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Figure legends:

797 798

Figure 1. Characterization of the study The geographical sites. Geographical location A), soil N2O 799

fluxes B), soil NO3

content C), and abundance of archaeal amoA genes D). Mean (N = 3) ± 800

standard error is shown. Significant differences in Student’s two-tailed t-test between bare and 801

vegetated surfaces are shown (# P < 0.10, * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001). T-values, 802

degrees of freedom and Ns of each comparison are shown in Tables S2-S4.

803 804 805

Figure 2. Diversity and absolute abundance of AOA clades in bare and vegetated peat surface soils.


Phylogenetic placement and relative abundance of the dominant AOA clades in bare and vegetated 807

surfaces based on amoA genes A). Absolute abundance of the dominant AOA clades in bare and 808

vegetated surfaces based on amoA genes, calculated by multiplying their relative abundance by total 809




AOA abundance measured by qPCR of amoA genes (Fig. 1 D) B). Fold-difference between AOA 810

clades NS-gamma (NS-γ) and NS-zeta (NS-ζ) C). Mean ± standard error is shown. Significant 811

differences in Student’s t-test between AOA clades at each study sites are indicated by asterisks (*


P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01). T-values, degrees of freedom and N of each comparison are shown in Table 813

S5. AOA clades below detection are indicated by the symbol #.

814 815 816

Figure. 3. Gross nitrification rates in Seida bare peat soil after 30 days of incubation experiments at 817

+13°C with nitrification inhibitors carboxy-PTIO (inhibiting AOA) and ATU (inhibiting 818

betaproteobacterial AOB and comammox Nitrospira) A). Mean (N = 3) ± standard error is shown.


Significant differences in Student’s two-tailed t-test between control and treatment are shown with 820

letters (P < 0.01). Transcription of amoA genes after the 30 days incubation B). Mean (N = 3) ± 821

standard error is shown. Significant differences in Student’s two-tailed t-test between control and 822

treatment are indicated by letters (P < 0.05). Levels of significance are indicated by asterisks (* P <


0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001). T- values, and degrees of freedom of each comparison are shown 824

in Table S7.

825 826 827

Table 1. Comparison between daily mean N2O emissions from bare and vegetated 828

arctic peat surfaces in this study and emissions measured in previous studies from 829

similar bare and vegetated arctic peat soils.

830 831 832




Table 1. Comparison of daily mean N2O fluxes (µg N2O m-2 h-1) from bare and vegetated surfaces in this study to fluxes in previous studies on bare and vegetated arctic peat sites.

Landform type Site: Measurement period n Duration (d) Mean SE Reference:

Bare peat plateau Seida, Vorkuta, Russia August 2011 3 1 29.52 17.86 This study

Vegetated peat plateau Seida, Vorkuta, Russia August 2011 3 1 2.10 1.80 This study

Bare palsas Kevo, Finland June 2016 3 1 5.90 2.22 This study

Bare palsas Taymyr, Russia August 2011 3 1 42.20 16.64 This study

Vegetated palsas Kevo, Finland June 2016 3 1 -1.54 0.43 This study

Vegetated palsas Taymyr, Russia August 2011 3 1 6.93 5.10 This study

Bare peat plateau Seida, Vorkuta, Russia June-September 2012 (Snow-free period) 5 118 6.67 1.67 Voigt, et al., 201711 Bare peat plateau Seida, Vorkuta, Russia June-September 2013 (Snow-free period) 5 118 31.25 7.92 Voigt, et al., 201711 Vegetated peat plateau Seida, Vorkuta, Russia June-September 2012 (Snow-free period) 5 118 0.00 0.42 Voigt, et al., 201711 Vegetated peat plateau Seida, Vorkuta, Russia June-September 2013 (Snow-free period) 5 118 0.83 0.42 Voigt, et al., 201711

Bare palsas Kevo, Finland August 2009 21 1 108.33 3.90 Marushchak, et al. 201110

Vegetated palsas Kevo, Finland August 2009 6 1 8.33 0.00 Marushchak, et al. 201110





Ca. N. arcticus Kfb


Ca. N. oleophilus MY3


NS- ζ _OTU4


NS- α


NS- ζ _OTU1


NS- β


NS- ζ _OTU5


NS- γ -2.2 NS- γ -2.1

NS- γ -2.3_OTU1


NS- γ -1

NS- γ -2.3.1

NS- γ -2.3_OTU2


NS- γ -2.3.IS

NS- γ -2.3.2

NS- ζ -2

NS- ζ _OTU3


NS- ε

NS- ζ -1.2 NS- ζ -1.1

NS- ζ -IS.1