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Clinical trials of DHA supplementation and brain function

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8. Clinical trials of DHA supplementation and brain function

N-3 LCPUFAs supplementation is recommended worldwide for feto-maternal and maternal-childhood growth and development, and cognitive function of the child(Carlson et al. , 2013, Julvez et al. , 2016, Koletzko et al. , 2007, Parra-Cabrera et al. , 2011). DHA supplementation improved pregnancy outcome, gestation, reduction in early preterm and very low birth weight, childhood visual and psychomotor development (Carlson et al., 2013, Shulkin et al. , 2018).

Several clinical studies were reported on n-3 LCPUFAs and mental disorders.

Some of these clinical trials and their health outcomes are presented in Table - 4. Most of the clinical studies did not show any significant effects of DHA supplementation(Sun et al., 2018). Differences in methodologies, the sample size, dietary habit, selection criteria, age, choice and dosage of LCPUFAs (EPA, or DHA, or a combination of EPA+DHA) and the duration of the intervention are mostl possibly responsible for inconclusive results(Sun et al., 2018).

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22 9. Conclusions

The optimal structure and function of the brain are critical for quality of life, productivity and individual growth. DHA and its metabolites influence the brain’s development, structure and functions, signaling pathways, receptor function, and enzyme activities. All these functionalities are critical for optimum brain physiology throughout the lifespan. In order to achieve these functionalities, sustained supply of DHA is required well before conception, during the gestation period, adolescence, adulthood and adult life. Therefore, maintaining optimal levels of DHA in the brain are likely to be required throughout the lifespan by obtaining preformed DHA via dietary or supplementation. Several studies suggest that the consumption of DHA leads to many inherent positive physiological and behavioral effects, however further clinical trials are required to assess different clinical outcomes, including mental health status and quality of life.

Conflicts of Interest:

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


This study was supported in part by the Thune Holst Foundation, Oslo, Norway References:

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