• Ei tuloksia

Conclusion and discussion

According to our survey, Estonian university students’ generally value mathematics, have both mastery and performance-approach orientation towards their studies in mathematics. They think that knowledge of mathematics is important; it helps them to understand the world. They study mathematics because they know how useful it is. They feel that they are good at mathematics

and are motivated to study mathematics. Those students who have a Mastery Goal Orientation also typically consider themselves to be competent and they also have a positive view of mathematics, want to perform well and have a positive view of their teacher. Moreover, they typically do not cheat.

Students hold a neutral position close to disagreement regarding the Teacher Role suggesting that teacher has not been a specifically important inspirer for most of them. Students’ also hold a neutral position close to agreement with Competence. Estonian students think that mathematics is an important subject and most students do not cheat in their studies.

In our study we found that all except one of the aspects of the view seem to have gender differences. These aspects are Mastery Goal Orientation, Value of Mathematics, Student Competence, Teacher Role and Cheating Behaviour. In this study, in most dimensions (five out of six), females have a more positive view of mathematics than male students. The difference between means is not large, but it is statistically significant. Most previous studies in Estonia and elsewhere have indicated that male students have more positive views of mathematics. Our findings in Estonia coincide with those in Canada, where Li (2007) found female students to have significantly more positive attitudes toward mathematics than male students. The present results on gender differences call for a further and more detailed analysis in order to understand the reasons for female Estonian university students’ in more positive view towards and higher self-efficacy in mathematics than their male counterparts.

Summarising gender differences in mathematics, we are aware of the fact that our usage of the term ‘‘view’’ is also discussed under the headline of ‘‘beliefs’’ in other literature. Using ‘‘view’’ instead of ‘‘beliefs’’, we want to emphasize that we address motivation in addition to beliefs.


This article was supported unto completion by the European Social Fund.


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