• Ei tuloksia

4.6 Areal results

4.6.2 Areal evapotranspiration

In figure 4.7 the cumulative areal evapotranspiration during 1987-1991 and 2100 (=changed climate scenario) is presented. The modeled annual evapotranspiration varies between 400 - 570 mm, which is slightly bigger than the figures estimated with the water balance method for eastern Finland, presented by Solantie and Ekholm, 1985. Therefore, evaporation amounts to 60 % of the total precipitation.

In figure 4.8 the map of evapotranspiration over the Hietajärvi catchment is presented on ist of July, 1987. The highest evapotranspiration values represent the forest areas (light colors).


...The Finnish Environment 1 16

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Time (julian day)


0 0 f 600


E 0 .Q 0

400 0 n ca w

a) 200 25

Areal T, air - - - • Areal T, vegetation

15 Areal T, ground

Areal T, root zone

05 ci) 2

cl) a bw 5



12/29/87 2/17/88 4/7/88 5/27/88 7/16/88 9/4/88 10/24/88 12/13/88

Figure 4.6 Example of the modelled temperature (air, vegetation, soil) variation in Hietajärvi catchment.

Figure 4.7 Cumulative areal annual evapotranspiration in Hietajärvi catchment during 1987-1991 and an estimate for 2100 with changed climate scenario.

The Finnish Environment 116

. . . . 0


Figure 4.8 Distribution of modelled evapotranspiration in Hietajärvi catchment.

4.7 Conclusions

Areal surface energy fluxes (latent heat, sensible heat, ground heat and net radiation), temperatures in soil and vegetation as well as soil moisture content in two soil layers were modeled using an arealized ASTIM model. The parametrization of soil and land-use types has been developed to include the major vegetation and soil classifications with their annual development. Satellite images were used to estimate the minimum stomatal resistance from NOAA AVHRR images for each land-use class.

For the present, the ASTIM model has been validated, firstly, for agricultural crop (barley) and secondly, for one river basin in Finland. In the former case, the validation of the model has been based on the following measured variables:

Bowen-ratio evapotranspiration, net radiation, ground temperature, soil moisture content and vegetation temperature. In the latter case, the comparison has been made with the water balance evapotranspiration. In the case of Hietajärvi, no measured variables were available for the comparison of the model output.

The modeled annual evapotranspiration varied between 400 - 570 mm during 1978-1991, which makes approximately 60 % of the total precipitation. Mixed pine-and spruce forest (more than 150 m3/ha solid timber) evaporates approximately the same amount water as a pine swamp (50 m3/ha solid timber). Evaporation from lakes and ponds is smaller. There were large deviations in the soil moisture content between different soil and land use classes.

In the near future, the modeled ground temperatures in Hietajärvi catchment can be compared with measured ones. Furthermore, the parametrization of the ASTIM model for pine-spruce forest with moraine soil can be refined in one forested river basin, where areal soil moisture measurements are available. The refined model will also be used for the assessment of the effects of several climate change scenarios.


... The Finnish Environment 116


The EU/LIFE Financial Instrument is acknowledged for financial support of the study (project 'Development of Assessment and Monitoring Techniques at Integrated Monitoring Sites in Europe', LIFE95/FIN/A11/EPT/387).

4.8 References

Ben-Mehrez, M., 1990. Etallonnage et validation d'un modele de flux de surface dans le cas de 1'experience HAPEX-MOBILHY. Application å l'estimation de la resistance d'un

couvert. These, Universite de Paris 7, UFR de Physique, 244pp.

Deardorff, J., 1978. Efficient prediction of ground temperature and moisture, with inclusion of layer of vegetation. J. Geophys. Res., 83(C4),1889-1903.

Carter, T, M. Posch and H. Tuomenvirta, 1995. Silmuscen and Cligen User's Guide. SILMU, The Finnish Research Programme on Climate Change. Publications of the Academy of Finland 5/95.

Mäkelä, K. 1995. Hietajärvi, General features of the monitoring area. In: Bergström, I., Mäkelä, K. & Starr, M. (eds.), Integrated Monitoring Programme in Finland. First National Report. Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Policy Department, Helsinki.

Report 1:20-21.

Solantie, R., and M. Ekholm, 1985. Water balance in Finland during the period 1961-1975 as compared to 1931-1960. Publ. Water Res. Inst. 59, pp. 24-53.

Sucksdorff, Y., and C. Ottle,1990. Application of satellite remote sensing to estimate areal evapotranspiration over a watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 121, 321-333.

Taconet, 0., Bernard, R. And Vidal-Madjar, D., 1986. Evapotranspiration over an agricultural region using a surface flux/temperature model based on NOAA-AVHRR data. J.

Climate Appl. Meteorol., 25(3):284-307.

Tanskanen, H. and M. Starr, 1995. Hietajärvi, Geology and soils. In: Bergström, I., Mäkelä, K. &

Starr, M. (eds.), Integrated Monitoring Programme in Finland. First National Report.

Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Policy Department, Helsinki. Report 1:22.

Tattari, S., J.-P. Ikonen and Y. Sucksdorff, 1995. A comparison of evapotranspiration above a barley field based on quality tested Bowen ratio data and Deardorff modeling. Journal of Hydrology 170 (1995) 1-14.

Tuominen, S. and K. Mäkelä, 1995. Hietajärvi, Vegetation. In: Bergström, I., Mäkelä, K. & Starr, M. (eds.), Integrated Monitoring Programme in Finland. First National Report. Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Policy Department, Helsinki. Report 122-23.

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. . . 0

Documentation page

Publisher Date

Finnish Environment Institute June 1997


Sirpa Kleemola and Martin Forsius (eds) Title of publication

6th Annual Report 1997.

UN ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution.

International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems

Parts of publication/

other project publications

Abstract The Integrated Monitoring Programme (ICP IM) is part of the Effects Monitoring Strategy under the UN ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. The main aim of ICP IM is to provide a framework to observe and understand the complex changes occuring in the external environment. The monitoring and prediction of complex ecosystem effects on undisturbed reference areas require a continuos effort to improve the collection and assessment of data on the international scale.

This report presents results from assessment activities carried out by the ICP IM Programme Centre and collaborating institutes during the programme year 1996/97 including:

- a summary of the present monitoring activities and the content of the ICP IM database as well as a description of the development of a GIS database.

- comparison and assessment of the use of steady-state techniques vs. dynamic modelling for the calculation of critical loads.

- results from a trend analysis of ICP IM data on bulk and throughfall deposition and runoff water chemistry.

- demonstration of the use of ICP IM data for advanced hydrological modelling (SVAT model).


Integrated Monitoring, ecosystems, small catchments, dynamic modelling, air pollution

Publication be series

number The Finnish Environment 116 Theme of publication

International cooperation Project name and

number, if any International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems


commissioner Nordic Council of Ministers, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry of the Environment, Finland, EU /LIFE Financial Instrument

Project organization


Julkaisija Julkaisuaika

Suomen ympäristökeskus Kesäkuu 1997


Sirpa Kleemola ja Martin Forsius (toim.) Julkaisun nimi

6th Annual Report 1997.

UN ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution.

International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems.

Julkaisun osat/

muut saman projektin tuottamat julkaisut Tiivistelmä

Yhdennetyn seurannan ohjelma (ICP IM) kuuluu YK:n Euroopan talouskomission (ECE) seuranta- ohjelmiin. Yhdennetyn seurannan ohjelmassa selvitetään kaukokulkeutuvien saasteiden ja muiden ympäristömuutosten vaikutuksia elinympäristöömme. Muutosten seurantaa ja ennusteita muu- tosten laajuudesta ja nopeudesta tehdään yleensä pienillä metsäisillä valuma-alueilla, mutta verkostoon kuuluu myös muita alueita.

Tässä raportissa esitetään sekä ohjelmakeskuksen että yhteistyölaitosten tekemien arviointien tuloksia ohjelmavuodelta 96/97. Raportti sisältää:

- koosteen seurantaverkon ja ICP IM datapankin sisällöstä sekä kuvauksen IM:n GIS tietokannasta.

- vertailu- ja arviointituloksia kriittisen kuonnituksen laskemisesta joko 'steady-state tekniikalla tai käyttämällä dynaamista mallintamista.

- tuloksia trendianalyysistä, jossa käytettiin IM:n laskeuma-, läpivalunta- ja valuntadataa.

- esimerkin ICP IM datan käytöstä monimutkaisessa hydrologisessa mallintamisessa (SVAT malli).


Yhdennetty ympäristön seuranta, ekosysteemit, pienet valuma-alueet, dynaaminen mallintaminen, ilmansaasteet

Julkaisusarjan nimi

ja numero Suomen Ympäristö 116 Julkaisun teema

Rahoittaja/ Pohjoismaiden ministerineuvosto, Naturvårdsverket, Ruotsi, Ympäristöministeriö, EU/LIFE toimeksiantaja


Utgivare Datum

Finlands Miljöcentral Juni 1997


Sirpa Kleemola och Martin Forsius (red.) Publikationens titel

6th Annual Report 1997.

UN ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution.

International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems.

Publikationens delar/

andra publikationer inom samma projekt Sammandrag

Programmet för Integrerad miljö-övervakning (ICP IM) är en del av monitoringsstrategin under UN/ECE:s luftvårdskonvention (LRTAP). Syftet med ICP IM är att utvärdera komplexa miljöförändringar på avrinningsområden.

Rapporten sammanfattar de utvärderingar som gjorts av ICP IM Programme Centre och de samarbetande instituten under programåret 1996/97. Rapporten innehåller:

- Ett sammandrag av programmets nuvarande omfattning och en beskrivning av GIS-databasen.

- En jämförande bedömning av beräkningen av kritiska belastningsgränser med 'steady-state'- metoden eller med hjälp av dynamiska modeller.

- Trendanalys av ICP IM depositions- och avrinningsdata.

- Exempel på hur ICP IM data kan användas för avancerad hydrologisk modellering (SVAT modellen).


Integrerad miljö-övervakning, ekosystemer, små avrinningsområden, dynamisk modellering, luftföroreningar


och nummer Finlands miljö 116 Publikationens tema

Internationell samarbete Projektets namn

och nummer International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitorin p g g g of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems.


uppdragsgivare Nordiska miljörådet, Naturvårdsverket, Sverige, Miljöministeriet, EU/LIFE finansiell instrument Organisationer


...The Finnish Environment 116

The Finnish Environment o►

The Integrated Monitoring Programme (ICP IM) is part of the Effects Monitoring Strategy under the UN ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. The main aim of ICP IM is to provide a framework to observe and understand the complex changes occurring in the external environment. The monitoring and prediction of complex ecosystem effects on undisturbed reference areas require a continuos effort to improve the collection and assessment of data on the

international scale.

This report presents results from assessment activities carried out by the ICP IM Programme Centre and collaborating institutes during the

programme year 1996/97 including:

• a summary of the present monitoring activities and the content of the ICP IM database, as well as a description of the development of a GIS database.

• an assessment of the use of steady-state techniques vs. dynamic modelling for the calculation of critical loads.

• results from a trend analysis of ICP IM data on bulk and throughfall deposition as well as runoff water chemistry. These results show that statistically significant trends can be detected for both deposition and runoff water quality at many sites across Europe, as a response to the emission reduction protocols signed under the UN ECE LRTAP Convention.

• a demonstration of the use of ICP IM data for advanced hydrological modelling. The calibrated SVAT model can be used for assessing the effects of climate change scenarios on key ecosystem properties like soil moisture and temperature.

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