• Ei tuloksia

English has become the most important international language over the years. With millions of speakers all over the world, English is the main language of various domains. Its significance will continue to increase in the future (Leppänen and Nikula 2007: 333-334), and thus most people who do not speak it as a native language are obliged to learn it. Finland is an example of a country where English has to be learned if one wants to work, travel or function with other people from the rest of the world. The need and use of English in Finland is a part of a global phenomenon. In general, the influence of English over other languages has generated a great deal of discussion, as its spread may result in changes on various social, situational and individual levels (ibid.). Hence, the use of English in Finland and alongside Finnish is a very important topic to study, particularly as the status of English in the Finnish society has continued to strengthen in various areas over the years (see e.g. Leppänen et al.

2011: 17-20). English in Finland is a field of research that can and should be examined from several perspectives. The focus of the present work was on advertising, which is an example of an area in which English has become highly visible in Finland.

Advertising has been a popular research topic both in Finland and abroad. Since advertising is a very broad and diversified field, research has been made on various topics and on all mass media platforms. One medium on which a great deal of research has been conducted is television. Television advertising is an important area to study for a couple of reasons. Firstly, television commercials can reach a large number of people. Most Finns encounter them on a regular basis (Finnpanel n.d. b). Secondly, television advertisements are more cognitively challenging than other advertising media due to their simultaneous usage of both visual and aural resources (Geis 1982: 3). Thirdly, the sheer quantity and complexity of modern television advertising makes its study useful and necessary to everyone who encounters it (Cook 2001: 237). In addition to these features, television commercials can also contain several different languages. Most often, however, they contain English, which has become globally the most popular language in multilingual advertising (Kelly-Holmes 2005).

Examining the use of English in television commercials that are broadcast in non-Anglophone countries is very important, because it can provide valuable insight into the way the English language spreads and strengthens globally.

The focus of the present study was on multilingual television advertisements. More precisely, it explored the visibility of English in Finnish television advertising, and also its use by Finnish companies in their television commercials. In the end, it was observed that while this field had changed somewhat over time, i.e. English occurred more frequently and complex structures were used a little more often than before, it had still stayed mostly the same.

English continued to occur frequently, but in quite small quantities. The language itself was also simplistic, understandable and conversational. These issues had not changed over time.

However, the data of the present thesis showed that the amount of Finnish in television advertising and on television programmes seemed to be in the ascendant. Thus, some changes are occurring in the field of Finnish television advertising and in the society in general.

Nonetheless, the English language continues to be the most important and visible foreign language in Finland, and its status continues to strengthen in various sectors. Language ideological debates on its use and spread are, therefore, likely to continue in the future.


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