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The Network Layer and the Internet Protocol


Academic year: 2022

Jaa "The Network Layer and the Internet Protocol"




The Network Layer and the Internet Protocol

kirja sivut 190-222



Internet-protokolla (IP) toteuttaa verkkokerroksen

Tietoliikennepaketit välitetään erilaisten fyysisten kerrosten ylitse koneelta koneelle

IP tarjoaa "best effort"-tyyppisen epäluotettavan välityspalvelunYlemmät kerrokset välittävät datan oikealle sovellukselle, IP tuo

sen vain koneelle

Verkkokerroksen osoiteavaruus on globaali

Toimiakseen verkkokerros tarvitsee:

Kehystyksen linkkikerrokselta

Lähiverkoissa muunnoksen IP-osoitetta vastaavaan MAC- osoitteeseen (ARP)

Point-to-point -verkoissa tiedon linkkien takana sijaitsevista IP- verkoista (reititysprotokollat)

Konfiguraatiotiedot (DHCP)



• The Internet Protocol

• IP addresses, address resolution

• IP in LAN environment

• Static routing


Network Layer

• Network layer packets are transmitted from the sending network entity all the way to the reciever, spanning several LANs and data link layer


• There are several network layer protocols

Internet Protocol (IP) is currently the most common one

X.25 is almost obsolete

Provides reliable, connection oriented packet networking



• IP = The Internet Protocol

• Defined in RFC 791

• IP sends simple datagrams over network.

• It provides unreliable and connectionless delivery service.

unreliable = no guarantees, ICMP error messages

connectionless = each packet is treated as a separate case

• Large IP packets may be fragmented and reassembled in transmission

In practice path MTU discovery is used instead

Maximum Transmission Unit


IP Packet Format


Padding Options...

Destination IP address Source IP address

Header checksum Protocol


Fragment offset Flags


Total length Hdr TOS

length Vers

0 16




...IP Packet Format

• Version is 4 until IPv6 comes.

• Type of Service contains quality parameters, like maximize throughput or reliability. This field has never been really used and is now recycled for different Quality of Service solutions

• Identification is set by sending host to unique value for each sent IP-packet, usually this is an incremental counter.

• Flags tell if this packet is fragmented or if this packet should not be fragmented

• Fragment offset tells how far from the head of

original datagram this fragment is


...IP Packet Format

• Time to Live is decremented by one by every router passed. When 0 is reached, the packet is discarded and an ICMP-message sent back.

• Protocol may be TCP, UDP, ICMP or one of several others

• Options are rarely used and not widely supported.

They are loose and strict source routing, route

recording, time stamping and military security

options (RFC 1108).


IP Addresses

• IP address identifies a network interface. A host can have several interfaces.

• Current length is 32 bits (IPv4). Future length is 128 bits (IPv6).

• General syntax:

4 components separated by dots ("dotted quad")

decimal numbers (0-255)

for example:

• Addresses have two components, the network id

and the host id.


Address Classes

The network part of the address is used to route a packet to the right LAN

The host part tells which host on a LAN should receive the packet

If a host is sending a packet to an address, which network part is not same as the sender’s the packet is sent to a gateway

(router), if the network part is same, the packet is sent to the LAN

There is only a small number of class A networks but they can have many hosts

Class B networks are almost all taken

There are quite a few class C networks but they can only have 254 hosts each

Class based routing is now mostly obsolete and replaced by classless routing (CIDR)


Address Classes

A traditional division of IPv4 Internet addresses, now mostly obsolete

Still often referred to in discussions

11110 1110 110 10 0 first bits

reserved 240-247

0 27


multicast addresses 224-239

0 28


small -"- 192-223

8 21


medium -"- 128-191

16 14


large organizations 0-127

24 7


use first

byte host

bits netID

bits Class


CIDR (Classless Inter Domain Routing)

Arbitrary length host and network fields instead of A, B and C classes

Commonly used to make superblocks of C classes for routing (a.k.a. supernetting)

In the future may be used to split unused A classes

Network mask marks the boundary

For example netmask is

The number after the slash (/) tells how many bits in the mask are 1, the rest are 0

Host IP address AND network mask = network's IP address

RFC 1518, 1519


Special Addresses

• is used for "any" or "no" IP address

• is local broadcast address

• 127 followed by hostID is the loopback address


• NetID followed by all zeros is the network address


• NetID followed by all ones is network broadcast address



Special Addresses

• On the Internet there is an agreement that some addresses are not routed to the backbone

• These addresses are called private networks and

used for NAT (Network Address Translation)



Large networks are often divided into smaller units

Subnetting hides the details of internal network organization

for example, (216-2 hosts) could be subnetted to (28 subnets with 28-2 hosts in each)

Host IP address AND network mask = network IP address

HostID SubnetID


Default netmask Subnet mask



ICMP = Internet Control Message Protocol

Defined in RFC 792

ICMP packet syntax:

Type identifies the message: echo request, echo reply, destination unreachable, etc.

Code defines the reason: host unreachable, port unreachable, etc.

Data contains part of the IP packet that caused the error.


Checksum Code




ICMP messages are transmitted in IP datagrams.

Communicates error messages and other conditions that require attention.

Can be utilized to track network infrastructure (ping, traceroute).

ICMP data ICMP header

IP header



• Usually one physical segment = one IP network

• Each IP network has a network address and a broadcast address

• Problem: IP addresses only make sense to the TCP/IP protocol suite, not to the hardware


• Solution: ARP maps IP addresses to hardware addresses

• If a booting host doesn’t know its IP address,

DHCP (or RARP, BOOTP) can be used


…IP on LAN

• Host interfaces must be activated

• Loopback interface:

ifconfig lo

• Ethernet interface:

ifconfig eth0 broadcast \ netmask

• Other interfaces

• Default route

route add default


…IP on LAN

gato tsilven 6$ ifconfig -a

lo Link encap:Local Loopback

inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:3584 Metric:1

RX packets:77 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:77 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:60:08:06:2A:36

inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

UP BROADCAST RUNNING PROMISC MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:178567 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:43770 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:20

Interrupt:5 Base address:0x6c00 gato tsilven 7$ netstat -rn

Kernel IP routing table

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Iface U 1500 eth0


ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)

• A host finds other hosts by broadcasting an ARP query for the IP address

• The host with correct IP address replies with its hardware address

• The address pair is added to receivers dynamic ARP cache

• Features: proxy ARP, gratuitous ARP

• RFC 826


ARP Packet Format

Encapsulated into link layer frame

Data is always 28 bytes

hardw type = hardware address type (0x0001 = Ethernet)prot type = protocol address type (0x0800 = IP)

OP = operation (ARP/RARP request/reply)

target IP address target

MAC address sender


address sender

MAC address OP

prot size hardw

size prot

type hardw


2 2 1 1 2 6 4 6 4 bytes


ARP, an Example

gato tsilven 15$ arp -a

jalopeno.nixu.fi ( at 08:00:20:74:F1:2C [ether] on eth0 fajitas.nixu.fi ( at 08:00:20:18:06:14 [ether] on eth0 tapas.nixu.fi ( at 08:00:09:6D:B6:44 [ether] on eth0 gato tsilven 16$ ping

PING ( 56 data bytes

64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=3.0 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.7 ms --- ping statistics ---

2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = 0.7/1.8/3.0 ms

gato tsilven 17$ arp -a

jalopeno.nixu.fi ( at 08:00:20:74:F1:2C [ether] on eth0 sueno.nixu.fi ( at 00:60:08:54:2D:D9 [ether] on eth0 fajitas.nixu.fi ( at 08:00:20:18:06:14 [ether] on eth0 tapas.nixu.fi ( at 08:00:09:6D:B6:44 [ether] on eth0


ARP, an Example

bash-2.02# tcpdump -i eth0 -n -t -q\


tcpdump: listening on eth0

arp who-has tell arp reply is-at 0:60:8:54:2d:d9 > icmp: echo request > icmp: echo reply > icmp: echo request > icmp: echo reply 6 packets received by filter

0 packets dropped by kernel


Bootstrapping an IP Host in the LAN

• RARP (Reverse ARP), a host broadcasts its

hardware address and receives an IP address to use as its own

• BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol) is better:

IP address and other information can be given

• Both now replaced by DHCP (Dynamic Host

Configuration Protocol)



• DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) extends BOOTP:

automatic assignment of (permanent) IP addresses

dynamic assignment for a limited time

• Extends vendor-specific area from 64 to 312 bytes

• RFC 1531

• Supports distributed configuration

Message forwarding or local servers

• Not a trivial service to configure for large




Messages are sent using UDP over IP – Server in port 67, client in port 68

The DHCP server on the LAN segment is found using a broadcast

First packet to from (client does not know its’ own address)

Message types:


The server returns all necessary information – IP address, netmask, gateway to the clientDNS server’s address also

Address assignment for limited time or permanentlyThe IP address can be from a pool or static


DHCP Event Diagram

Server1 Client Server 2






Static Routing

• When host has an IP datagram to send, it checks the routing table for the correct destination

• When a host receives an IP datagram, it checks datagram’s destination address

if there is a match, IP layer delivers the datagram to correct protocol module

else the datagram is silently discarded

• A (Unix) system can be configured to act as a router in addition to acting as a host

routers can forward IP datagrams from one of its interfaces to another



• Router is a network component, which passes traffic between networks

Two or more network interfaces connected to networks or to other routers

• For each and every given destination address, router must be able to make routing decision

Where (to what interface) I send this packet ?

Routing decision might also be: No such destination, cannot send

This applies also to workstations and servers even though they usually have only one network interface

• Routing decisions are based on routing table

Data structure, which contains information about possible


Routing Table, an Example

gato tsilven 19$ netstat -rn Kernel IP routing table

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Iface U 1500 eth0 U 3584 lo UG 1500 eth0


Routing table

• Can be fixed (configured by hand to each device)

Static routing

Common at the edges of the network, workstations, servers

Not feasible on big and redundant networks

Usually very robust

• Can also be dynamic

Configured by hand at some point of the network distributed automatically

Routers exchange information using routing protocols

Routing protocol events (routing updates) affect directly to routing table.

This causes interesting dynamic problems

Debugging can be painful


Routing table contents

• For each destination, routing table contains

Addresses for this destination

Might be some kind of wild card, e.g. all destinations not mentioned elsewhere in routing table (default route)

Usually expressed as network number / mask

E.g. / 24 (class C network, 24 network bits)

Modern routing mechanisms are classless, any number of network bits allowed

Old-fashioned implementations usually are more or less class-bound.

Next hop (where to send traffic to this destination)

Additional information (cost and/or other administrative information)


...Routing table contents

• In practice, most transit providers accept only routes with 24 or less network bits

E.g. no routes smaller than class C are accepted

Now backbone transit providers are moving towards allowing /16 networks

Usually called “superblocks” (254 C classes)

• The routing table has usually a cost associated to each link

Not a monetary cost, more like a preference (lowest preferred)


Routing table

Common case: LAN connected to Internet using serial line – Routing table is very simple, a typical case for static routing:

Serial line to Internet (default s0


Local LAN (Ethernet) e0

Comment Next hop

Destination Internet


s0 R e0


...Routing table

When amount of routers and redundant links increase to non-trivial numbers, something more flexible is needed – Static routing can not handle redundant links nor link faults

Except on some environments (and even there unreliable)




R3 s1



L2, 2Mbps L1, 2 Mbps

L2, 64 kbps


...Routing table

• Routing table for router R3

Destination Next hop Cost Comment e0 0 Directly connected s0 1 Fastest route s1 10 Backup via R2

* s0 1 Fastest route via R1

* s1 10 Slower

Cost added to routing table, prioritization of redundant routes

How we can know which links are up ?

Routing protocol again !


...Routing table

• What if we can not have default route at all ?

Internet "backbone"

Multihomed network

Internet connections from many (> 1) ISPs

In this case routing table will be very big

And it changes practically all the time

Practical example on Internet router (1999-04-15)

69000 prefixes (routes)

Routes consume 16MB of memory

Realistic minimum memory for router 64MB


Routing protocols

Routers can talk to other routers and find out the network topology

Which paths are available to which networksWhich path should be preferred

Routing protocols transport information, not IP packets

Routing protocols can be divided by algorithm or by area

By algorithm:

No routing protocol (static routes)Link state protocols (SPF)

Distance vector protocols (Bellman-Ford)

By area:

Routing protocols used internally by one AS, Interior Gateway Protocols

Routing protocols used between ASes, Exterior Gateway Protocols


Common routing problems

• Missing default route

On statically routed environments

• Configuration faults

On many platforms, syntax of configuration commands is very hard to manage and/or confusing

On some environments, route filtering is a must because some parties advertise bogus routes

Routing protocols do not usually have security features

• Rotten software

Some vendors distribute alpha-quality software

• Bad documentation


Common routing problems ...

• Lack of expertise

Very small amount of Internet specialists actually can manage routing configurations, esp. in non-trivial cases

Better documentation needed

• Bad performance

Internet grows all the time and router manufacturers barely keep up with the developments

On some environments, some router features (e.g. ACLs) can not be used because of performance issues



• A new version of the Internet Protocol exists

• The major advantage is longer address fields

128 bits long

• Some minor advantages

More streamlined header structure

Support for IPSec security

• Deployment has started

Asian operators have a shortage of IPv4 addresses

3G telephone networks are designed to use IPv6

3GPP R5 defines all IPv6 network

Supported by almost all new network software/hardware



An information network address is attached to each code in an object naming server (ONS) located in a predefined address on the Internet. If the standardisation of the product

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o When IP packet arrives, its destination address looked up in table – If packet for distant network => forwarded to next router given by table – If packet for local host =>