Analysis of Structure-Based Branching in DPLL-
Development of SLS Methods for Structured SAT
However, there appears to be room for new structure-based SLS techniques that exploit variable dependencies more directly. What these SLS approaches have in common is that they attempt to explicitly exploit variable dependencies via input variables.
Generating Empirically Hard Satisfiable CNF In-
Summary of Contributions
Both DPLL-based and local search state-of-the-art SAT solvers scale exponentially on regular XORSAT. 2 PROPOSITIONAL SATISFACTION AND NORMAL LOGIC PROGRAMS This section provides the relevant background for discussing the main results of the thesis.
As a final remark, Boolean expression diagrams (BEDs) [15] aim to extend BDDs with Boolean circuit-style gate types.
Translating Boolean Circuits to CNF
Normal Logic Programs and Stable Models
A modelM of a program is a consistent model of Πif and only if there is no modelM′⊂MforΠM, where.
Relationship between SAT and ASP
Because of this strong interplay between theory and practice, the study of the relative effectiveness of proof systems reveals important new explanations for the successes and failures of particular solver techniques. Note that polynomial simulation gives a partial order for proof systems based on their relative strength.
The Davis–Putnam–Logemann–Loveland Procedure
From the proof-theoretic point of view, search trees traversed by DPLL algorithms correspond to tableaus in the form of binary trees, which are built using two rules: the branch rule and the unit clause rule. Starting from the clauses in the input CNF formula, a branch is (fully) extended until we have both of the entries xand¬x for some variable, or no new entries can be generated with the branch and unit clause rules. With this intuition, aDPLLproof refers to building such a tableau proof using the branch and unit clause rules.
The length of aDPLLproof is defined as the number of applications of the branching rule in the proof. It can be shown that for any unsatisfactory CNF formula, a minimum lengthDPLLproof, with applications of the unit clause rule “simulated by branching”, always corresponds one-to-one to a minimum lengthT-RESproof, and vice versa. Implication graphs capture the ways in which values for variables can be derived using the unit clause rule from assignments made by branches.
The decision level of an implied variable is the number of decision variables in the branch when assigning a value to x. The decision level of DPLL at any stage is the number of decision variables in the branch. For a given CNF formulaFen a set of literals, we denote by F, L⊢UPl the fact that can be derived from FenL by iteratively applying the unit clause rule.
DPLL with Clause Learning and Modern SAT Solvers
Conflict analysis is based on a conflict graph, which captures one way of arriving at the conflict in question from the decision variables using the unit clause rule for known clauses. A conflict graph describes a single conflict and contains only the decision and implicit literals that can be used to reach the conflict when applying the unit clause rule in some order. Therefore, the way unit propagation is performed in the solver affects the choice of the conflict graph.
A conflict cut is any cut in the conflict graph with all the decision variables on one side (the causal side) and, in addition to Λ, at least one conflict literal on the other side (the conflict side). Those nodes on the cause side with at least one edge going to the conflict side of a conflict cut form a cause of the conflict. With the corresponding letters set tot, unit propagation can arrive at the current conflict.
The disjunction of the negations of these literal values is the conflict clause related to the conflict reduction. When a conflict cut with a UIP is selected, it is possible to apply conflict-driven backjumping based on the conflict clause. Note that this definition allows even the most general non-deterministic learning scheme [33], where the conflict reduction is selected non-deterministically from the set of all possible conflict reductions related to the conflict graph in question.
Circuit-Level DPLL and CL
Stochastic Local Search Procedures for SAT
Publication P1 addresses the problem of generating hard-to-satisfy CNF SAT instances by introducing the conventional XORSAT model. The basis of the random regular XORSAT construction lies in choosing a constraint graph Guniformly at random from the set of all 3-regular graphs with bipartition (X, Y). As shown in P1, conventional XORSAT also appears to be the most difficult of the considered families for local search.
The two previously proposed benchmark families most similar to regular XORSAT are the random 3-XORSAT instances [193] and the 3-XORSAT family described by Jia et al. Given variables, the regular XORSAT construction produces exact equations with exactly three occurrences of each variable, whereas the number of occurrences of a variable in random 3-XORSAT is a binomially distributed random variable with expectation 3m/n. 127], in the regular XORSAT construction, the regular constraint graph is chosen uniformly at random, whereas Jia et al.
Nevertheless, the experiments show that regular XORSAT instances exhibit faster exponential scaling for state-of-the-art SAT solvers than the aforementioned benchmarks. To provide an intuition as to why expansion is relevant in constraining unit propagation, let us derive an upper bound on the number of unit propagations in terms of the expansion coefficienth(G) of the constraint graph underlying a regular XORSAT instance. PublicationP1 mentions research into the hardness of the regular XORSAT instances ford >3, i.e. Regulard-XORSAT, as a subject for further research.
P2: Structure-Based Branching in Practice
In figure 7 we have a comparison of the average lengths of conflict clauses in the resolved cases. Since the heuristic scores for the variables that BCMinisatinputs are allowed to branch on are updated very infrequently, the input constraint results in the risk of degenerating VSIDS into a random heuristic. Another aspect is whether structural properties of the variables on which the solver is allowed to branch affect the solver's performance.
In the context of relaxing the input restriction, how much structural properties of the variables that the solver is additionally allowed to branch on affect the relative performance of the solver. HereNOTs do not contribute to the length of the paths as they are not translated. This is a generalization of the idea of limiting branching to gatesg withfanout(g) > 1 as proposed in the context of SAT-based ATPG [219].
We seek possible explanations for the fact that the structural property by which branching is limited affects the solver's efficiency. We assume that the number of variables to which the solver is allowed to branch in the conflict clauses generated during the search is a determining factor for the efficiency of the branch-constrained solver. The basic DPLLatpgjf system that uses ATPG-style branching is a variant of DPLLjf justification-based limited branching.
P5: Extended ASP Tableaux and Redundancy in ASP
After applying the expansion rule, we consider the programΠ′ = Π∪ {p ← l1, l2} instead of the original programΠ. The length of E-ASP-Tproof is the length of T plus the number of programming rules in E. The key point is that using the extension rule does not affect the existence of stable models.
In addition to the theoretical results, in P5 we experimentally evaluate how well current state-of-the-art ASP solvers can make use of the additional structure introduced to programs by the extension rule. We compare the number of decisions and running times for each of the solvers on the NLP representation ofPHPn+1n and EPHPn+1n. The average number of decisions (left) and runtimes (right) of the originalPHPn+1n are presented by the horizontal lines.
Note that the number of added atoms and rules is linear to n, which is negligible compared to the number of atoms (on the order of n2) and rules (n3) inPHPn+1n. The results are interesting: each of the solvers seems to respond individually to the added redundancy. The most interesting effect is seen for the clasp; clasp benefits from the added. rules in terms of the number of decisions, while the running times remain the same on average, unlike the other solvers.
P6 and P7: Structure-Based Techniques for Stochastic Local
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