• Ei tuloksia



As has been evident throughout this thesis, our media landscape is changing at an extreme speed and it creates new challenges for teachers and curricula all around the world. It is very difficult to keep up with the developments since for instance the National Core Curriculum is published every ten years or so. Ten years from now teaching and learning languages might be very different from what it is today. Teachers are dependent on in-service training and their own motivation to keep up with the newest developments, which is both time-consuming and stressful. However, this is an age where teachers cannot hide behind textbooks and be the only source of information for students. Instead, teachers have to be able to adapt and answer to the challenges presented by the ever-changing media landscape and make a transition from the all-knowing teacher talking in front of the class to a person who guides students in their learning process, sometimes with the help of media. When it comes to learning to use new technological devices or applications, teachers should be able to admit that sometimes students might know more about them than teachers and that a mutual learning situation might be beneficial for all parties. In conclusion, the most important thing to remember when using media in language teaching is that one should always have a clear pedagogical purpose for the use of media and not just use media because it should be used. This way we can ensure that media becomes a natural part of teaching instead of being a form of entertainment or a

‘snack’ between grammar and vocabulary. Media definitely has a lot to offer for teaching if it is used for the right purposes.


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