• Ei tuloksia

The Antarctic meteorological research team installing thelr research equipment on the ice near Aboa in December 2006




Berglund, R., Kotovirta, V. & Seinä, A. 2007: A system for icebreaker navigation and assistance planning using spaceborne SAR information in the Baltic Sea.-Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 33(5):378-387.

Björk, G., Jakobsson, M., Rudels, B., Swift, J.H., Anderson, L., Darby, D.A., Backman, J., Coakley, B., Winsor, R, Polyak, L. & Edwards, M. 2007:

Bathymetry and deep-water exhange across the central Lomonosov Ridge at 88-89°N. -Deep-Sea Research 1 54:1197-1208.

Borenäs, K., Hietala, R., Laanearu, J. &

Lundberg, R 2007: Some estimates of the Baltic deep-water transport through the Stolpe trench.-Tellus 59A: 238-248.

Cheng, B., Vihma, T., Pirazzini, R. & Granskog, M.A. 2006: Modelling of superimposed ice formation during the spring snowmelt period in the Baltic Sea.-Annais of Glaciology 44:139-146.

Damm, E., Schauer, U., Rudeis, 8. & Haas, C.

2007: Exess of bottom-released methane in an Arctic shelf sea polynya in winter.-Continental Shelf Research 27:1692-1701.

Denisenko, N.V., Denisenko, 5.6., Lehtonen, K.K., Andersin, A.-B. & Sandler, H.R. 2007:

Zoobenthos of Cheshskaya Bay (southeastern Barents Sea): spatial distribution and community structure in relation to

environmental factors.-Polar Biology 30:735-746.

Dickson, R., Rudels, 8., Dye, 5., Karcher, M., Meincke, J. & Yashayaev, 1. 2007: Current estimates of freshwater flux through Arctic and subarctic seas.-Progress in Oceanography 73:210-230.

Donadini, F., Riisager, R, Korhonen, K., Kahma, K., Pesonen, 1. & Snowball, 1. 2007: Holocene geomagnetic paleointensities : a blind test of absolute paleointensity techniques and materiais.-Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 161 :19-35.

Engström-Öst, J. & Candolin, U. 2007: Human induced water turbidity alters selection on sexual displays in sticklebacks.-Behavioral Ecology 18: 393-398.

Engström-Öst, J., Immonen, E., Candolin, U. &

Mattila, J. 2007: The indirect effects of eutrophication on habitat choice and survival of fish larvae in the Baltic Sea.-Marine Biology 151:393-400.

Gorokhova, E. & Lehtiniemi, M. 2007: A combined approach to understand trophic interactions between Cercopagis pengoi (Cladocera: Onychopoda) and mysids in the Gulf of Finland.-Limnology and Oceanography 52(2): 685-695.

Haapala, J. 2006:Effectof the physical description of sea ice on the modelled mean sea ice thickness on the Arctic Ocean.-In: Wadhams, P.

& Amanatidis, R (edsj, Arctic sea ice thickness:

past, present and future: international workshop: scientific report: proceedings.

Climate Change and Natural Hazards Series, 10

-Luxembourg: Publications Office EC:207-217.

Hewitt, J.E. & Norkko, J. 2007: Incorporating temporal variability of stressors into studies: An example using suspension-feeding bivalves and elevated suspended sediment concentrations. -Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 341:131-141.

Hietala, R., Lundberg, P. & Nilsson, J.A.U. 2007:

A note on the deep-water inflow to the Bothnian Sea.-Journal of Marine Systems 68:


Hietanen, 5., Laine, AO. & Lukkari, K. 2007: The complex effects of the invasive polychaetes Marenzelleria spp. on benthic nutrient dynamics.

-Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 352:89-102.

Hietanen, 5. & Lukkari, K. 2007: Effects of short term anoxia on benthic denitrification, nutrient fluxes and phosphorus forms in coastal Baltic sediment.-Aquatic Microbial Ecology 49:293-302.

Jakobsson, M., Backman, J., Rudels, 8., Nycander, J., Frank, M., Mayer, L., Jokat, W., Sangiorgi, E, O’Regan, M., Brinkhuis, H., King, J. & Moran, K.

2007: The early Miocene onset of a ventilated circulation regime in the Arctic Ocean.-Nature 447:986-990.

Janhunen, R, Kaartokallio, H., Oksanen, 1., Lehto, K. & Lehto, H. 2007: Biological feedbacks as cause and demise of Neoproterozoic icehouse:

Astrobiological prospects for faster evolution and importance of cold conditions.-PLoS ONE(February, issue 2)-5 p.

Kaartokallio, H., Kuosa, H., Thomas, D.N., Gran skog, M. & Kivi, K. 2007: Biomass, composition and activity of organism assemblages along a salinity gradient in sea ice subjected to river discharge in the Baltic Sea.-Polar Biology 30:183-197. Kaasalainen, H. & Leivuori, M. 2007:

Pore water dynamics of iron and manganese in the northern Baftic Sea surface sediments. -Geophysical Research Abstracts 9(08210).

Kangro, K., 0, K., Tamminen, T. & Lignell, R.

2007: Species-specific responses of a cyano bacteria-dominated phytoplankton community to artificial nutrient limitation in the Baltic Sea.

-Marine Ecology Progress Series 336:15-27.

Kankaanpää, H., Leiniö, 5., Olin, M., Sjövall, 0., Meriluoto, J. & Lehtonen, K.K. 2007:

Accumulation and depuration of cyanobacterial toxin nodularin and biomarker responses in the musselMytilusedulis.-Chemosphere 68:1210-12 17.

Karjalainen, M., Engström-Öst, J., Korpinen, 5., Peltonen, H., Pääkkänen, J.-R, Rönkkönen, 5., Suikkanen, 5. & Viitasalo, M. 2007: Ecosystem consequences of cyanobacteria in the northern Baltic Sea.-Ambio 36(2-3):195-202.

Kozlowsky-Suzuki, 8., Karjalainen, M., Koski, M., Carlsson, P., Stolte, W., Balode, M. & Granli, E. 2007: Distribution of the microbial food web and inhibition of metazooplankton

development in the presence of iron- and DOM-stimulated Baltic Sea cyanobacteria. -Marine Ecology Progress Series 337:15-26.

Kuparinen, J., Kuosa, H., Andersson, A., Autio, R., Granskog, M.A.., Ikävalko, J., Kaartokallio, H., KarelI, K., Leskinen, E., Piiparinen, J., Rintala, J.-M. & Tuomainen, J. 2007: Role of sea-ice biota in nutrient and organic material cycles in the northern Baltic Sea.-Ambio 36(2-3):149-1 53.

Lahdes, E.O. & Karjala, L.A, 2007: lmplications of water ionic composition for invasion of euryhaline species in inland waters-an experimental study with Cercopagis pengoi from the Northern Baltic Sea.-Aquatic Invasions 2(4):422-430.

Laine, AO., Andersin, A.-B., Leiniö, 5. & Zuur, A.F. 2007: Stratification-induced hypoxia as a structuring factor of macrozoobenthos in the open Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea).-Journal of Sea Research 57: 65-77.

Lehtiniemi, M., Hakala, T., Saesmaa, 5. &

Viitasalo, M. 2007: Prey selection by the larvae of three species of littoral fishes on natural zooplankton assemblages.-Aquatic Ecology 41:85-94.

Lehtiniemi, M., Pääkkönen, J.-R, Flinkman, J., Katajisto, T., Gorokhova, E., Karjalainen, M, Viitasalo, 5. & Björk, H. 2007: Distribution and abundance of the American comb jelly (Mnemiopsis leidyi)-A rapid invasion to the northern Baltic Sea during 2007.-Aquatic lnvasions 2(4):445-449.

Lips, 1., Lips, U., Fleming, V., Kaitala, 5. & Jaanus, A. 2007: Use of ferrybox measurements for the Baltic Sea environment assessment. -Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 41(3):3-8.

Lukkari, K., Hartikainen, H. & Leivuori, M. 2007:

Fractionation of sediment phosphorus revisited, 1: Fractionation steps and their biogeochemical basis.-Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 5:433-444.

Lukkari, K. & Leivuori, M. 2007: Phosphorus fractions in sediment from a shallow estuary to open sea in the Baltic Sea.-Geophysical Research Abstracts 9:06838.

Lukkari, K., Leivuori, M. & Hartikainen, H. 2007:

Fractionation of sediment phosphorus revisited:

II. Changes in phosphorus fractions during sampling and storing in the presence or absence of oxygen.-Limnology and Oceanography:

Methods 5:445-456.

20 FIMR 2007

Mäkynen, M.R, Cheng 8., Similä, M.H., Vihma, 1. & HaNikainen, M. T. 2007: Comparisons between SAR backscattering coeffident and results of a thermodynamic snowlice modet for the Baltic Sea land-fast sea ice.-IEEE

Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 45(5): 1131-1141.

Norkko, A., Thrush, S.F, Cummings, Vi., Gibbs, M.M., Andrew, N.L., Norkko, i. 2007: Trophk structure of coastal Antarctic food webs associated with changes in sea ice and food supply.-Ecology 88(1 1):2810-2820.

Ojaveer, H., Gollasch, 5., Jaanus, A., Kotta, J., Laine, AO., Minde, A., Normant, M. & Panov, V.E. 2007: Chinese mitten crab Eriocheirsinensis in the Baltic Sea-a supply-side invader?

-Biological lnvasions 9:409-41 8.

Papadimitriou, 5., Thomas, D.N., Kennedy, H., Haas, C., Kuosa, H., KrelI, A. & Dieckmann, G.S.

2007: Biogeochemical composition of natural sea ice brines from the Weddell Sea during early austral summer.-Limnology and Oceanography 52(5):1809-1823.

Peltonen, H., Luoto, M., Pääkkönen, i.-R, Karjalainen, M., Tuomaala, A., Pönni, i. &

Viitasalo, M. 2007: Pelagic fish abundance in relation to regional environmental variation in the Gulf of Finland, northern Baltic Sea.-ICES Journal of Marine Science 64:487-495.

Pflugmacher, 5., Olin, M. & Kankaanpää, H.

2007: Nodularin induces oxidative stress in the Baltic Sea brown alga Fucus vesiwlosus (Phaeophyceae).-Marine Environmental Research 64:149-159.

Pikkarainen, A.-L. 2007: Polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in Baltic Sea sediments and bivalves. -Chemosphere 68(1): 17-24.

Pärn, 0., Haapala, 1., Kouts, T., Elken, 1. & Riska, K. 2007: On the relationship between sea ice deformation and ship damages in the Gulf of Finland in winter 2003.-Proc. Estonian Acad.

Sci. Eng. 13(3):201-214.

Rank, J., Lehtonen, K.K., Strand, 1. & Laursen, M. 2007: DNA damage, acetylchlorinesterase activity and lysosomal stability in native and transplanted musseis (Mytilus edulis) in areas close to coastal chemical dumping sites in Denmark.-Aquatic Toxicology 84:50-61.

Rintala, J.-M., Spilling, K. & Blomster, i. 2007:

Temporary cyst enables long-term dark survival of Scrippsiellahangoel (Dinophyceae).-Marine Biology 152:57-62.

Seppälä, J., Ylöstalo, R, Kaitala, 5., Hällfors, 5., Raateoja, M. & Maunula, R 2007: Ship-of opportunity based phycocyanin ttuorescence monitoring of the filamentous cyanobacteria bloom dynamics in the Baltic Sea.-Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 73:489-500.

Stedmon, C.A., Thomas, D.N., Granskog, M., Kaartokallio, H., Papadimitriou, 5. & Kuosa, H.

2007: Characteristics of dissolved organic matter in Baltic coastal sea ice: allochthonous or autochthonous origins?-Environmental Science and Technology 41(21):7273-7279.

Stomp, M., Huisman, i., Vörös, L., Pick, ER., Laamanen, M., Haverkamp, T. & Stal, L.J. 2007:

Colourful coexistence ot red and green picocyanobacteria in lakes and seas.-Ecology Letters (10): 290-298.

Suikkanen, 5., Laamanen, M. & Huttunen, M.

2007: Long-term changes in summer phytoplankton communities of the open northern Baltic Sea.-Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 71:580-592.

Vahtera, E., Laamanen, M. & Rintala, i.-M. 2007:

Use of different phosphorus sources by the bloom-forming cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon flos-aque and Nodularia spumigena.-Aquatic Microbial Ecology 46:225-237.

Vahtera, E., Conley, D.J., Gustafsson, B.G., Kuosa, H., Pitkänen, H., Savchuk, O.R, Tamminen, T., Viitasalo, M.,Voss, M.,Wasmund, N. &Wulff, F.

2007: Internal ecosystem feedbacks enhance nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria blooms and complicate management in the Baltic Sea. -Ambio 36(2-3):186-194.

Viitasalo, 5. 2007: Effects of bioturbation by three macrozoobenthic species and predation by necto-benthic mysids on cladoceran benthic eggs.-Marine Ecology Progress Series 336:131-140.

Viitasalo, 5., Katajisto, T. & Viitasalo, M. 2007:

Bioturbation changes the patterns of benthic emergence in zooplankton.-Limnology and Oceanography 52(6):2325-2339.


Vahtera, E. 2007: The role of phosphorus as a regulator of bloom-forming diazotrophic cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea.-Contributions / Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research 13.-Diss.:

Faculty of Biosciences of the University of Helsinki.-52 p.+4 articles.

Viitasalo, 5. 2007: Benthic-pelagic coupling in the northern Baltic Sea.-Contributions / Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research 14.-Diss.: Faculty of Biosciences of the University of Helsinki. -45 p. +4 articles.

PUBLICATIONS lN THE FIMR REPORT SERIES Alenius, R, Haahti, H. & Hietala, R. 2007:

Hydrography, oxygen and nutrients conditions.

-In: Olsonen, R. (ed.), FIMR monitoring of the Baltic Sea environment-annual report 2006. -Meri-Report Series of the Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research 59:37-57.

Boman, H. 2007: Sea level variation on the Finnish coast.-In: Olsonen, R. (ed.), FIMR monitoring of the Baltic Sea environment -annual report 2006.-Meri-Report Series of the Finnish nstitute of Marine Research 59:19-36.

Fleming-Lehtinen, V. ted.) 2007: Helcom Eutro:

development of tools for a thematic eutrophication assessment for two Baltic Sea sub-regions, the Gulf of Finland and the Bothnian Bay.-Meri-Report Series of the Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research 61.-35 p.

Flinkman, J., Pääkkönen, J.-R, Saesmaa, 5. &

Bruun, i.-E. 2007: Zooplankton time series 1979-2005 in the Baltic Sea-life in a vice of bottom up and top-down forces.-In: Olsonen, R. ted.), FIMR monitoring of the Baltic Sea environment

-annual report 2006.-Meri-Report Series of the Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research 59:73-86.

Kaitala, S., Kaartokallio, H., Fleming-Lehtinen, V. & Huttunen, M. 2007: Phytoplankton and chlorophyll-a.-ln: Olsonen, R. (ed.), FIMR monitoring of the Baltic Sea environment -annual report 2006.-Meri-Report Series of the Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research 59:65-71.

Kangas, R, Melvasalo, T., Niemi,Å.& Niemistö, L. 2007: Suomalais-neuvostoliittolaisen Suomenlahti-työryhmän Biologian jaoston toiminta vuosina 1968-1991.-Meri-Report Series of the Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research 60. -31 p.

Kankaanpää, H. 2007: Temporal trends in organochlorine and total oil pollution in the Finnish Baltic Sea monitoring programme.-In:

Olsonen, R. ted.), FIMR monitoring of the Baltic Sea environment-annual report 2006.-Meri

-Report Series of the Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research 59:93-105.

Laamanen, M., Fleming-Lehtinen, V., Kauppila, R, Pitkänen, H., Bäck, 5., iaanus, A. & Olsonen, R. 2007: The Gulf of Finland basin report.-In:

Fleming-Lehtinen, V. ted.), Helcom Eutro:

development of tools for a thematic eutrophication assessment for two Baltic Sea sub-regions, the Gulf of Finland and the Bothnian Bay.-Meri-Report Series of the Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research 61 :7-21.

Laamanen, M., Fleming-Lehtinen, V., Kauppila, R, Pitkänen, H. & Olsonen, R. 2007: The Bothnian Bay basin report.-In: Fleming Lehtinen, V. (ed.), Helcom Eutro: development of tools for a thematic eutrophication assessment fortwo Baltic Sea sub-regions, the Gulf of Finland and the Bothnian Bay.-Meri -Report Series of the Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research 61:25-34.

Leivuori, M. 2007: Heavy metals in the Baltic herring.-In: Olsonen, R. ted.), FIMR monitoring of the Baltic Sea environment-annual report 2006.-Meri-Report Series of the Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research 59:87-91.

Norkko, A., Laakkonen, T. & Laine, A. 2007:

Trends in soft-sediment macrozoobenthic communities in the open sea areas of the Baltic Sea.-In: Olsonen, R. (ed.), FIMR monitoring of the Baltic Sea environment-annual report 2006.-Meri-Report Series of the Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research 59:59-71.

Olsonen, R. (ed.) 2007: FIMR monitoring of the Baltic Sea environment-annual report 2006. -Meri-Report Series of the Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research 59.-113 p.

Olsonen, R. 2007: Monitoring data and data policy in FIMR.-In: Olsonen, R. (ed.), FIMR monitoring of the BalticSea environment annual report 2006.-Meri-Report Series of the Finnish Institute of Marine Research 59:107-113.

Pettersson, H. 2007: Wave climate in the Northern Baltic Proper and in the Gulf of Finland 2006.-In: Olsonen, R. fed.), FIMR monitoring of the Baltic Sea environment -annual report 2006.-Meri-Report Series of the Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research 59:13-18.

Seinä, A. 2007: lce seasons 2005-2006.-In:

Olsonen, R. (ed.), FIMR monitoring of the Baltic Sea environment-annual report 2006.-Meri -Report Series of the Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research 59:7-11


Andrejev, 0. & Myrberg, K. 2007: How prehistory can intensify coastal upwelling.-In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2007, March 19-22, Rostock, Germany: Abstract volume. Part 2: Poster:42.

Backer, H., Brusendorff, A.C., Forsius, K., Leppänen, J.-M. & Stankiewicz, M. 2007:

Implementation of ecosystem approach to the management of human activities in the Baltic Sea by the Helsinki Commission.-In: 2007 ICES ASC Handbook. 2007 ICES Annual Science Conference, 17-21 September, Helsinki, Finland, C:01 :106.

Blomster, J., Rintala, J.-M., Majaneva, M., Piisilä, M. & Fewer, D.R 2007: The biodiversity of sea ice communities in the Baltic Sea.-In: The Center for Biodiversity and Conservation’s Twelfth Annual Symposium, American museum of Natural Histor NY, USA, April 26-27.7.07.

Cheng, B., Riihelä, A., Andersson, K. &

Manninen, T. 2007: The surface albedo product (SAL) of CM-SAF in modeling of sea ice mass balance.-In: Joint 2007 EUMETSAT and 1 5th AMS Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 24-28 September 2007. -8 p.

Cheng, B., Riihelä, A. & Manninen, T. 2007: The impact of surface aibedo on snow and sea ice mass balance in the Baltic.-In: lsemer, H.-J.

(ed.), Fifth Study Conference on BALTEX, Kultuurivara Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia 4-8 June 2007. International BALTEX Secretariat 38:

132-1 33.

Engström-Öst, J. 2007: HABs, turbidity and behaviour of plankton.-In: Report of the ICES IOC-SCOR Working Group on GEOHAB Implementation in the Baltic (WGGIB), 7-9 May 2007, Helsinki, Finland.

Engsträm-Öst, J., Salonen, M. & Bruun, J. 2007:

Can zooplankton escape predation in turbid water?-In: Human and Climate Forcing of Zooplankton Populations, 4th International Zooplankton Production Symposium, 28 May -1 June 2007, Hiroshima, Japan:-102.

Eriksson, R 2007: Satellite based ice monitoring at the lce Service of the Finnish lnstitute of Marine Research.-In: NOST network : Space based innovations in the public sector:28-29.

Eronen, E., Rintala, J.-M., Rouvinen, V. &

Kaartokallio, H. 2007: Bacterial diversity and community structure in sea-ice and open water stations in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea.-In:

SAME lOth Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, September 2-7 2007, Faro, Portugal:223.

Flinkman, J., Pääkkönen, J.-R, Saesmaa, 5. &

Bruun, J. 2007: The relation of northern Baltic zooplankton to climate forcing, eutroph ication and clupeid stocks in 1979-2006: bottom-up regulation revisited.-In: Human and Climate Forcing of Zooplankton Populations, 4th International Zooplankton Production Symposium, 28 May-1 June 2007, Hiroshima, Japan: 77.

Haapala, J. & Haas, C. 2007: Validation of the modelled sea-ice thickness with the HEM-data.

-In: Isemer, H.-J. (ed.), Fifth Study Conference on BALTEX, Kultuurivara Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia 4-8 June 2007. International BALTEX Secretariat 38:134.

Hjalmarsson, 5., Anderson, L., Mintrop, L., Wesslander, K., Omstedt, A. & Perttilä, M. 2007:

Alkalinity in the Baltic Sea during 2Oth century.

-In: Isemer, H.-J. (ed.), Fifth Study Conference on BALTEX, Kultuurivara Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia 4-8 June 2007. International BALTEX Secretariat 38:114.

Hoikkala, L., Aarnos, H. & Lignell, R. 2007:

Dynamics of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen during late summer cyanobacterial bloom at northern Baltic Sea.-In: SAME lQth Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, September 2-7 2007, Faro, Portugal:64.

Kaitala, 5., Zibordi, G., Mölin, E, Seppälä, J. &

Ylöstalo, P. 2007: Use of ferrybox and above water radiometric measurements for coastal water monitoring and remote sensing product validation.-In: 3rd EARSeLWorkshop: Remote Sensing of the Coastal Zone, 7-9 June 2007, Bolzano, Italy-5 p.

Kangas, A. 2007: Itämeren vedenkorkeuden mallinnus kaksiulotteisella hydrodynaamisella mallilla.-In: Kaila, K. & Korja, T. (ed.), XXIII Geofysiikan päivät; Oulu 23.-24.05.2007:59-64.

[in Finnish]

Karvonen, J., Cheng, B. & Similä, M. 2007: Baltic Sea ice thickness charts based on thermodynamic ice model and SAR data.-In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2007 (IGARSS’07), 23-27 July 2007, Barcelona, Spain. -4 p.

Karvonen, J., Haapala, J., Lehtiranta, J. & Seinä, A. 2007: Polarview@FIMR: www-based delivery of Baltic Sea ice products to end-users.-In:

Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2007 (IGARSS’07), 23-27 July 2007, Barcelona, Spain.-4p.

Karvonen, J., Similä, M. & Lehtiranta, J. 2007:

SAR-based estimation of the Baltic Sea ice motion.-In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2007 (IGARSS’07), 23-27 July 2007, Barcelona, Spain. -4 p.

Kauppinen, O.-K., Myrberg, K. & Andrejev, 0.

2007: Upwelling at Estonian coast during August 1996.-In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2007, March 19-22, Rostock, Germany: Abstract volume. Part 2: Poster:36.

Kiiltomäki, A., Lehmann, A., Stipa, T., Fleming Lehtinen, V. 2007: Statistical analysis of surface temperature and salinity variability of the Baltic Sea-A comparison of observations and model data.-In: Isemer, H.-J. (ed.), Fifth Study Conference on BALTEX, Kultuurivara Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia 4-8 June 2007.

International BALTEX Secretariat 38:135-1 36.

Kuparinen, J., Autio, R. & Kaartokallio, H. 2007:

Bacterial growth in sea-ice.-In: SAME lOth Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 2-7 September 2007, Faro, Portugal:206.

Köster, F., Turner, D., Omstedt, A., Möllmann, C., Gislason, H., Autio, R., Olsson, A. & Diekmann, R. 2007: Developing an integrated view on the Baltic Sea ecosystem: the EUR-OCEANS Baltic system study.-In: Isemer, H.-J. (ed.), Fifth Study Conference on BALTEX, Kultuurivara Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia 4-8 June 2007.

International BALTEX Secretariat 38:90-91.

Lehmann, A. & Hietala, R. 2007: The Roles of brine release and sea ice drift for winter mixing and sea ice formation in the northern Baltic Sea.-In: Isemer, H.-J. (ed.), Fifth Study Conference on BALTEX, Kultuurivara Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia 4-8 June 2007.

International BALTEX Secretariat 38:139-140.

Lehmann, A. & Myrberg, K. 2007: Upwelling in the Baltic Sea-A review.-In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2007, March 19-22, Rostock, Germany:

Abstract volume. Pari 1: Lectures:52.

Lehmann, A., Myrberg, K. & Hinrichsen, H.-H.

2007: Strong upwelling in the northern Baltic Sea in summer 2003 & 2005.-ln: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2007, March 19-22, Rostock, Germany: Abstract volume. Pari 2: Poster:34.


FIMR 2007

Lehtiniemi, M. & Gorokhova, E. 2007: Predation and ecological impact of an introduced predatory dadoceran Cercopagis pengoi on native copepods in the Baltic Sea.-In: Human and Climate Forcing of Zooplankton Populations, 4th International Zooplankton Production Symposium, 28 May-1 June 2007, Hiroshima, Japan:80.

Lehtonen, K.K., Budzinski, H., Turja, R., Leivuori, M. & Devier, M.H. 2007: Deployment of caged musseis (Mytilus spp.) as a method to study chemical pollution in the Baltic Sea : a case study in the Archipelago Sea (SW Finland).-In:

2007 ICES ASC Handbook. 2007 ICES Annual Science Conference, 17-21 September, Helsinki, Finland, 1:14:167.

Lehtonen, K.K. & Schiedek, D. 2007: Assessing ecosystem health in the Baltic Sea : requirements and strategic outline of an integrated biological chemical monitoring.-In: 2007 ICES ASC Handbook. 2007 ICES Annual Science Conference, 17-21 September, Helsinki, Finland, :13:167.

Lehtonen, K.K. & Schiedek, D. 2005: Assessing ecosystem health in the Baltic Sea : requirements and strategic out.-ICES CM 2007/1:13.- 18 p.

Leppänen, J.-M. 2007: Climate change impact on the Baltic Sea ecosystem: The HELCOM view on future cooperation with BALTEX.-In:

Isemer, H.-J. (ed.), Fifth Study Conference on BALTEX, Kultuurivara Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia 4-8 June 2007. International BALTEX Secretariat 38:63.

Lindn, E., Lehikoinen, A., Kuikka, 5., Aps, R., Kotta, J., Martin, 6., Saat, T., Pitkänen, H., Räike, A., Korpinen, R, Stipa, T., Kaitala, 5., Jolma, A. &

Sinivuori, R 2007: EVAGULF-Protection of aquatic communities in the Gulf of Finland:

risk-based policymaking.-In: 2007 ICES ASC Handbook. 2007 ICES Annual Science Conference, 17-21 September, Helsinki, Finland, C:07 :108.

Majaneva, M., Rintala, J.-M., Piisilä, M., Fewer, D. & Blomster, J. 2007: The biodiversity of sea ice communities in the Baltic Sea.-4th European Phycological Congress, Oviedo, Spain 23.-27.7.07.

Moellman, C., Möller-Karulis, B., Diekmann, R., Flinkmann, J., Kornilovs, G., Lysiak-Pastuszak, E., Modin, J., Plikshs, M., Walther, Y. & Wasmund, N. 2007: Climate-induced ecosystem regime shifts in the central Baltic and the Gulf of Riga. -In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2007, March 19-22, Rostock, Germany: Abstract volume. Part 1:


Muller-Karulis, B., Möllmann, C., Diekmann, R., Flinkman, J., Kornilovs, G., Plikshs, M., Gårdmark, A., Margonski, P., Axe, R, Pollumae, A., Pääkkönen, J.-R & Lindegren, M. 2007:

Analyses of ecosystem state and development as a basis for ecosystem-based management of the Baltic-Sea-results of the ICES/HELCOM

Working Group on lntegrated Assessments of the Baltic Sea.-In: 2007 ICES ASC Handbook.

2007 ICES Annual Science Conference, 17-21 September, Helsinki, Finland, C:18:112.

Myrberg, K. 2007: Eutrophication-MAPS.-In:

Baltic Sea Science Congress 2007, March 19-22, Rostock, Germany: Abstract volume. Part 1:


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International BALTEX Secretariat 38:19-22.