• Ei tuloksia

Spectral Analysis of Buffers in Communication Systems


Academic year: 2022

Jaa "Spectral Analysis of Buffers in Communication Systems"




Lappeenranta University of Technology.

Department of Information Technology.

Laboratory of Telecommunications.

Master’s Thesis:

Spectral Analysis of Buffers in Communication Systems.

author: Denis Dyakov

student number: 0242508

telephone number: +358 40 5899745 address: Ruskonlahdenkatu 13-15 C2, 53850, Lappeenranta, Finland

supevisor: Valery Naumov


examiner: Oleg Chistokhvalov


The topic of the Thesis has been confirmed by the Departmental Council of the Department of Information Technology on 15 October 2003.

Lappeenranta 2003




Lappeenranta University of Technology Department of Information Technology

Denis Dyakov

Spectral Analysis of Buffers in Communication Systems Thesis for the Degree of Master of Science in Technology

2003 pages: 42 figures: 5

supervisor: Professor Valery Naumov examiner: Oleg Chistokhvalov

Keywords: QBD process, matrix geometric technique, steady state analysis, numer- ical methods.

Extension of the modified matrix geometric technique to more general queuing mod- els is the main scope of the presented work. A queuing system, consisting of several subsystems with finite capacities and state independent phase-type distributed ser- vice times is studied in the thesis. The structure of the underlying finite Markov chain with level independent block matrices of a quasi birth death structure and several boundary states is discussed and presented. A representation of its steady state probability vector by matrix geometric terms, obtained by means of applying the modified matrix geometric solution, is stated as the main result of the thesis.



Tiivistelm¨ a.

Lappeenrannan Teknillinen Yliopisto Tietotekniikan Osasto

Denis Dyakov

Spectral Analysis of Buffers in Communication Systems

Diplomity¨o sivua: 42 kuvaa: 5

Ohjaaja ja 1 tarkastaja: Valery Naumov 2 tarkastaja: Oleg Chistokhvalov

Avainsanat: QBD prosessi, matriisi-geometrinen analyysi, vakaita analyysin olotiloja, numeraaliset metodit.

Muokatun matriisi-geometrian tekniikan kehitus yleimm¨aksi jonoksi on esitelty t¨ass¨a ty¨oss¨a. Jonotus systeemi koostuu useista jonoista joilla on rajatut kapasiteetit.

T¨ass¨a ty¨oss¨a on my¨os tutkittu PH-tyypin jakaautumista kun ne jaetaan. Rakenne joka vastaa lopullista Markovin ketjua jossa on itsen¨aisi¨a matriiseja joilla on QBD rakenne. My¨os er¨ait¨a rajallisia olotiloja on k¨asiteltu t¨ass¨a ty¨oss¨a. Sen esittelem- inen matriisi-geometrisess¨a muodossa, muokkamalla matriisi-geometrist¨a ratkaisua on t¨am¨an opinn¨aytety¨on tulos.



Table of Contents

Table of Contents iii

List of Figures iv

Acknowledgements v

1 Introduction. 1

1.1 History of The Subject. . . 1

1.2 Existing Techniques. . . 2

1.3 The Current Work. . . 3

1.4 Organization. . . 4

2 Background. 5 2.1 Basic Notation. . . 5

2.2 Markov Processes. . . 6

2.3 QBD Process. . . 7

2.4 Phase-Type Distribution. . . 9

2.5 Matrix Computations. . . 10

2.6 Matrix Geometric Solution. . . 13

3 Modified Matrix Geometric Solution. 14 3.1 General Notes. . . 14

3.2 Nonsingular matrix Φ . . . 15

3.3 Singular matrix Φ . . . 16

4 Multiple Processes Queuing System. 18 4.1 Queuing Model. . . 19

4.1.1 The Boundary States. . . 21

4.1.2 The Inner States. . . 23

4.1.3 Generator Matrix. . . 25

4.2 The Steady State Distribution. . . 28

4.2.1 Matrix Geometric Form. . . 29

4.3 Matrix Geometric Solution. . . 30

4.3.1 General Representation. . . 30

4.3.2 In Terms of Transition Rate Matrices. . . 33



5 Implementation. 37

5.1 Input and Output. . . 38

6 Conclusion and Future Work. 39 7 References 41

List of Figures

1 Finite Homogeneous QBD process . . . 8

2 Logarithmic Reduction algorithm. . . 12

3 Finite Homogeneous QBD process . . . 18

4 Example of a queuing system. . . 18

5 The BoDyTool structure. . . 37




First of all I would like to thank all the people who contributed by their support to the success of the thesis. I’m thankful to professor Valery Naumov for the supervision of the thesis and for providing an interesting topic. Also I would like to thank all the laboratory staff for friendly and motivating atmosphere, and a good time, spent here.

In particular, special thanks to Sergey Boldyrev, who had made the implementation of the developed technique and pointed out some crucial mistakes. Last, but not least, I’m grateful to all my friends in the university for not making the process of writing so boring.


Introduction 1

1 Introduction.

1.1 History of The Subject.

In recent years, the extensive application of queuing systems of different kind has been widely witnessed. The search of numerical solutions for queuing models applied in different branches of science has practical importance and remains a hot topic for research.

While the complexity of queuing system was growing, the need for new ap- proaches for their analysis became stronger, and a new branch of science, namely, the Queuing Theory, had appeared. Erlang was the first one, who suggested to describe the queuing process with Markov chains, and from this time the following developing of the theory was going on in this direction. This allowed to apply the Probability theory to the queuing systems, what, in turn, gave an opportunity to re- ceive analytical solutions of almost all problems, somehow connected to the Queuing theory. The fact that the main consumers of the obtained results were the telephone services providers, resulted in reducing of the interest in the future development of the theory. But with the appearance of computer networks, the problem of per- formance analysis of computer systems has been posed, and the already developed techniques were very inconvenient for any applications to the problems of the kind.

The need for algorithmic approach was clearly drawn, and the Queuing theory con- tinued its development. Despite all the disadvantages of the algorithmic approach, it is oriented to certain real-life applications, what sometimes, may be much more useful than the analytical formulas, which can not be effectively implemented.

The researches in the mentioned direction resulted in the development of several efficient methods for the steady-state analysis of certain types of queuing systems [1,2,4,6,12,17,21,22,24]. The most popular one is the Quasi Birth Death process, because it can be used to obtain solutions for several applied queuing models such as1 M/PH/1/∞,PH/M/n/∞,PH/PH/1/∞,MAP/PH/n/∞, Pn


MAPi/P H/1/∞, Pn


MAPi/P H/1/m ([22]). Owing to its wide applicability, the QBD process has gained a lot of research attention, and before moving ahead to discussion, let’s now

1using Kendall notation


Introduction 2 begin with the brief review of numerical methods available in literature so far that were developed for steady state analysis of QBD processes.

1.2 Existing Techniques.

Basically,QBD process is a two dimensional Markov chain (phase and level), where state changes are allowed only between ones, having adjacent levels. QBD process was first introduced by Wallace [23] in the late sixties, and from this time plenty of different techniques were proposed.

The most detailed discussion of QBD processes is done by Neuts [22]. In his book, Neuts studies infinite-stateQBD processes using matrix geometric approach.

His methodology is based on the fact that subvectors of the steady-state probability vector are related to one another in a matrix geometric form. The key element of this method is the iterative calculation of rate matrix R, by which the geometric relation is defined. However, the original matrix geometric method has some disad- vantages mainly in terms of computational time. A generalization of this approach to multiple boundaries is done by Hajek [12]. The techniques, proposed by Latouche and Ramaswami [16,17] and Naumov [21] are the improved versions of the classical matrix geometric method.

Ram Chakka developed an exact computational method called spectral expan- sion for QBD process [5,7]. Instead of using the geometric relation between the state probability vectors, a special expression of the state probabilities vectors is introduced. The expression is defined by eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the char- acteristic matrix polynomial constructed from the process’ parameters.

In [24] the authors presented an efficient folding method, that can be applied for finiteQBD processes. The odd-even permutation achieved inside the transition matrix and the use of the principle of finite Markov chain reduction are the key elements of this approach.

Nail Akar approach the solution of QBD process from a novel side [1,2]. His method basically relies on the theory of invariant subspace and on the computation of matrix sign function with iterative procedure. The rate matrixRis obtained from


Introduction 3 a calculated invariant subspace of an adequately constructed matrix. The method is believed to be fast and stable.

Bini and Mini stated [4] a fast, quadratically convergent and numerically stable algorithm called cyclic reduction algorithm for QBD problems. Regarding to the time complexity, this algorithm is considered to be equivalent with Naumov’s algo- rithm.

Recently, a novel method has been proposed in [8]. The method is named ETAQA (Efficient Technique for the Analysis of QBD processes by Aggregation).

In this technique, the state space of aQBD chain is divided into several equivalent classes by a certain specific partitioning rule. Instead of computing the probability distribution of all states in the chain, only the aggregate probability distribution of the states in each class is evaluated. The authors show that those aggregate proba- bilities contain sufficient information to compute performance measures of interest such as the mean queue length or any higher moments.

The presented techniques do not form a complete list of ones, but these are con- sidered to be the most known and widely applied to analysis of the queuing systems, which arise from modelling of telecommunication and computer networks.

1.3 The Current Work.

However, the presented methodologies are used only for the queuing systems, which can be represented as a single process. But, evidently, there is a huge class of sys- tems, which can be modelled as a set of processes, where the state changes are allowed not only within one process between the states having adjacent levels, but also between the boundary states of different processes. There are only few of works, dealing with this problem, e.g. [15], and only special cases are covered there.

Being motivated by such observation, the current research work focuses on de- veloping a numerical method for steady-state solution of queuing systems, which consist of several subsystems, represented asQBD processes. The fundamental ma- terial of the proposed method is the modified matrix geometric solution for finite


Introduction 4 QBD processes, proposed by V.Naumov [21]. Matrix-analytic methods provide flex- ible models for the analysis of systems with complex behavior. This was the main reason for choosing it for the following extension and development.

The main idea of the suggested technique, is to build a Markovian-based model for complex queuing systems, apply a modified matrix geometric method to each subsystem, and using the boundary equations, obtain the general solution.

However, obviously, the modified matrix geometric method can not be directly applied to the posed problem, because of several reasons like, for example, it is not clear yet, how the structure of the boundary states looks like, what is the relation between the states of different processes etc. All the posed questions will be discussed in the thesis, and a representation of the steady state vector by the matrix geometric terms will be derived.

1.4 Organization.

The presented work is organized as follows. The section 2 is devoted to a brief overview of Markov chains, introducing the basic notations and definitions used throughout the paper. The modified matrix-geometric method for a single QBD process is introduced in the section 3. The main concepts of the method are briefly described in order to be prepared for the following improvement of the technique.

The section 4.1 is devoted to the detailed description of a multiple processes queuing system, namely, the structure of the boundary and the inner states is discussed, with the purpose to introduce the generator matrix in 4.1.3. A general matrix geometric representation of the steady state probability vector of the queuing system is introduced and discussed in the section 4.2, and the steady state vectors’ exact representation is given in the section 4.3. The implementation of the proposed technique is briefly discussed in 5. And finally, the results are summarized in the conclusion.


basic notation 5

2 Background.

2.1 Basic Notation.

The following designations are used throughout the thesis:

upper case Greek letters, except Φ, to to indicate sets (e.g. Θ);

uppercase Roman letters to indicate matrices (e.g. A, B, . . .);

lower case Roman or Greek letters, topped with arrow, to indicate vectors (e.g. ~ρ,~a,~b);

single subscripts to indicate the levels number (e.g. ~kk);

double subscripts to indicate a vectors element, a matrix element or the phase of a single process (e.g. Aij, ~πik);

subscripts and superscripts in round brackets to indicate the correspondent process number (e.g. A(i), ~π(i));

~eto indicate a column vector of all ones of the appropriate dimension;

0 to indicate a vector or a matrix of all zeros of the appropriate dimensions;

Q to indicate the generator matrix of the system;

Q(i) to indicate the generator matrix of the i-th process;

A# to indicate the general group inverse ofA;

A to indicate any inverse of A, depending on the context;

QBD stands for Quasi Birth Death process.


Markov processes 6

2.2 Markov Processes.

Let{Xn, n≥0}be a sequence of random variables, which has a finite1, . . . , Θm} or countable1, Θ2, . . .}set of possible states. Making a bijection between the all states and their numbers, we’ll define a set Υ of all numbers of states, which will be used for the convenience. A system of random variables {Xn, n≥0} is called a Markov chainif for all n 0 and i0, i1, . . . , it−1, j Υ

P(Xt=j | X0 =i0, . . . , Xt−1 =it−1) =P (Xt=j| Xt−1 =it−1). (2.1) In another words, given the present, the future is conditionally independent of the past.

Define thetransition probabilitiesaspij =P (Xt =j | Xt−1 =j), wherei, j Υ.

The matrix

P = (pij) =


p11 p12 · · · p21 p22 · · · ... ... ...


is called atransition probabilities matrix or aMarkov matrix. The following relation is valid for any Markov chain



pij = 1, i∈Υ.

Any matrix with nonnegative elements that suits this relation is referred to as stochastic matrix.

Markov process with continuous time and discrete set of states can be defined, according to (2.1), as a process{η(t), t≥0}, for which

P (η(tn+1) =in+1 |η(t1) =i1, . . . , η(tn) =in) =

=P(η(tn+1) = in+1| η(tn) = in) (2.2) is valid for any moments of time 0≤t1 < . . . < tn+1, and i1, . . . , in+1 Υ. Denote also pi(t) = P (η(t) = i) the probability of that at the moment t, the process η(t) is in statei, andpij(t) =P (η(t+s) = j|η(s) = i) – the probability of changing the state ito j in timet.


QBD processes 7

Define thetransition rates as qij = lim



t , i, j Υ, i6=j, qii= lim



t , i∈Υ.


It is proved that

−∞ ≤qii 0, 0≤qij <∞, i, j Υ, i6=j,

and X


qij 0, iΥ.

The matrix Q= (qij) is referred to as aninfinitesimal matrix. A Markov process is said to beconservative, if X


qij = 0, iΥ.

We will deal only with conservative processes, for which−∞< qii.

2.3 QBD Process.

In the presented work we consider only a special class of Markov processes, called, the Quasi Birth Death (QBD ) processes.

Consider a queueing system that can be modelled by a two-dimensional Markov process, meaning that at any time of observation the system can be described by two integer variables j and i. The former one can be either unbounded (infinite case) or bounded (finite) case and is referred to as a level of the system. The latter one is bounded and is referred to as a phase. If the possible changes ofj are only : j, j+ 1 andj−1, the corresponding process is known as a QBD process.

Denote, m – the number of levels in a process plus one, that is, the length of queue, andn – the number of phases. Then the transition rates of a QBD process can be given by the following matrices:


QBD processes 8

B – purely phase transitions: from state (j, i) to state (j, k), wherej = 0, . . . , m ,k, i= 1, . . . , n, k 6=i;

A – one step upward transitions: from state (j, i) to state (j+ 1, k), wherej = 0, . . . , m1 ,k, i= 1, . . . , n;

C – one step backward transitions: from state (j, i) to state (j1, k), wherej = 1, . . . , m ,k, i= 1, . . . , n.

If the matrices A, B and C are the same for all levels, except, maybe, the zeroth and the last ones, then such QBD process is referred to as level-independent or homogeneous.

Fig. 1: Finite Homogeneous QBD process

The infinitesimal generator matrix for finite homogeneous process has the fol- lowing structure:








B0 A0 0

C0 B . ..

C . .. A

. .. B Am−1

0 Cm Bm







. (2.4)

As it was stated above, the diagonal elements ofQare negative, and all the rest are nonnegative. The row sum of Q is equal to zero.

The problem for a single QBD process can now be stated as to find such vector

~x that:


PH distribution 9


~xQ = 0

~x~e = 1 ,

where ~e is a column vector of all ones, and ~x represents a vector of steady state probabilities. Define the partition of the vector~x as

~x= (~x0, ~x1, . . . , ~xm), (2.5) where ~xi, i = 0, . . . , m represent the probabilities of being in the ith level. Each entry of~xi represent a probability of being in a certain phase of the level i.

According to (2.4), the boundary conditions look as:

( ~x0B0+~x1C0 =0

~xm−1Am−1+~xmBm =0 . (2.6)

2.4 Phase-Type Distribution.

Material from [8] is used in the current section. Any continuous distribution, which can be obtained as the distribution of time until absorbtion in a continuous time Markov chain with a single absorbing state is said to be of phase-type (PH). A PH distribution represents random variables that are measured by the time v that the underlying Markov chain spends in its transient portion till absorption. From this perspective, a row vector of sizen is associated with the underlying Markov chain of a PH distribution and represents the initial probability vector for each of its transient states. The infinitesimal generator of the underlying Markov chain of a PH distribution is

U =

à 0 0

~t T

! ,

where the zero row represent the absorbing state of the chain. The matrix T is square of the size n and represents the transitions among the transient states, and

~t is a column vector of size n, which represents the transitions from the transient states to the absorbing state. MatrixT and vector~trelate to each other as~t=−T~e.

The PH distribution is fully represented by the vector and the matrix T, (~τ, T).

The basic characteristics of PH distribution are:


matrix computations 10

the cumulative distribution function: F(x) = 1−~τeT x~e,

the density function: f(x) =~τeT x(−T~e),

the nth moment: mn = (−1)nn!~τT−n~e.

The term eT x is defined as

eT x =X



n!(T x)n

Since the structure of the underlying Markov chain is arbitrary, a PH distribution covers a wide range of characteristics including high variability. The PH random variables are independently identically distributed, because the initial probability vector is the same, every time the Markov chain starts in its transient portion in the correspondent renewal process.

Considering a finite buffer single server queue, where the interarrivals times have the phase-type distribution (~τ, T) of dimension n and the mean λ−1, and service times, which are also of the phase distribution

³β, S~


of dimension m with the meanµ−1, and defining

~t0 =−T~e, ~s0 =−S~e, the block matrices in (2.4) can be presented as:

B0 =T, C0 =T ⊗~s0, A0


⊗β,~ A


⊗S, C =T




, B





+T ⊗S, Bm =B +A, Am−1 =A, Cm =C;

where denotes the Kronecker product. In this case, the queuing model is said to be of the P H/P H/1/K type, where K is the queue capacity.

2.5 Matrix Computations.

The modified matrix geometric technique includes such operations as solving a quadratic matrix equations, and determining the general group inverse. The current section provides a brief review of these topics. Also, the definition of reducible and


matrix computations 11 irreducible matrices is given here.

For any square matrixA of the ordern and rank r consider the following equations [18]:

AXA = A, (2.1)

XAX = X, (2.2)

AX−XA = 0. (2.3)

If some matrix X satisfies the equations (2.1, 2.2, 2.3), then it is referred to as general group inverse and denoted as A#.

As one of the methods for obtaining the general group inverse, the general determi- nant representation is given here.

Denote the minor of A, containing w1, . . . , wt rows andv1, . . . , vt columns by


à w1, . . . , wt v1, . . . , vt

! ,

and the algebraic complement, corresponding to the elementaij as


à w1, . . . , wp−1, i, wp+1, . . . , wt v1, . . . , vq−1, j, vq+1, . . . , vt


= (−1)p+qA

à w1, . . . , wp−1, wp+1, . . . , wt v1, . . . , vq−1, vq+1, . . . , vt

! .

Then as follows from [18], the general group inverse of A, A#=

³ a#ij


, exists if

u= X



à w1, . . . , wr w1, . . . , vr

! 6= 0, and A# has the following representation

a#ij = 1 u2






à v1, . . . , j, . . . , vr w1, . . . , i, . . . , wr

! Aij

à w1, . . . , i, . . . , wr v1, . . . , j, . . . , vr

! .


matrix computations 12 There are several methods for solving the quadratic matrix equations. The Log- arithmic Reduction algorithm is presented here, as it is believed to be the fastest one. Suppose, it is required to solve a left quadratic matrix equation


Note that sometimes it is needed to solve the right task, that is, A+BR+CR2 =0,

but it can be transformed to the left tack by means of transposing.

The following procedure, known as logarithmic reduction technique, gives the solu- tion matrix R [15].

S =B V =A T =C W =B do

X = −S−1V Y = −S−1T

Z = V Y

W = W +Z

S = S+Z+T X

V = V X

T = T Y

while (kZk ≥ε) R =−AW−1


Fig. 2: Logarithmic Reduction algorithm.

A squaren×n matrixA= (aij) is calledreducibleif the indices 1,2, . . . , ncan be divided into two disjoint nonempty setsi1, i2, . . . , ik andj1, j2, . . . , jl with k+l=n,


matrix geometric solution 13 such thataipjq = 0,for p= 1,2, . . . , k,q= 1,2, . . . , l. A square matrix, which is not reducible, is said to be irreducible.

2.6 Matrix Geometric Solution.

This section is devoted to a brief overview of the matrix geometric solution tech- nique for QBD processes.

The key element of the matrix geometric solution for the generator (2.4) is the assumption that the elements of the stationary state probability vectori follow the relation

i =1Ri−1, ∀i≥1, whereR is the solution of the matrix equation


The above equation is obtained from the flow balance equations of the repeating portion of the process. The elements 0 and 1 are obtained from the boundary equations by substituting the matrix geometric relation. The whole vector is nor- malized using the normalizing condition.


modified matrix geometric solution 14

3 Modified Matrix Geometric Solution.

The modified matrix-geometric solution was proposed by V. Naumov, and is known to be the only one, which can handle the case, when~πA~e =~πC~e. As it is a mod- ification of a matrix-geometric technique, the method has the same accuracy and time complexity and it will be used as a basis for solving the tasks for more complex systems, consisting of severalQBD processes.

The proofs of the theorems are omitted here, as they can easily be found from [21], and the goal of the section is to introduce the modified matrix geometric solution for a single-process system with the point to extend it later to a more general case.

3.1 General Notes.

Let’s consider a finite QBD process with m+ 1 levels and a generator matrix








B0 A C0 B . ..

C . .. A

. .. B Am−1

C Bm






 ,

whereA, B, C are all n×n matrices. Suppose that H(z) is defined as H(Z) = A+BZ +CZ2

and assume that

a) the generator matrix H(1) is irreducible, b) det(H(Z))6= 0 for some Z = ˜Z.

LetF and Gbe the minimal nonnegative solutions of matrix quadratic equations A+BF +CF2 =0, AG2+BG+C =0, (3.1) and define matrix Φ as


modified matrix geometric solution 15

Φ =AG+B+CF. (3.2)

Denote the stationary probability vector of H(1).

LetV and W be the minimal nonnegative solutions of the equations

V =(B +AV C)−1, W =(B+V W A)−1. (3.3) As shown in [21], the solutions of (3.3) always exist.

It is proved in [14] that for any solution~x0, . . . , ~xmof linear system, which represents a difference equation for a QBD process

~xk−1A+~xkB+~xk+1C =0, 0< i < m, (3.4) there exist vectors

f~=~x0(B+CW A) +~x1C, ~g =~xm(B+AV C) +~xm−1A, (3.5) such that~x0, . . . , ~xm satisfy a linear system

~xkΦ =f F~ k+~g Gm−k, 0≤k≤m. (3.6) The problem is to find appropriate vectors f~ and ~g, when vectors ~x0, . . . , ~xm are unknown, and to find solution~x0, . . . , ~xm of (3.6), which is the solution of (3.4).

3.2 Nonsingular matrix Φ

If matrix Φ is nonsingular, then vectors~x0, . . . , ~xm satisfy linear system (3.4) if and only if for some vectors f~ and ~g they could be expressed in a modified matrix- geometric form as


³f F~ k+~g Gm−k


Φ−1, 0≤k ≤m. (3.7)

This result was obtained in [21]. It is also proved there, that vectors f~and ~g that can be used in (3.7) are unique for any solution ~x0, . . . , ~xm of linear system (3.4) and are given by (3.5).


modified matrix geometric solution 16 In practice, the vectors f~and ~g are computed from the boundary conditions (2.6) and the normalizing condition by substituting all the ~xk in the form of (3.7). The resulting system will have a unique solution, and then all the~xkshould be obtained directly from (3.7).

3.3 Singular matrix Φ

Here the matrix Φ is assumed to be singular and irreducible. It is possible [21] if only and only if~πA~e=~πC~e. In this case matricesF andGare stochastic, matrix Φ is a generator matrix and is its stationary probability vector. Conditiona implies that~πA~e=~πC~e6= 0.

Let’s denote Φ# generalized group inverse of Φ. Since Φ is irreducible, Φ#Φ = ΦΦ# =I −~e~π.

In the depicted case, vectors f~and~g in (3.5) satisfy the equality

f~e~ +~g~e= 0. (3.8)

As it is proved in [21], the following proposition is valid.

Proposition. Let matrix Φ be singular and irreducible, then vectors ~x0, . . . , ~xm satisfy linear system (3.4) if and only if for some vectors f~ and ~g satisfying (3.8) they could be expressed as

~xk =~yk+ (~πC~e)−1hk~π, (3.9) with vectors~yk defined by


³f F~ k+~g Gm−k


Φ#, 0≤k ≤m, (3.10)

and constantshk satisfying equalities

hk−hk−1 =f~e~ −~ykC~e+~yk−1A~e, 0< k <≤m. (3.11) Vectorsf~,~g and constants hk are unique for any solution of linear system (3.4).

The constantshk can also be expressed as


modified matrix geometric solution 17

hk =h0+k


´ +



f F~ jφ~−



~gGj~γ, 0≤k ≤m, (3.12) where the column vectors and are defined by

φ~ = Φ#A~e−FΦ#C~e, = Φ#C~e−GΦ#A~e. (3.13)

Just as in nonsingular case, the vectors~xkare obtained from the boundary conditions (2.6) along with the normalizing condition by means of substituting (3.9) and solving the resulting system in terms of f , ~g~ and h0.


multiple processes system 18

4 Multiple Processes Queuing System.

Following the main scope of the paper, let’s turn to more complex queuing systems, which can not be described as a single QBD process, but it is possible to represent them as a set of different processes, which have the quasi birth death structure. The main goal of the section is to obtain the steady state probability vector of the whole system by means of applying the modified matrix geometric solution to each of the QBD process within the system.

Fig. 3: Finite Homogeneous QBD process

The figure (3) represents the same as the figure 1, namely, one QBD process of the length m+ 1. That is, we’ll plot only the boundary states of each process in order to simplify a picture of a whole system. Also, since we assume all the processes to be level-independent, it is not necessary to draw the repeating parts of them.

Fig. 4: Example of a queuing system.

The figure (4) presents an example of a queuing system that consists of eight QBD processes, which, in turn, are somehow related to each other, but have different matrices A, B, C and different dimensions, that is the number of phases and levels


multiple processes system 19 of different processes may be not the same. The boxes on the figure are not marked with the levels numbers, because the intersections of the adjacent QBD processes can hardly be assigned to one of them.

Assume also that the transitions in the queuing system are allowed only between the boundary states of differentQBD processes and within each process as described in the section 2.3. That is, the queuing system can be regarded as a network, in which each node can be represented as a queue. Suppose also, that there is a single arrival stream for the whole system and a single absorbing state.

The high level idea is to split the state space of the whole system into two subsets, namely, the boundary states and the inner states. As it was described in the section 3, the matrix geometric terms can be computed from the boundary equations, and then, all the other components can be obtained from the matrix geometric relation.

Such approach can result in the significant benefit in computational cost, because the linear system of boundary equations has the order, equal to the dimension of the boundary state space, which is essentially less, than the one of the systems state space. Following this idea, the next several sections are devoted to the definition of the boundary state space and to derivation of the boundary equations, as they are the key element of the technique. Also, certain modifications are introduced to the technique, described in the section 3, so that it would be possible to apply it to a multi-processes system. The modifications concern mainly handling the regular and the singular cases of the QBD processes using the common representation of the steady state vector. This is done due to the fact, that it is not specified in advance, how many and which exactly processes will be singular or regular, and it is unlikely to separate these case, as was done to the single-process system, because we intend to obtain the representation of a steady state vector for the whole system. And as the processes within the system are somehow related to each other, they should be treated in the same manner.

4.1 Queuing Model.

In our study we consider queuing system with the following properties. The arrival stream is a superposition ofr independent arrival processes. The service consists of


multiple processes system 20 msubsystems, m≥r, with state independent phase-type distributed service times.

Each of them is represented as a finite homogeneous QBD process with an irre- ducible infinitesimal generatorQ(i), i= 1..m. The customers can arrive to any of r subsystem, and if it is idle, the customer occupies it for a random service period or is redirected to another subsystem. If the subsystem is busy, the arriving customer joins the waiting line. If no waiting positions are available, the arriving customer is either lost and has no further impact on the system, either is served by another subsystem.

EachQBD process, that is, subsystem, is defined by its lengthm(i), the number of phases n(i), the inner transition rate matrices A(i), B(i), C(i) and the boundary matrices A(i)0 , B0(i), C0(i), A(i)m(i)−1, Bm(i)(i), Cm(i)(i), i= 1..m.

The state space Ψ of the system can be represented as a triple

Ψ = {(i, k, l) | i= 1, . . . , m, k = 0..m(i), l= 0, . . . , n(i)}.

That is, each state is described by the serving subsystem, the length of queue in this subsystem and the phase, of the just served customer. The states are ordered lexicographically.

Let’s divide Ψ into two subsets

Λ(i) ={(j, l) | j = 0, m(i), l = 1, . . . , n(i)},i= 1, . . . , m.

Θ(i) ={(k, l) | k = 1, . . . , m(i)1, l= 1, . . . , n(i)}, i= 1, . . . , m,

then Sm


Λ(i) represent the boundary states, and Sm


Θ(i) stands for the inner states of the system. Evidently, Ψ = Sm


Ψ(i), where Ψ(i)= Λ(i)S

Θ(i), and Λ(i)T

Θ(i) =∅.

Ψ(i) is the state space for each subsystem. Using such representation, the whole system can be described by its boundary states Λ(i) and the inner states Θ(i).

Let ~p denote the steady state probability vector of the queuing system. Define the vectors ~p(i)k , k = 0, . . . , m(i), i = 1, . . . , m, as components of the partitioned steady state vector~p. Note that~p(i)0 and ~p(i)m(i) stand for the probabilities of being in


multiple processes system 21 the states of Λ(i), and the others stand for Θ(i).

Define also p00 as the probability of that the whole system is in idle state, p00 = 1 Pm

i=1 mP(i)


~x(i)k ~e(i). Then the steady state probability vector ~p can be writ- ten as ~p=


p00, ~p(i)k


, where ~p(i)k are ordered lexicographically too. The vectors ~p(i)0 in such representation are of the size (1×n(i)), as they do not include the idle states probabilities of the subsystems. Such changing of variables can be regarded as the nonlinear transform to the lower dimensional state space, namely, one idle state of the system is introduced instead ofm states.

To construct the generator matrix of a queuing system, we need to define all its components. As it was mentioned, we divide the system into the boundary and the inner states and introduced the systems idle state. Now let’s turn to the detailed description of these notations.

4.1.1 The Boundary States.

Let’s discuss a bit about the matrices B0(i), A(i)0 , C0(i), Bm(i)(i), A(i)m(i)−1, Cm(i)(i). It was stated, that the arrival stream of the system is supposed to be a superposition of r independent arrivals, while the system consists of m r subsystems. The arrivals can be represented as the transitions from the idle state to the zeroth states, and these transitions in our representation are stored in the first row of B0(i). Subse- quently, the first column ofB0(i) contains the transition rates to the absorbing state.

Since onlyrofmmatricesB0(i) have a nonzero first row, it is good to present another notation for B0 in order to avoid the case, when a generator matrix of the system will not be irreducible. To achieve this, let’s split the matricesB0(i),A(i)0 , C0(i) in the following way

B(i)0 =

à b(i)0 ~b(i)1

~b(i)2 B0(i)


, A(i)0 = Ã 0



, C0(i) =


0 C0(i)


, (4.1)

where zeros are the zero vectors of the appropriate size. The vectors~b(i)1 and ~b(i)2 represent the first row and the first column of B0(i) starting from the second ele- ment. The scalarb(i)0 is the first element of the matrixB0(i). The square matrixB0(i)


multiple processes system 22 represents the transitions within the zeroth level and has the order of n(i). As it was mentioned,~b(i)1 and~b(i)2 describe the arrival process and the transitions to the absorbing state of each subsystem. As it was stated above, we consider a single idle for the system, so a set of the vectors~b(i)1 and~b(i)2 can be regarded as the description of the arrival process of the whole system. In the rest of the paper B0(i) will be denoted asB0(i), and C0(i) will be denoted as C0(i).

Such representation is used to construct an irreducible generator matrix of the whole system. The probabilityp00was introduced with the same purpose. The point is, that in such representation we will deal with an idle state of the whole system, but not with ones of each subsystem. This will allow us to make the formulas for the steady state probabilities a bit more simple, because of the fact that there won’t be any necessity to deal with the vectors of different length within each process.

Now let’s turn to the discussion about the boundary states themselves. In order to make it more clear, at first let’s consider a simple example. Assume that a queuing system consists only of two QBD processes, for example the first and the second ones from the figure 4. It this case there will be three boundary states. It is clear that they will be described by the following matrices

³ B0(1)

´ ,

Bm(1)(1) P(12) P(21) B(2)0


³ Bm(2)(2)


, (4.2)

where P(12) and P(21) are of the orders n(1) ×n(2) and n(2) ×n(1) correspondingly.

Therefore, the second boundary matrix in (4.2) is square of the order¡

n(1)+n(2)¢ . It is clear that if the whole system consists of a sequence ofQBD processes, its infinites- imal generator can be represented in the same manner as in (4.2), namely, as a direct sum of the generator matrices of each QBD process, that is Q=Q(1)⊕. . .⊕Q(m) [15]. But in a more general case, the transitions between the QBD processes are possible not only between the last and the zeroth levels, but between any states in

Sm i=1

Λ(i). To handle such situation, let’s introduce the transition rate matrices, which carry the information about the transitions between the processes within a system:


multiple processes system 23 Mij – from state (0, k) of the ith process to the state (0, h) of the jth,

where k = 0, . . . , n(i), h= 0, . . . , n(j), i, j = 1, . . . , m,i6=j;

Lij – from state (0, k) of the ith process to the state (m(j), h) of the jth, where k = 0, . . . , n(i), h= 0, . . . , n(j), i, j = 1, . . . , m, i6=j;

Nij – from state (m(i), k) of theith process to the state (0, h) of the jth, where k = 0, . . . , n(i), h= 0, . . . , n(j), i, j = 1, . . . , m, i6=j;

Kij – from state (m(i), k) of theith process to the state (m(j), h) of the jth, where k = 0, . . . , n(i), h= 0, . . . , n(j), i, j = 1, . . . , m, i6=j.

It is clear, that the infinitesimal generator of a QBD process within a system, contains the matrices Mij, Lij, Nij, Kij as certain blocks of B0(i) and Bm(i)(i). But it is still more convenient to separate the processes from the transitions between them and introduce the rules for constructing, if needed, the boundary matrices.

In such representation, the boundary levels of each process are described by the matrices B0(i), C0(i), A(i)m(i)−1, Bm(i)(i), i = 1..m. The arriving process is additionally specified by b(i)0 , ~b(i)1 , ~b(i)2 .To describe the whole system let’s add to the list the matricesMij, Lij, Nij, Kij. Using these eight matrices, two vectors and one scalar, it is possible to specify the transitions, that is the boundary states, in any queuing system with the described properties.

4.1.2 The Inner States.

Each of the QBD processes in a queuing system may have its own characteristics, that is, the matrices A(i), B(i), C(i) and the lengths m(i), i = 1..m, are not the same for different processes. The point is that they represent a repeating portion of the lengthm(i)2 in each process, and the transitions to the other processes from the inner states are not allowed. That is, the matrices A(i), B(i), C(i) depict the transition rates within Θ(i).

As the modified matrix geometric solution will be used for obtaining the steady state probability vector, the same assumptions as in the single-process case should be done.


multiple processes system 24 Suppose thatH(i)(z) is defined as

H(i)(z) = A(i)+B(i)z+C(i)z2 and assume that for all i= 1..m

a) the generator matrix H(i)(1) is irreducible, b) det¡


6= 0 for some z = ˜z.

Let F(i) and G(i), i = 1, . . . , m be the minimal nonnegative solutions of matrix quadratic equations

A(i)+B(i)F(i)+C(i)F(i)2 =0, A(i)G2(i)+B(i)G(i)+C(i) =0, (4.3) and define matrix Φ(i) as

Φ =A(i)G(i)+B(i)+C(i)F(i). (4.4) Denote(i), i= 1, . . . , m the stationary probability vector of H(i)(1).

Just as in the case of a single process, the following is valid for each i= 1, . . . , m:

1. There exist minimal nonnegative solutionsV(i), W(i) of the matrix equations:


B(i)+A(i)V(i)C(i)¢(−1) W(i)=¡

B(i)+C(i)W(i)A(i)¢(−1) . (4.5) 2. The matrices F(i) = W(i)A(i) and G(i) = V(i)C(i) are the minimal nonnegative solutions of the matrix quadratic equations (4.3).

3. tr¡ F(i)¢

= 1 if and only if (i)A(i)~e(i)≥~π(i)C(i)~e(i). In this case F(i) is stochastic.

4. tr¡ G(i)¢

= 1 if and only if(i)A(i)~e(i) ≤~π(i)C(i)~e(i). In this case G(i) is stochastic.

5. The irreducible matrix Φ(i) is singular if and only if (i)A(i)~e(i) =(i)C(i)~e(i). In this case(i) is a stationary probability vector of Φ(i).

The exact expression for the steady state probability vector of each process is given in the section 4.2.1.


multiple processes system 25 4.1.3 Generator Matrix.

After all the required designations were introduced, the generator matrix of a whole system can be presented. In general, it can be viewed as the consequent description of the transition rates between the states of Λ(i) and Θ(i), ordered lexicographically.

As we consider each subsystem to be of a QBD structure, the transition rates within each process, that is, between the states in Θ(i) can be gathered into the following matrix

Tin(i) =










0 A(i) B(i) . ..

C(i) . .. A(i) . .. B(i) C(i) 0










, (4.6)

of the size µ

1 +Pm



m(i)+ 1¢¶



, and the first nonzero row starts at the line next to


1 +i−1P



m(j)+ 1¢! .

The transition rates within the boundary states, that is, in Λ(i), can also be de- scribed in a similar manner, but, as we consider a single idle state, one column for it should be added, which represents the transition rates to the systems absorbing state. We examine only the transitions into theith level in each Λ(i), because all the nonzero transitions from one level can be regarded as the transitions to another level, so the structure of columns of the generator matrix is examined, that is the length of the repeating portion in each process is determined as the number of repeating columns, but not rows. The matrices A(i)0 and Cm(i)(i) have the structure (4.1), also only due to this fact.


multiple processes system 26

PM =

























 Pm i=1

b(i)0 ...


~b(i−2)2 0

~b(i)2 0 0 ...


~b(i+1)2 0 0

~b(i+2)2 ...

























, T1(i)b =

























~b(i)1 ...

Ni−2,i Mi−1,i

0 Ni−1,i

B0(i) C0(i) 0


0 Mi+1,i

0 Ni+1,i

Mi+2,i ...

























, T2(i)b =

























 0


Ki−2,i Li−1,i

0 Ki−1,i

0 ...

0 A(i)m(i)−1


Li+1,i 0 Ki+1,i

Li+2,i ...

























, (4.7)

wherePM is of the size µ

1 +Pm



m(i)+ 1¢¶

×1, and the matricesT1(i)b and T2(i)b are

µ 1 +Pm



m(i)+ 1¢¶

×n(i). TheMji andLji stand on the lines staring from the same one, as the firstB0(j), andNji withKji stand on the lines staring from the same one, as theBm(j)(j).

The matrix T1(i)b and T2(i)b contain the transition rates between the states of Λ(i) and Λ(k), i, k = 1, . . . , m,i6=k.

The introduced matrices present the block columns of the generator matrix, which now can be written as a block row:



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