• Ei tuloksia

This study was performed at the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), University of Helsinki during the years 2013-2018. I would like to acknowledge Professors Olli Kallioniemi and Jaakko Kaprio for acting as director of FIMM and for providing outstanding infrastructure during these years.

I am deeply grateful for the financial support I received from the Association for Pathology Informatics, Finnish Cancer Societies, Orion-Pharmos Research Foundation, Biomedicum Helsinki Foundation, Ida Montinin Foundation, Emil Aaltonen Foundation, and the Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine.

First, I would like to thank my supervisors Johan Lundin and Nina Linder for their guidance and advice during my PhD studies. It has been truly interesting to work with you, and I feel lucky that I have learned so much from you.

Jorma Laaksonen and Jorma Isola are acknowledged for acting as thesis committee members. I wish to thank you for encouragement, insightful discussion and feedback in our annual meetings. Also, the official thesis reviewers Johan Hartman and Claes Lundström are acknowledged for their expertise and effort to review this work. I wish to acknowledge Pekka Ruusuvuori for accepting to serve as the opponent of my defense, and Sampsa Hautaniemi for accepting the role of custos.

The work presented in this thesis is result of team work. Therefore, I would like to sincerely thank all the collaborators I have had pleasure to work with. Especially, I want to thank Clare Verrill, Heikki Joensuu, Kari Alitalo, Panu Kovanen, Tanja Holopainen, Stig Nordling and Teijo Pellinen for successful collaboration. Without your advice, knowledge, and expertise I would not have been able to carry out this work. Likewise, many others that I have had chance to work with in projects related to this thesis and outside it, are deeply acknowledged.

I have been fortunate to have great colleagues and friends around me during the years at FIMM. I want to acknowledge all the group members: Anne, Dima, Hakan, Klaus, Margarita, Micke, Oscar, and Yinhai for support and friendship. Thank you!

The entire community of FIMM is acknowledged for the unique working environment. It has been truly fascinating to work in such an inspiring community, packed with talented and ambitious people.

Particularly, I want to thank Andrew, Dimi, Heikki, Jarno, Lassi, Oscar, Pyry, Sami, Teijo, and Vesa for vital peer-support, shared sense of humor, and friendship – without what this thesis would never have been finalized. Importantly, the FIMM Unscientific Coffee Klubben and HaSB are acknowledged for wholesome activities that helped me to maintain both mental and physical fitness. Furthermore, I wish to thank Riku and Risto for the countless hours spent at climbing gyms and trails of central park, giving me much needed balance between work and play.

Finally, I would like to thank my family. Thank you mum and dad, Irma and Ilkka, for all the encouragement. I also wish to thank my sister Riikka and brother Jaakko for their support and inspiration.

Most of all, I want to thank Elina for patience, encouragement, support, and energy you gave me throughout this PhD process. Thank you!

Helsinki, 2018

Riku Turkki


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