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4. 3. 2. 1,.


Academic year: 2022

Jaa "4. 3. 2. 1,."




Aalto-yliopisto, lnsinööritieteiden korkeakoulu Maanmittaustieteiden laitos

Paula Ahonen-Rainio

Exam 20.5.2011

Maa-123.1310 Theories and Techniques in Geoinformatics

Each question max 1"0 points.


Mitä tarkoittaa spatiaalinen autokorrelaatio? Miten se voidaan määrittää? Miten sitä käytetään hyväksi spatiaalisessa analyysissa?

What does spatial autocorrelation stand for? How can it be determined? How is it used in



Mitä tarkoittaa spatiaalinen indeksointija mihin sitä tarvitaan? Mainitse menetelmiä, joilla voidaan indeksoida vektorimuotoista paikkatietoa, ja kuvaile yksi menetelmä.

What does spatial indexing stand for and what is it used for? Name methods that can be used for indexing geographic data in vector form and describe one method.


Selitä, mitä tarkoittavat tiedon laatuelementti (eli laatutekijä), laadun osaelementti (eli osatekijä) ja laatumittari.

Anna kolme esimerkkiä paikkatiedon laadun osaelementeistä sekä esimerkit niihin sopivista laatumittareista. Valitse osaelementit niin, että ne edustavat eri laatutekijöitä.

Explain the meaning of a data quality element (also called as quality factor), a data quality sub-element (sub-factor) and a quality measure. Give three examples of geographic data quality sub-elements and examples of quality measures that are applicable for them. Select the three sub-elements so that they represent different quality factors.


INSPIRE-direktiivi pyrkii ennen muuta helpottamaan paikkatiedon saantia Euroopan tason

ympäritöpolitiikan tarpeisiin. Mitä direktiivi merkitsee Suomen kansallisen paikkatietoinfrastruktuurin

ka nna lta ?

INSPIRE directive aims at easy access to the geographic data needed for environmental policy-making at the European level. What does the directive mean from the viewpoint of the Finnish National spatial data infrastructure?



The main motivation was a need to identify the best sources of spatial BSC data and to increase our understanding of such matters as data quality (including spatial

In this study, the output quality with the curing element refers to the medical needs of the patient, whereas the process quality with the caring element refers to the

The data (concept maps) also reveal other interesting features which can be discovered through the suitable modelling of data. These features include: 1) The quality of the

It has the same elements listed as Loshin (2010, p.9) but has an even wider organizational perspective. In this thesis almost all of these are steps or aspects are noted and

The measured phase noise plot of the known inductor is fitted with a phase noise model expressed by the active device noise factor, tank quality factor and externally

They acknowledge that the Sleep Quality sub-scale is problematic but argue that the strong general two-factor solution (stress- and recovery related factors) in

For example, Wang (1998) has defined 15 different data quality dimensions related to information products in his research.. According to Silvola

Ilmanvaihtojärjestelmien puhdistuksen vaikutus toimistorakennusten sisäilman laatuun ja työntekijöiden työoloihin [The effect of ventilation system cleaning on indoor air quality