traditional medicine migrant women were accepting of western treatments and did not suggest any cultural practices as a reason for refusing care.

There was a significant expression of preference for same-gender when it comes to provider of services such as gynecological care. However, this preference appeared to be more of a personal preference than a culture-based preference.

The findings of the study have important implications for practice. The findings suggest that migrant women are to a large extent accepting of the health care context as a place where professional competency surpass cultural competency. While this statement does not mean that cultural competency among professionals is not critical, it also provides a different context for evaluating immigrant women's experiences and expectations about utilization. The findings also underscore the importance of language barriers as a critical factor in limiting utilization, while highlighting the role of legal status in facilitating full utilization of care.

Limitation and recommendations

The limitations of the study are related to the research approach. Qualitative studies are limited by subjectivity in the data collection, analysis, and interpretation process. Such limitations also apply to this study. Due to COVID 19 pandemic, online interviews replaced face to face interview method which might affect the interview quality, outcome, and participation rate. Furthermore, interviewing in a language rather than a native language may influence the interviews and some concepts might be missed during the translation process.

the study cannot be generalized to all groups of immigrants residing in Finland as it is qualitative research and the population studied were from the Middle and South-Eastern cultures which have distinct cultures and high reliance on traditional systems of medicine. Additional studies may be necessary to understand the experiences of immigrants from other parts of the world.

While the current study obtained demographic data on variables such as housing, income level, educational level, health history, marital status, age, and residency, the effect of these variables

on health care utilization was not examined. The demographic variables were obtained for descriptive statistics. Additional quantitative studies in which these variables serve as predictive variables for utilization may provide insight into the effects of the respective variables on health care utilization for migrant women. Lastly, based on the emergent theory from the study, it is recommended to explore the impact of acculturation for migrant women versus cultural competency for professional workers on utilization among immigrants.

The study setting and choice of participant's home region was based on this study researcher’s awareness and understanding of the languages and cultures of those countries as an insider approach, and it is a strength of this study.


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Appendix A Consent Form

Appendix B Background questions Appendix C Interview Questions Appendix D Information Sheet

Appendix E Privacy Notice for Scientific Research

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E