Appendix 2
Expenses and financing of the projects in 2007
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other Total 2007 VYR VYR Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
pers month k € k € k € k € k € k € funding % k € k € k € k € k € k € k €
1. VTT
Safety management and organisatorial learning 13 162 3 11 21,47 2 199,47 #DIV/0! 77,470 0 0 47 0 75 0
Expert work in safety critical environment 14 85,785 0 1,5 0 0 87,285 #DIV/0! 67,785 0 0 0 0 0 19,5
Model-based safety evaluation of automation systems 15,5 158 1,57057 6 20 0 185,5706 #DIV/0! 135,570 0 0 0 0 0 50
Certification facilities for software 11,5 92 1 14 0 3 110 #DIV/0! 80,000 10 10 0 0 10 0
Operator practoces and human-system interfaces in
computer-basd control stations 17 218,127 1,5 6 1 0 226,627 #DIV/0! 72,627 50 0 0 0 64 40
Development and validation of Fuel performance 30 313,988 0 20 0 5 338,988 #DIV/0! 183,988 0 0 0 0 110 45
codes, POKEVA 3. VTT
Tridimensional core transient analysis methods 23,5 288,931 0 10 0 5 303,931 #DIV/0! 93,931 0 0 0 0 210 0
Total reactor physics analysis system 24,1 270,152 0 10 2 3 285,152 #DIV/0! 87,152 0 0 0 0 198 0
Numerical modelling of condensation pool 7 82,734 0 4 0 12 98,734 #DIV/0! 38,734 0 0 20 0 40 0
Improved thermal hydraulic analyses of nuclear 20,5 222,887 0 22 37 2 283,887 #DIV/0! 125,887 7 0 0 23 128 0
reactor and containment, THARE 4. Fortum
The integration of thermal hydraulics (CFD) and 6,5 80,5 0 1,5 0 0 82 #DIV/0! 0,000 41 0 0 0 0 41
structural analyses (FEA)…., MULTIPHYSICS 4. LTY
Participation in development of european calculation 7 44,209 2 3 0 0 49,209 #DIV/0! 24,209 0 0 0 25 0 0
environment, ECE 4. LTY
Condensation experiments with PPOOLEX facility 21 182,039 26 9 16 0 233,039 #DIV/0! 213,039 0 0 20 0 0 0
Large break loss of coolant accident test study 5 32,893 0 1 0 0 33,893 #DIV/0! 33,893 0 0 0 0 0 0
Release of radioactive materilas from a degrading core 6,5 72,019 4 2 0 7 85,019 #DIV/0! 30,019 0 0 0 0 55 0
Primary circuit chemistry of fission products 28,6 223,55 50 18 20,818 0 312,368 #DIV/0! 95,868 0 0 16,5 0 120 80
Core melt stabilization 8 157,008 20 15,5 0 40 232,508 #DIV/0! 89,508 0 0 0 0 128 15
Hydrogen risk in containments and particle bed 10,34 118,915 0 13,5 0 20 152,415 #DIV/0! 56,165 0 0 0 0 76,25 20
issues, HYRICI 6. VTT
Risk-informed inspections of piping 14,5 184 12 12,152 10 0 218,152 #DIV/0! 87,152 0 22 0 0 84 25
Fatigue endurance of critical equipment 7 81 25 3 3,197 0 112,197 #DIV/0! 55,197 0 0 0 0 57 0
Water chemistry and oxidation in the primary circuit 12 141,785 10 6 10 0 167,785 #DIV/0! 67,785 0 0 0 0 100 0
Monitoriing of the structural integrity of reactor circuit 16 181,184 3 10 0 11 205,184 #DIV/0! 86,184 0 0 0 0 119 0
Fracture assessment of reactor circuit 22,6 305,507 7 19 7 19 357,507 #DIV/0! 137,507 0 39 0 0 181 0
Influence of material, environment and strain rate on 14,71313 220,697 10 34 45 35 344,697 #DIV/0! 131,697 0 0 0 0 176 37
environmentally asssisted cracking.. DEFSPEED 7.VTT
Service life management system of concrete
structures in nuclear power plants 9 113,018 0 10,4 0 0 123,418 #DIV/0! 48,418 0 9 16 0 0 50
IMPACT2010 37 412,469 50 10 0 10 482,469 #DIV/0! 77,469 0 0 0 0 180 225
7. VTT
Structures under soft impact 12,0 129 2 7 26 0 163,536 #DIV/0! 96,836 0 0 0 0 66,7 0
Challenges in risk-informed safety management 20,3 232,961 2,2 18 1 0 254,161 #DIV/0! 111,361 0 0 0 0 85 57,8
Implementation of quantitative fire risk assesssment 9,2 100,836 4 9 9 41 163,836 #DIV/0! 96,836 0 0 0 0 67 0
Extreme weather and nuclear power plants 7,18 58,946 0 0 0 0 58,946 #DIV/0! 26,146 0 0 0 0 0 32,8
Administration. VTT
Programme administration and information 10 142 0 3 8 33,66 186,66 #DIV/0! 186,660 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 460,5 5108,676 234,2706 309,552 237,485 248,66 6138,644 #DIV/0! 2715,093 108 80 119,5 48 2329,95 738,1
1) VYR-päätöksen 4.6.2007 mukaisesti CERFAS-hankkeelle myönnetty VYR-rahoitusta 80 k€ vuodelle 2007, joka leikattu tasaprosenttina kaikista muista hanke-esityksistä.
2) Hankkeiden kustannusbudjetit päivitetty.
Safety management and organizational learning (ManOr) Author: Teemu Reiman Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. OpExp
4,0 47 3 50 40 10
2. OrRe
2,5 31 5 22 57 47 10
3. Subcont
2,0 32 1 33 17,5 15
4. SaCu
4,5 53 3 2 2 60 20 40
13,0 162 3 11 22 2 200 78 0 0 0 47 0 75 0
The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety (SAFIR2010), 2007 - 2010 Liite 2b
Resource Plan for 2007 Date:28.5.2007
Expert work in safety critical environment Author: Niina Rintala/Anneli Leppänen
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR TTL TKK
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. HR practices 9,84 62,000 1,5
53 11,563,5
Deduction of 1k€
2. Publishing and dissemination of results 3,79 23,785
17 2,5 5,523,785
Deduction of 1,215k€
0 0
14 86 0 2 0 0 87,285 67,785 14,0 5,5 87,285
Personnel costs includes indirect employee costs and general expenses. More information in appendices.
No costs for international connections in 2007.
When possible, travel expences are also financed with scholarships.
Project Name (Model-based safety evaluation of automation systemns, MODSAFE) Authors: Urho Pulkkinen, Janne Valkonen, Ilkka Niemelä Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. State-of-the-art
2,9 27,0 8,0 35,0 26,2 8,8
2. Selection of case studies
2,4 26,5 2,0 8,0 36,5 24,9 11,6
3. Planning of Case study 1
3,9 45,5 2,0 4,0 51,5 33,9 17,6
4. Modelling of the case study
6,4 59,0 1,6 2,0 0,0 62,6 50,6 12,0
15,5 158,0 1,6 6,0 20,0 185,6 135,6 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 50,0 0,0
Comments:The total cost include the costs of VTT and TKK. The external services are the costs by London City University.
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. State-of-the-art
1,0 13,00 8,00 21,00 12,20 8,80
2. Selection of case studies
1,5 20,00 1,00 8,00 29,00 17,40 11,60
3. Planning of Case study 1
3,0 39,00 1,00 4,00 44,00 26,40 17,60
4. Modelling of the case study
2,0 26,00 0,66 1,00 0,00 27,66 15,66 12,00
7,5 98,00 0,66 3,00 20,00 121,66 71,66 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 50,00 0,00
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. State-of-the-art
1,9 14,00 14,00 14,00
2. Selection of case studies
0,9 6,50 1,00 7,50 7,50
3. Planning of Case study 1
0,9 6,50 1,00 7,50 7,50
4. Modelling of the case study
4,4 33,00 0,91 1,00 34,91 34,91
8,0 60,00 0,91 3,00 0,00 63,91 63,91 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety (SAFIR2010), 2007 - 2010 Liite 2b
Resource Plan for 2007 Date: 21.5.2007
Project Name (Certification facilities for software, CERFAS) Author: Hannu Harju
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. State-of-the-art
5,8 46 7 2 55 35 10 10
1.1 Previous research projects
1.2 Standards 1.3 Features of SCS
2. Development of Strawtool
5,8 46 1 7 1 55 45 10
2.1 Process certification
2.2 Product certification
2.3 Integrated toolset
3. Cadetcase study
0,0 0
3.1 Prepare of the case
3.2 Certification activities
11,5 92 1 14 0 3 110 80 0 10 10 0 0 10 0
Comments: The total costs of VTT and TUT
Project Name (O¨Practice) Author:Jari Laarni Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Halden
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Teamwork and new designs
7,0 95 1 3 1 100 48 15 30
1.1 Teamwork and LSD 3,0 18 5 10
1.2 Teamwork and EOP's 4,0 30 10 20
2. Towards ICT-based CofO
5,0 64 1 1 66 15 10 30 10
2.1 Testing IR-based Large Screens 4,0 15 10 17 10
2.2 Extended process information 1,0 13
3. HFI evaluation
4,5 59 1 60 40 19
3.1 V&V of hybrid CR concepts 4,5 40 19
0,5 1 1 10
17,0 218 2 6 1 0 227 73 0 50 0 0 0 64 40
The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety (SAFIR2010), 2007 - 2010 Liite 2b
Resource Plan for 2007 REV. 2 Date:6.6.2007
Polttoainemallien kehittäminen ja validointi (POKEVA) Author:
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Transient Model Devel
14,0 139 3 1 143 88 55
2. Steady-State Model Devel
11,0 109 3 2 114 59 55
3. Separate Tasks (Halden)
3,0 37 6 2 45 45
4. Management and Collabr
2,0 29 8 37 37
30,0 314 0 20 0 5 339 184 0 0 0 0 0 110 45
Seppo Kelppe
Tridimensional core transient analysis method (TRICOT)
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Dynamics codes
11,5 141 3 144 42 102
1.1 TRAB-3D/SAMBRE 4,0 50 1
1.2 TRAB-3D validation 3,5 42 1
1.3 Uncertainty analysis 4,0 49 1
2. 3D core hydraulics
6,0 74 2 76 25 51
2.1 PORFLO code development 2,0 25
2.2 Flow in BWR bundle 2,0 25 1
2.3 Open core geometry 2,0 24 1
3. Management and co-
6,0 74 10 84 27 57
3.1 International co-operation 2,0 25 10
3.2 Documentation and QA 2,5 32
3.3 Project management 1,5 17
23,5 289,0 0,0 10,0 0,0 5,0 304,0 94,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 210,0 0,0
The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety (SAFIR2010), 2007 - 2010 Liite 2b
Resource Plan for 2007 Date:21.05.2007
Total Reactor Physics Analysis System (TOPAS) Author: Randolph Höglund
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Cross sections 3,9 41 1 42 13 29
2. Development and validation of nodal methods 3,1 38 38 10 28
3. Monte Carlo and other transport methods 3,9 47 1 48 15 33
4. Criticality safety, isotopic concentrations 3,9 38 1 39 12 27
5. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis 3,4 28 28 9 19
6. Documentation and QA
2,4 32 0 0 0 0 32 10 22
7. International cooperation
2,0 24 0 10 2 0 36 11 25
8. Project management & information exchange
1,5 22 0 0 0 0 22 7 15
24,1 270 0 10 2 3 285 87 0 0 0 0 0 198 0
Numerical Modeling of Condensation Pool (NUMPOOL) Author: Timo Pättikangas Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. CFD modeling of CONDEX
3,5 41 2 6 49 19 10 20
2. ABAQUS modeling
3,5 41 2 6 49 19 10 20
7,0 83 0 4 0 12 99 39 0 0 0 20 0 40 0
Comments: "Other" stands for computing and license costs
The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety (SAFIR2010), 2007 - 2010
Resource Plan for 2007 Date: 11.5.2007
Project Name (THARE) Author: Ismo Karppinen
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR Fortum EU VTT
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. APROS validation
8,5 88 88 40 48
1.1 ROSA
4,0 28
1,5 20
1,5 20
1.4 APROS validation methodology
1,5 20
2. CFD containment
3,5 38 3 2 43 20 23
2.1 SARNET benchmark
3,5 38
3. International programmes
3,5 42 17 37 96 58 7 31
3.1 OECD/GAMA 0,5 7 3
3 73.2 OECD/PSB-VVER 0,5 6 2
4 43.3 USNRC/CAMP * 0,5 6 4 26
31 53.4 OECD/ROSA 0,5 6 4
5 53.5 OECD/SETH2 ** 0,5 6 2 11
15 43.6 Northnet *** 1,0 11 2
7 64. Coordination
1111 8 3
4,0 44 2 46 23 23
20,5 223 0 22 37 2 284 125,887 7,0 23 128,0
* Expenses of USNRC camp include also participation fee, 30 k$. Inkind contribution (code validation calculation with TRACE) in a separe project.
** OECD/SETH2, participation fee is included
*** Funding applied from Fortum
The integration of thermal-hydraulics (CFD) and structural analyses (FEA) Author: Ville Lestinen/E.K. Puska computer codes in liquid and solid mechanics (MULTIPHYSICS)
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Validation of FSI -calculations
5,0 62,0 0,0 1,0 0,0 0,0 63,0 34,0 29,0
1.1 Validation of STAR-CD - ABAQUS calculations 2,5 28,5 0,0 0,5 0,0 0,0
0,0 29,01.2 Testing of the FSI model ES-FSI of the CFD code STAR-CD 2,5 33,5 0,0 0,5 0,0 0,0
34,0 0,02. Validation of system code calculations
1,0 11,5 0,0 0,5 0,0 0,0 12,0 0,0 12,0
2.1 Validation of APROS- and TMOC -calculations 1,0 11,5 0,0 0,5 0,0 0,0
0,0 12,04. Project management
0,5 7,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 7,0 7,0 0,0
6,5 80,5 0,0 1,5 0,0 0,0 82,0 41,0 41,0
VYR and VTT funding columns of original application replaced by Other = Tekes funding after favourrable decision by Tekes.
The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety (SAFIR2010), 2007 - 2010 Liite 2b
Resource Plan for 2007 Date:10.05.2007
Participation in Development of European Calculation Environment (ECE) Author: Heikki Purhonen
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Calculations with new simulation tools
4,0 23 2 25 25
1.1 Simulation tool testing and calculation of POOLEX test 4,0 23 2
252. Delivery of experiment data
3,0 21 2 1 24 24
2.1 Data conversion and delivery 3,0 21 2 1
240 0 0 0
7,0 44 2 3 0 0 49 24 0 0 0 0 25 0 0
Comments: Cost per person month k€ 3
- EU funding share will not be included in SAFIR Person months 4
reporting. Indirect personal cost 60% 7
- Additional Cost (AC) model is applied in EU for the universities. travel 2
The cost breakdown according to the AC model is overhead 20 % 4
presented in beside table. Total 25
Condensation experiments with PPOOLEX facility (CONDEX) Author: Markku Puustinen Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. PPOOLEX tests
19,5 167 26 5 16 0 214 194 0 0 0 20 0 0 0
1.1 Characterizing tests 6,5 56 10 3 9
70 81.2 Pre-test CFD analysis of experiments on the early phase of 5,0 37 1 1 1
36 41.3 Experiments on the early phase of a MSL rupture 8,0 74 15 1 6
88 82. Project management and international contacts
1,5 15 0 4 0 0 19 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.1 Project management and international contacts 1,5 15 4
21,0 182,0 26,0 9,0 16,0 0,0 233 213 0 0 0 20 0 0 0
The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety (SAFIR2010), 2007 - 2010 Liite 2b
Resource Plan for 2007 Date:10.05.2007
Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident test study (LABRE) Author: Heikki Purhonen
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Available large break LOCA tests
5 33 0 1 0 0 34 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.1 Search and review of available tests 5,0 33 1
5,0 33,0 0,0 1,0 0,0 0,0 34 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Release of radioactive materials from a degrading core (RADECO) Liite 2b Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR VTT
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Iodine
4,5 50 4 2 7 63 21 42
1.1 The production of organic iodides from 4,0 44,5 4
17 31,51.2 OECD/BIP 0,5 5,5 2 7
4 10,52. Shutdown conditions
2,0 22 22 9 13
2.1 Severe accident progression during s 2,0 22
6,5 72 4 2 0 7 85 30 55
The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety (SAFIR2010), 2007 - 2010 Liite 2b
Resource Plan for 2007 Date:21.5.2007
Project Name (CHEMPC) Author: Ari Auvinen
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Primary circuit chemistry of iodine
13,3 140,4 50,0 4,0 194 50,4 64,0 80,0
1.1 Manufacturing of CHIP sampling system 4,6 50 25 4
1.2 Manufacturing of facility for PC chemistry 4,7 44 25
1.3 Exp. with gaseous iodine feed 4,0 46
2. Phebus FP and ISTP follow up
1,2 15,7 0,0 4,0 20 9,7 10,0
2.1 Reviewing the FPT-2 final report
0,7 10 10
2.1 Participation in the Phebus FP and ISTP meetings
0,5 6 4,0 10
3. Modelling of ruthenium transport
5,5 52,1 0,0 4,0 56 19,6 16,5 20,0
3.1 Modelling of ruthenium transport 5,0 47 4
3.2 Participation in the ruthenium chemistry experiments 0,5 5
4. Artist-resuspension experiments
8,6 15,4 0,0 6,0 20,8 42 16,2 26,0
4.1 Experiments on particle resuspension
7,7 6,0 20,8 27
4.2 ARTIST integral experiments
0,9 9,4 6,0 15
28,6 224 50 18 21 0 312 95,9 0,0 0,0 16,5 0,0 120,0 80,0
Core Melt Stabilization (COMESTA) Author: Tuomo Sevón
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR VTT KTMSubprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. HECLA Experiments
7,5 91,4 20 2 113,4 46 67,4
1.1 Experiments 5 62,7 20 2
34 50,71.2 Reporting and analyses 2,5 28,7
12 16,72. OECD/MCCI-2
2,9 33,7 8 15 56,7 16 25,7 15
2.1 Follow-on and information exchange 1 11,5 6 15
11 6,5 152.2 Experiment analysis and workshop 1,9 22,2 2
5 19,23. CSARP
0,5 5,7 3 25 33,7 17 16,7
1,8 20,5 20,5 6,5 14
5. Core Support Plate Behavior
6. Project management and information exchange
0,5 5,7 2,5 8,2 4 4,2
13,2 157 20 15,5 40 232,5 89,5 128 15
2.1 The participation fee of OECD/MCCI-2 project is 15 kUSD, paid by KTM
3. The participation fee of CSARP is 25 kUSD
The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety (SAFIR2010), 2007 - 2010
Resource Plan for 2007 Liite 2b
Date: 11.05.2007
Hydrogen Risk in Containments and Particle Bed Issues Author: Eveliina Takasuo
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR VTT KTM
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Hydrogen distibution and combustion
4,750 54,625 0,000 3,000 0,000 0,000 57,625 26,625 31,000
2. Particle bed coolability
1,500 17,250 0,000 3,000 0,000 0,000 20,250 7,000 13,250
3. International reserach programs
3,590 41,290 0,000 5,000 0,000 20,000 66,290 14,290 32,000 20,000
1,590 18,290 0,000 5,000 0,000 20,000 43,290 14,290 9,000 20,000
2,000 23,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 23,000 0,000 23,000 0,000
4. Project management and information exchange 0,500 5,750 0,000 2,500 0,000 0,000 8,250
8,250 0,000
10,340 118,915 0,000 13,500 0,000 20,000 152,415 56,165 76,250 20,000
Comments: 3.1 20k€ for the participation fee of the OECD/THAI -project
Risk-Informed Inspections of Piping (PURISTA)
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR TVO VTT DoosanBabcock Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Evaluation of piping failure pot
5,5 64 4 0 10 0 78 22 22 34
1.1 Probabilistic analysis methods for lea 4,1 48 4
15 15 221.2 Vibrations 1,4 16 10
7 7 122. Reliability of inspections
4,2 55 8 0 0 0 63 23 15 25
2.1 NDT simulation 1,8 25 8
18 152.2 Link between inspection qualification 2,4 30
5 253. Preparation, acceptance, follow
3,8 50,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 50 30 20
3.1 Risk ranking and inspection site sele 1,9 25
15 103.2 RI-ISI programme acceptance, follow 1,9 25
15 104. International co-operation and
1512,15 27 12,15 15
14,5 184 12 12 10 0 218 87 22 84 25
Comments: Updated version 21.5.2007
2,848 k€ has been cut from travel expenses, subproject 4, due to 3,2 % reduction in VYR funding In subtask 1.2, 10 k€ has been moved from personnel expenses to external services
(strain gage measurements and reporting by Fortum Condition Management)
The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety (SAFIR2010), 2007 - 2010 Liite 2b/1
Resource Plan for 2007 Revision 22.5.2007
VYR + VTT share for: Fatigue endurance of critical equipment (FATE) Author: Jussi Solin Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR Wärtsilä Fortum TVO Tekes EU VTT Other Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Definition of work plans
1 11 1 0,197 -12 0 5,197 0 0 0 0 0 7
1.1 Research plan for 4 years 0
1.2 Topical seminar (F+F+S) 1,0 11 1 0,197 -12
5,197 72. Materials cyclic performance
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.1 Review on stainless steel grades 0
2.2 Q&T steels for bolts 0
2.3 Crack growth thresholds 0
2.4 High temperature fatigue 0
3. Fatigue in hot water
5 58 25 1 3 -87 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 44
3.1 Facility for transient simulation 3,0 35 15 3 -53
26 273.2 Experiments (autoclave) 0
3.3 Microscopy (TEM) 1,0 12 10 -22
11 113.4 Mechanism for SS 1,0 11 1 -12
6 64. Fatigue design
1 12 0 1 0 -13 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 6
4.1 Review of margins 0
4.2 Evaluation of loading spectra 0
4.3 Material modeling for cyclic FEA 1,0 12 1 -13
7 64.4 Thermal fatigue (pre-study) 0
4.5 Verification test (for Nulife 2009) 0
7,0 81 25 3 3 -112 0 55 0 0 0 0 0 57 0
Project Name Water chemistry and oxidation in the primary circuit (WATCHEM) Author: Timo Saario Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro 1. Modelling the properties of
oxides growing on fuel cladding
6,4 89 9 2 10 110 50 60
2. Decontamination
2,6 35 1 4 40 12 28
3. Preoxidation
3,0 18 18 6 12
12,0 142 10 6 10 0 168 68 0 0 0 0 0 100 0
Comments: The planned VTT funding, 100 k€, has been confirmed up to 66 k€. Decision on the remaining amount will be available on January 25, 2007.
The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety (SAFIR2010), 2007 - 2010 Liite 2b
Resource Plan for 2007 Date:15.01.2007
Monitoring of the structural integrity of reactor circuit(RAKEMON) Author:Pentti Kauppinen
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Design of monitoring system
12,5 137 0 5 0 0 142 56 86
1.1 Litterature review 11,0 124 3 127 52 75
(1.2 Data transfer and archive) 0,0 0 0 0
1.3 Selection of inspection items 1,5 16 2 18 7 11
2. Analysis of inspection items
2,5 31 0 3 0 11 45 20 25
2.1 Techniques for limited access 2,5 31 3 11 45 20 25
(2.2 Phased array techniques) 0,0 0 0 0
3.Fibre optical monitoring methods
1,0 13 3 2 18 10 8
(4.Data archiving system) 0,0
16,0 181 3 10 0 11 205 86 0 0 0 0 0 119 0
Project Name: Fracture assessment for reactor circuit (FRAS ) Author: Pekka Nevasmaa
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR TVO Tekes EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Definition of loads
7 79 1 2 0 0 82 36 16 0 0 30 0
1.1 Loads transferred by supports 1,8 20 1 2 0
11 121.2 Fluid-structure interaction 2,5 30 0
13 8 91.3 Residual stresses 2,4 29
12 8 92. Advanced fracture mechanical assessment methods
10 130 2 10 3 7 152 61 23 0 0 68
2.1 Engineering assessment tools 3,4 47 4 0
16 15 202.2 Assessment of 3D flaws 2,2 28 2 2 3 7
18,5 232.3 Micromechanical modelling 2,0 28 4 0
15 172.4 Development of submodelling technique 2,3 27
11 8 83. Advanced surveillance techniques
6 97 4 7 4 12 124 41 0 0 83
3.1 Ductile crack growth measuring capacity 3,0 42 4 4 12
19 433.2 Irradiation embrittlement 3,0 55 7 0
22 40TOTAL
22,6 305,5 7,0 19,0 7,0 19,0 357,5 137,5 39,0 0,0 0,0 181,0 0,0
Comments: 38,5 % 10,9 % 0,0 % 0,0 % 50,6 %
*) Special equipment charges under Other (Expences)
The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety (SAFIR2010), 2007 - 2010 Liite 2b
Resource Plan for 2007 FINAL, reduced VYR funding in May 2007 implemented Date:9.5.2007
Project Name (DEF SPEED) Author:Ulla Ehrnstén
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. SSSRT of SS
8,9 133,7 6,0 9,0 18,0 30,0 197 64,7 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 95,0 37,0
1.1 Initiation testing in autoclaves 4,9 74 4 15
41 521.2. Characterisation of deformation 2,6 39 2 18 8
24 431.3 Characterisation of irr SS and CIR 1,4 21 9 7
402. J-R tests in environment
2,3 35,0 4,0 0,0 27,0 3,0 69 24,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 45,0 0,0
2.1 Diploma thesis 2,3 35 4 27 3
24 45(2.2 Fracture resistance result evaluation) 0
03. International co-operation
3,5 52,0 0,0 25,0 0,0 2,0 79 43,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 36,0 0,0
SCAP 1,5 23 8 2
33Icgeac+envdeg etc 1,9 29 17
46 10 36
(4. SCC in Ni-based materials)
0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
(3.1 DSA-studies, thesis work) 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
TOTAL 14,7 220,7 10,0 34,0 45,0 35,0 345 132 176 37
Service Life Management System of Concrete Structures in Nuclear Power Plants
Project Name (SERVICEMAN) Author: Erkki Vesikari
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Service life management system
6,4 82 4 86 17 9 16 44
1.1 Development of databases 3,2 41 2
9 4 8 221.2 Development of final degradation models 3,2 41 2
8 5 8 221.3 Development of action specification systems 0,0 0 0
0 01.4 Development of LCC and LCA analýsis 0,0 0 0
0 02. Structural analyses
0,6 7 7 7 0
2.1 Structural degradation analyses 0,0 0
0 02.2 System for serviceability limit state design 0,6 7
7 03. Risk analyses 0,0 0
0 04. Research cooperation BTS 1) 1,7
20 20
20 2)5. OECD/ NEA/IAGE work group etc. 0,3
4 6 10
4,4 6TOTAL
9,0 113 0 10 0 0 123 48 0 9 16 0 0 50 0
1) Other partners of BTS research cooperation are not shown in the table. In recent years the total budget of BTS has been about 120 kEuro. So the part of VYR financing is about 17 %.
2) VTT takes part in the financing of BTS by financing directly the project DURAFIELD
The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety (SAFIR2010), 2007 - 2010 Liite 2b
Resource Plan for 2007 Date:30.05.2007
Project Name (IMPACT 2010) Author: Ilkka Hakola
Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR Companie Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other 1) Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Test apparatus
2,0 20 30 50 3 30 10
2. Improving of measuring
2,0 25 20 45 3 30 10
3. Preliminary design of missiles
and walls
5,0 60 60 10 30
4. Testing missiles and walls
28,0 310 10 10 330 64 165 130
37,0 415 50 10 0 10 485 80 225 0 0 0 0 180 0
1)The total funding of the 3 companies is 450 k€, but it is divided for the years 2005-2008. For the year 2007 the funding is 225 k€
Two companies may join project in summer 2007. Fortum Oy is participating the project by their own work, 30 k€
Project Name (SUSI) Author: Etunimi Sukunimi Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Loading function
3,0 29 2 7 38 21 17
2. Structural integrity
6,5 65 0 2 10 77 46 31
Simplified methods 2,0 10 10
Numerical simulation 4,5 55 2
3. Jet fuel dispersion & comb.
2,5 35 2 3 9 49 30 19
12,0 129 2 7 26 0 164 97 0 0 0 0 0 67 0
Comments: Tasks 1 and 2: 2 person months are included in external services
CHAllenges in Risk-Informed Safety MAnagement (CHARISMA) Author: Jan-Erik Holmberg Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Risk-informed decision making
2,8 43,6 0,2 8,0 0,0 0,0 51,8 14,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 37,8
1.1 PSA-related safety goals 1,7 26,6 0,2 5 31,8 14 17,8
1.2 Risk-informed Tech.Spec 0,0 0,0
1.3 Risk-informed defence-in-depth 1,1 17,0 3 20,0 20
2. Human reliability
8,7 66,5 0,5 5,5 0,0 0,0 72,5 25,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 27,5 20,0
2.1 Risk-informed ways of management 2,2 27,0 0,5 0,5 28,0 15 13
2.2 Emerging human reliability analysis 6,5 39,5 5 44,5 10 14,5 20
2.3.1 Predictive indicators of recurring er 0,0 0,0
2.3.2 Data mining 0,0 0,0
2.4 Organisational factors 0,0 0,0
3. Reliability of automation
3,2 44,0 0,5 1,5 0,0 0,0 46,0 26,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 20,0 0,0
3.1 Reliability of distributed control syste 3,2 44 0,5 1,5 46,0 26 20
4. Level 2 and 3 PSA
4,8 66,9 0,0 2,0 0,0 0,0 68,9 40,4 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 28,5 0,0
4.1 Level 2 PSA 2,7 36,9 1 37,9 22,4 15,5
4.2 Level 3 PSA 2,1 30 1 31,0 18 13
5. Project management, intern 0,8 12,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 0,0 15,0 6,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 9,0 0,0
5.1 Project management, international co 0,8 12 1 1 1 15,0 6 9
20,3 233,0 2,2 18,0 1,0 0,0 254,2 111,40 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 85,0 57,8
Other financing in subtask 1.1 Safety goal from NKS (Relcon Scandpower contracts with NKS, VTT is a subcontractor of Relcon Scandpower) Other financing in subtask 1.3 Risk-informed defence-in-depth from SKI (VPC contracts with SKI, VTT is a subcontractor of VPC)
Other financing in subtask 2.2 Emerging HRA is Halden in-kind
In-kind contribution from Fortum and TVO in subtasks 2.1, 3.1, 4.1
FIRAS Author: Jukka Hietaniemi Expenses Financing
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR NN Fortum TVO NKS EU VTT Other
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Fire spread modelling
3,5 44 1 3 4 4 56,0 30,0 26,0
1.1 Experiments providing input and validation
data for fire spread simulations
21 15,01.2 Validation of the fire simulation
9,0 11,02. Integration of quantitative fire risk
assessment into NPP PSA
3,5 41 1 4 3 2 51 29 22,0
2.1 Probabilistic fire simulation of fire risk-
relevant rooms in NPPs
17 13,02.2 Development of guidance material to facilitate the adaptation of the quantitative fire-
6 5,02.3 Classification of the NPP rooms according
to quantitative fire-PSA needs 6 4,0
3. Development of a model to assess the efficiency of operational fire
fighting in NPP fires
1,2 14 1 1 1 0 17 7,8 9,0
3.1 Collecting and analysis of information from NPP fire brigade drills as well as from fire
2,8 4,03.2 Development guidelines for efficient information collection concerning fire-brigade
operation data 5 5,0
3.3 Model fire-brigade operations at NPPs
4. International activities
1,0 2,0 1 1 1 35 40 30 10,0
4.1 PRISME project utilisation
4.2 OECD PRISME project 30
9,2 101 4 9 9 41 164,0 96,8 0 0 0 0 0 67,0 0
The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety (SAFIR2010), 2007 - 2010 Liite 2b
Resource Plan for 2007 (Updated May 30 2007)
Project Name: Extreme weather and nuclear power plants (EXWE)
Volume Personnel Mat&supp Travel Ext serv Other TOTAL VYR FMI
Subprojects person mo keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro keuro
1. Estimation of extreme weather events based on observed data
3,9 31,8 31,8 19,5 12,3
1.1 Digitizing of data 1,0 8,2
8,21.2 Analyzing extremes 2,4 19,5
19,51.3 Publishing results 0,5 4,1
4,12. Estimation of extreme weather events based on climate scenarios
2,3 18,9 18,9 6,6 12,3
2.1 Selection and downloading scenarios 1,0 8,2
8,22.2 Preliminary analyzing extremes 0,8 6,6
6,62.3 Publishing results 0,5 4,1
4,13. Estimation of trom, down burst or low level jet hit
1,0 8,2 8,2 8,2
3.1 Updating and collection of data 1,0 8,2