• Ei tuloksia

This thesis investigated the factors behind general financial behavior and finan-cial well-being of young adults in Finland. When following the path guided by previous research and this thesis, future studies on financial behavior should include self-control in their models. According to previous research, self-control has been shown to be a significant factor related to many aspects of life from early ages. Now this thesis connects self-control to early financial behavior and financial well-being. Without controlling self-control, there is a risk for omitted variable bias, which might lead to biased results and incorrect conclusions. The results also support the BLC hypothesis that suggests that, depending on self-control, our decisions are made by the myopic doer or farsighted planner.

Financial literacy has been explored as a possible variable sustaining fi-nancial behavior. Often people want to improve the public’s fifi-nancial literacy to help them make better financial decisions and improve their financial behavior.

However, the effect of financial literacy on behavior seems to be smaller when new variables are considered and, consequently, its role has been challenged.

Hence, one aim of the thesis was to explore relations of variables other than fi-nancial literacy, but still include fifi-nancial literacy in the models. The results do not give clear answers on the role of financial literacy behind financial behavior, but rather continue to challenge it, since there is no significant relationship. One reason for a lack of significant results might be the limitations caused by the basic scale. Therefore, future studies should use advanced or extended versions of financial literacy measures. They include more questions and more difficult questions, and therefore, help to avoid the possible ceiling effect.

If we want to help people to make better financial decisions and improve financial behavior, we need to consider other approaches alongside the at-tempts improving financial literacy. Especially since some areas, such as debt

management, are more difficult to affect through financial education interven-tion. Since self-control is a significant factor related to financial behavior, im-proving self-control or encouraging the use of self-control mechanisms could be some of the other options. Since the results of this thesis suggest that an ASP account can work as a self-control mechanism, it could be one way to approach the problem of poor financial behavior. In this study, the level of knowledge about an ASP account was 62.8% and only 29.7% had one. One way to help young adults to save more could be to increase their knowledge about ASP ac-counts. However, just like increasing financial literacy might not improve fi-nancial behavior, an increase in knowledge might not increase usage on its own.

Another option could be to make an ASP account a default option for young adults. For example, when people turn 18, they would get an ASP account au-tomatically and would receive the opening deposit directly from the state. With this kind of a plan, young adults are not passively left out. They need to actively determinate their account if they wish not to have one. This thesis cannot pro-vide an answer for how to develop the ASP scheme itself further; for that, more research is needed.

Besides improving financial behavior, there is a general interest in improv-ing financial well-beimprov-ing. Durimprov-ing early adulthood, individuals move out of their family’s house, gain independence, and start making increasing numbers of financial decisions. It is, therefore, important to investigate the factors behind financial well-being in this period when quality of life might drop. Even though financial literacy is not related to financial behavior in this study, it is related to financial anxiety. This relationship is interesting given that financial literacy interventions are commonly applied with the goal of improving financial be-havior. Hence, even if they do not improve financial behavior substantially, they might improve financial well-being. Since self-control and optimism are related to financial well-being, improvements through them should be consid-ered as well. Connected to financial well-being is also the gender difference.

The results of this thesis show that gender is not related to financial behavior, but it is related to financial well-being. However, this thesis cannot answer why women are more worried about their finances and feel less secure about their financial future. Hence, to improve women’s financial well-being, further re-search is needed.

In sum, this thesis complements previous research by showing that self-control is significantly related to financial behavior and well-being of young university students. The findings show also optimism to be related to financial well-being and point out a gender difference in financial well-being that needs further research. Moreover, it offers interesting findings on the ASP account’s role as a self-control mechanism, hence offering an option to improve savings behavior of young adults in Finland. This study challenges the role of basic fi-nancial literacy (when fifi-nancial literacy is measured with basic or simple scale including only a few items) behind general financial behavior but supports its role behind financial well-being.


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