• Ei tuloksia


9.5 Conclusion

The research and development work around video-based reflection has set in motion useful processes in the primary school teacher education programme of the University of Lapland, the most important of which is that we have started to discuss our different ways of doing our work. Research on supervision has enabled the faculty staff to ponder the ultimate aims of guiding student teachers in their path to the teaching profession. Through this, there is more common ground around supervision. As a consequence of changing the way in which supervision is organised, i.e. through the VEO app in one practicum period, changes have also been made to supervision in other practicum periods. The VEO app has become a permanent part of the teacher education curriculum. Reflection is highlighted more powerfully in teacher education studies, and student teachers are taught the levels of reflection.

Research and development around video-based reflective practice will continue in the research context. At the same time, communal discussions of supervision will continue, and supervisors’ professional competencies will be strengthened by training and developing theoretically justified models that supervisors can utilise.

With the development of reflective activities, it will be possible to better support the interaction between theory, practice and research.


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