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Varsinais-Suomi ja EU-rahoitus


Academic year: 2022

Jaa "Varsinais-Suomi ja EU-rahoitus"




Varsinais-Suomi ja EU-rahoitus

Juhana Tuomola Toukokuu 2018


• Kolmivuotinen yhteistyösopimus komission kanssa (DG COMM) vuosina 2018-2020.

Suomessa 9, muualla EU:ssa yli 440 EDICiä.

• Tapahtumia, luentoja ja tilaisuuksia.

• EU-rahoitusneuvonta.

• Aineistopalvelut.

• Twitter: @EdVarsinais ja verkossa www.varsinais-suomi.fi/europedirect

Europe Direct Varsinais-Suomi

palvelee EU-asioissa koko maakuntaa


PK-yritykset ja EU-rahoitus

*EU-rahoituksen periaatteet ja perusteet



*Rajat ylittävät ohjelmat – Central Baltic ja neljäs haku

*Varsinais-Suomi ja hankerahoitus

*Tuleva ohjelmakausi


EU on sisämarkkinaprojekti


*Bulgaria EU:n puheenjohtajamaa


*Vuosi 2019: Euroopan parlamentin vaalit ja Suomen EU-puheenjohtajuus

*EU ja muu maailma

-Kauppapolitiikka -Muuttoliike


*EU:n lähitulevaisuus

*Mikä vaikuttaa nuorten elämään?

Missä mennään EU:ssa?


Kestävää kasvua ja työtä 2014 – 22020 EAKR - Euroopan aluekehitysrahasto

*Ohjelman avulla tavoitellaan yritystoiminnan edistämistä, innovaatiotoiminnan ja verkostoitumisen edistämistä sekä

osaamisrakenteiden vahvistamista ja alueiden saavutettavuuden ja toimintaympäristön parantamista.

*Etelä-Suomen ohjelmassa mukana kuusi maakunta.

*Toimintalinja 1: PK-yritysten kilpailukyky.

*Seuraava hakukierros tulossa syksyllä.

*Lisäksi vielä tietysti ESR-hankkeet.

*Euroopan maaseuturahasto ja maaseudun kehittäminen – Maaseutuohjelma 2014-2020

(Kehittämishankkeet, maaseudun yritysrahoitus, Leader)


EU:n erillisohjelmat

Horisontti 2020

– Tutkimus ja innovaatiot – Myös PK-instrumentti Cosme

– Tukea pk-yrityksille ja kilpailukyvyn vahvistamiseen

– Lähinnä EU:n tukemat rahoitusinstrumentit, välittäjinä kotimaiset rahoituslaitokset

– Myös markkinoille pääsy, erityisryhmät jne.

Luova Eurooppa – myös pk-yritykset tietyin osin

Verkkojen Eurooppa CEF – Tukea energia-, liikenne- ja digitaalisille verkoille



• Varsinais-Suomen liitto on Central Baltic EU-ohjelman hallinnoiva viranomainen.

• Rajat ylittävää yhteistyötä toteutetaan Keskisen Itämeren alueella vuosina 2014 - 2020.

• Ohjelmassa mukana ovat Suomi (myös Ahvenanmaa), Ruotsi, Viro ja Latvia.

• Hankkeisiin on ohjelmakaudella jaossa 115 miljoonaa euroa.

• CB:n teemoja ovat mm. ympäristö ja resurssitehokkuus, liikenne, pk-yritykset sekä elinikäinen oppiminen.



“What Central Baltic

programme can offer for



Central Baltic 2014-2020

Competitive economy

Sustainable use of common resources

Well connected


Skilled and socially inclusive


SO 1.1 New joint and co-operating Central Baltic companies

SO 1.2 Joint Central Baltic student companies

SO 1.3 Central Baltic companies exports to new markets via cluster co- operation

SO 3.1 Improved transport flows via more efficient and lower CO2 emission transport nodes

SO 3.2 Improved Central Baltic small ports network for local people and visitors

SO 2.1 Central Baltic natural and cultural heritage based sustainable tourist attractions

SO 2.2 Sustainably planned and managed marine and coastal areas SO 2.3 More integrated urban planning in Central Baltic region

SO 2.4 Reduced inflows of nutrients and hazardous substances into Baltic Sea

SO 4.1 Stronger Central Baltic communities

SO 4.2 More aligned vocational

education and training programmes in th Central Baltic region

28,7 MEUR 37,3 MEUR

37,3 MEUR 11,5 MEUR 115 MEUR available Programme funding


Priority 1:

Specific Objectives

SO 1.1

New joint and co-operating Central Baltic knowledge intensive companies

SO 1.2

Joint CB student companies – leading to more entrepreneurial youth

SO 1.3

More exports by the Central Baltic companies to new

markets via clusters’ co-operation


New joint and co-operating Central Baltic businesses


This specific objective aims to exploit the opportunities of “green, “silver”, and

“blue” economy. The potential of ICT and low-carbon solutions, climate

change mitigation and adaptation (as resource efficiency, renewable energy etc.) have been defined as a basis for new business creation.

The Central Baltic region has a good potential to strengthen its position as a globally competitive technology start-ups region.

This specific objective aims also to target challenges related to the sustainability of the businesses operating in sparsely populated, rural,

peripheral, isolated island and archipelago communities. The seasonality of some traditional activities (e.g. tourism, fishing, agriculture) adds complexity to the challenge.

Specific attention is paid to the need of developing diverse sets of skills to be successful and sustainable in isolated and sparsely populated areas.


New joint and co-operating Central Baltic businesses


Knowledge intensive enterprises are the ones with a potential to grow and internationalise, aiming to achieve higher value added than the regional average level of the industry they belong in.

New enterprises are defined as 2 years from the registration or the start of operations.

“Joint” is defined as joint teams (key people), joint management or joint ownership by people from at least 2 Member States/Åland.

“Co-operating” is defined as new Central Baltic companies that have established co-operation in relevant areas of their business development (e.g. product development, marketing).


The aim is to achieve the creation of new joint Central Baltic enterprises and co-operation between new enterprises in the Central Baltic region, although it is accepted that a certain share of targeted teams and businesses will not become joint or co-operating.


The main approach is to implement development projects via intermediate bodies in the field of business development. The Central Baltic Programme does not intend to use grants and financial instruments to new start-up companies. Activities supported by the Programme are seen as complimentary to existing national and regional financial instruments and grants.


New joint and co-operating Central Baltic businesses

Indicative list of actions supported

Awareness raising

Training, coaching

Advisory services

Networking of potential and new entrepreneurs

Mapping and analyzing of opportunities, comparable experience

Incubator services

=> Project is best combination to achieve results, combining indicative actions.

The main target groups

“green”, “low-carbon”, “blue” and “silver” business areas; ICT solutions;;

technology start-ups;

students of universities and vocational schools ;

elderly people;

intergenerational teams;

people considering establishing their first business in the archipelago and islands (AI) region;

experienced entrepreneurs considering the establishment of new business in AI area;

skilled professional people currently in employee positions . Specific territories targeted

Rural, peripheral and coastal, archipelagos and islands areas of the Central Baltic region are specifically targeted for identifying and supporting sustainable business models in sparsely populated, isolated communities.

Urban areas and specifically metropolitan areas and cities with R&D capacity are seen as important locations for new technology start-ups.

Types of beneficiaries

Targeted beneficiaries are business development organisations (Intermidiary organizations) , business incubators, business associations, national, regional and local authorities.


Exports to new markets via clusters’



This specific objective aims to support the Central Baltic SMEs to enter into new markets with focus on innovation, product development and internationalization, which are relevant preconditions for

sustainable growth Definitions

New markets are defined as markets outside the European Union / European Free Trade Area (EFTA).

Cluster is defined as an established co-operation between similar or complementary businesses and research and development (R&D) institutions.

Meta-clusteris a co-operation between established clusters within the Central Baltic region, undertaking joint activities with the aim to enter new markets.


Here a cluster-based approach for co-operation within the Central Baltic region is used promoting co- operation between already established clusters forming “meta-clusters”. This should enable the SMEs to enter into the new markets with new or adapted products and services.

! No activities that fall under export aid measures will be co-financed.


Exports to new markets via clusters’ co-operation

Indicative list of actions supported

Development and adaptation of services and products to new markets

Branding, awareness building and marketing of services and products in new markets

Process development

Human resource development

Market analysis, feasibility studies

Joint efforts by between businesses, public sectors and academia The main target groups

The main target groups are seen as SMEs cooperating through established clusters with ambition and potential to enter into new markets.

Established clusters reflect the strengths of the Central Baltic economies and can be: forestry, tourism, local-food, shipbuilding, maritime, and others.

In the area of tourism development, city, regional and national tourist boards and associations of tourism companies should be involved and consulted.

Specific territories targeted

The whole Central Baltic Programme area is targeted.

Urban areas and especially metropolitan areas of Central Baltic region represent the biggest potential and are places where most existing clusters operate.

Archipelagos and islands and coastal areas with their special characteristics related to isolation and seasonality may need different approach.

Types of beneficiaries

Targeted beneficiaries are organisations and national, regional and local authorities responsible for cluster development as well as business development organisations supporting cluster development, business associations, regional

development organisations responsible for trade and industry.


Relevant to know, Support

• The 4th call the following Priority 1, Specific Objectives are available: SO 1.1. and SO 1.3.

• eMS, in which the application is filled in, is open between 15.10.2018-16.11.2018

• Projects have to end by 30 June 2021

• Start with filling the Project Idea form

• Project applicant seminar – last week of August – will

be announced soon


EU-hankerahoitus ja Varsinais-Suomi

*Viime vuonna alkaneisiin 210 hankkeeseen ohjautui 22 miljoonaa 17 eri rahoitusohjelmasta.

*Yrityssektorille 5,7 miljoonaa, keskimäärin 88 000 € / hanke.

*Yrityspuolella korostuivat erityisesti yksittäiset suuret Horisontti 2020 -hankkeet sekä EAKR-ohjelman yritystukihankkeet.

*Maakuntaohjelman painopistealueet keskeisiä:

- Kasvu ja teollisuuden modernisointi - Innovatiiviset ruokaketjut

- Lääke- ja bioteknologiat

*Vuonna 2016 ohjautui 38 miljoonaa, josta yritysten osuus 21,5 %.


Tuleva ohjelmakausi 2021-2027

*Komission esityksiä 2.5. alkaen, neuvottelut alkamassa

*Komissio toivoo valmista esitystä keväällä 2019 ennen EP-vaaleja.

*Yksinkertaistaminen, vähemmän ohjelmia, ehdollisuus

*BKT edelleen keskeinen kriteeri, mutta muitakin tulossa.

*EU:n omien varojen uudelleenjärjestely

*Lisää rahaa tutkimukseen ja opetukseen (Horistontti, Erasmus+), vähemmän perinteiseen koheesiopolitiikkaan ja maatalouteen (maaseutuun)?

*Painoa uusille alueille (muuttoliike, digitalisaatio, ilmastonmuutos, nuorisotyöttömyys, puolustus)

*Leikkauksia jäsenmaissa etelässä ja idässä? Nettomaksajat säilynevät.

*Brexitin vaikutukset? Budjetti noussee - 1,1% BKT:sta.

*Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomen erityisasema säilynee.

*Miten Suomen ja Varsinais-Suomen käy?


*Bulgaria EU:n puheenjohtajamaa


*Vuosi 2019: Euroopan parlamentin vaalit ja Suomen EU-puheenjohtajuus

*EU ja muu maailma

-Kauppapolitiikka -Muuttoliike


*EU:n lähitulevaisuus

*Mikä vaikuttaa nuorten elämään?

Missä mennään EU:ssa?


Käytännön solidaarisuutta: EU:n koheesiopolitiikka




Vähemmän kehittyneet alueet: BKT asukasta kohti on alle 75 % EU:n keskiarvosta

Siirtymäalueet: BKT asukasta kohti on 75–90 % EU:n keskiarvosta Kehittyneemmät alueet: BKT asukasta kohti on yli 90 % EU:n keskiarvosta

2014-2020: Infrastruktuuriin, liiketoimintaan, ympäristöön ja työntekijöiden koulutukseen on

investoitu 352 miljardia euroa köyhempien alueiden ja kansalaisten hyväksi



The public-private co-operation in land development can have many different forms, from the traditional model, in which the municipalities produce building sites, to the

 association collusion »» varying game content, player profiles.  Game

Investigating the structural and discursive dynamics related to the institutionalisation of cross-border co-operation as a development strategy in the context of municipal planning

(2004) noticed that less than one-third of teachers increased their co-operation as a result of in-service training. Their assumption was that teachers already felt

Vaikka teknisiin järjestelmiin liittyvien riskien tunnistaminen ja hallinta on määritelty lainsäädännöllä toiminnanharjoittajan vastuulle, viimeaikainen suuntaus on lisän-

Moreover, the bilateral co-operation between Tornio and Haparanda (Sweden) is considered one of the model examples of successful cross-border co-operation (CBC) in the EU

As our studies illustrate, geographical domains of innovation systems, cross-border co-operation and regional development zones have had an in- creasing impact on regional

(2004) noticed that less than one-third of teachers increased their co-operation as a result of in-service training. Their assumption was that teachers already felt