• Ei tuloksia

Next level of the case company Intranet

Now that the research has been done for the next level (or phase 2) of the Mobile Routing social Intranet, it would be interesting to renew this research in a couple of years. Based on that research results, the social Intranet site could be developed again on a new level if required to serve the users in a best possible way.

Social Intranet and their impact on everyday work

When going through the previous literature, it was obvious that there is very limited number of research available on social Intranets and their impact on certain activities within the company. Naturally, social media is far more widely researched. It would be recommended to have more research conducted on especially the aspect of what impact the social Intranet has on certain everyday activities within a company (for example knowledge sharing, innovation, and team spirit). And the differences in various types of companies would be interesting to research.

The impact of cultural differences to social Intranet usage

In a global company, it would be also interesting to examine how the cultural differences impact the use of social Intranet: are local languages needed, are there any differences in the use of Intranet, and so on.

Mobile Intranet

Finally, one of the social Intranet trends is to expand Intranets on smartphones and other mobile devices. It would be engrossing to investigate the usage and the impact mobile Intranets have; whether they are used in a similar manner, and how they impact employees’ behavior and expectations.

APPENDIX 1: Interview form

Interview form

Information on interviewee Name:


Do you currently use the Mobile Routing Intranet?

Do you have regular meetings/calls/interaction with the Mobile Routing team [for intra-organizational interviewees]?

Information sharing

What kind of information are you looking for from the Mobile Routing Intranet? /

What kind of information would you be looking for from the Mobile Routing Intranet [interviewees, who have not used the current Mobile Routing Intranet]?

What kind of information is missing currently from the Mobile Routing Intranet [for interviewees, who have used the Intranet]?

What functionality or features would be valuable to you (blogs, wikis, videos, etc.)?


Would sharing information more openly within the Mobile Routing increase innovation?

Would sharing information outside business unit boundaries increase innovation?

What other social Intranet activities/functions, etc. foster innovation?

Team spirit and breaking down silos

What activities/functions would increase team spirit?

What activities/functions would break down silos?

Any other comments/ideas/feedback/proposals?


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