• Ei tuloksia

Regular observations of temperature and salinity in the seas around Finland, July 1933 - June 1934


Academic year: 2022

Jaa "Regular observations of temperature and salinity in the seas around Finland, July 1933 - June 1934"















Nr. 1. TaEoDon HOIN: Hycfrographische Untersucl;ungen im nördliohen Teie der Ostsee, im Bottnischen und im Einnisehen iXleerbusen 189$—

1904. 46 + 144 p 2 piates, 1907. 120:


Nr. 2. ROLF WITTtNG: Untersuehungen zur Ke;mtnis der Wasserbewegun gen und der Wasserurnsetzung iii den Einnland umgebenden J\Leeren.

Der Bottnisehe Meerbusen iii den Jahren 1904 und 1905. X+246 p.

1$ piates, 1908. 250:


Nr. 3. JoHAN GEHRKE: Beitrag zur Hydrographie des Finnisehen Meer busens. 40 p. 3 piates, 1909. 60:

Nr. 4. METEOR. OENTRALANSTÄLT: Wasserstand-Registrierungen bei Hangö, 1897—1903. XIV+86 p.. 1909. 90:


Nr. 5. K. Ii. LEVÄNDER: Beobaohtuugen fiber die Nahrrn;g und die Parasiten der Fisohe des Finnischen Meorbusens. IV+44 p. 1909. 60:


Nr. 6. HUGO KARSTEN: Untersuchungen iiber die Eisverhältnisse im Fin

nisclren Meerbusen und im nördlichen Teile der Ostsee. L Beobach tungen während der Wintor 1$97—1902. 92 p., 5 piates, 1911. 100:


Nr. 7. ROLF WITTUrG: Zusarnmenfassende Uebersicht der Hycfrographie des Bottnischen und Finnisehen Meerbusens und der Nördlichen Ostsee mci den Untersuchungen bis Ende 1910. $2 p., 4 piates, 1912. 250:


Nr. 8. RoLF WITTLNG: Beobaehtungen von Temperatur tind Sazgehat an fosten Stationen in den Jahren 1900—1910. 78 p.. 1912. 90:


Nr. 9. ROLF WITT;NG: Beobaehtungen von Oberflächenstrom, Tiefenstrom und Wind ari Feuerschiffen lii den Jahren 1900—10. 100 p.. 1912.



Nr. 10. ROLF WITTLNG: Jahrbuch 1911 enthaltend hydrographische Beobach tungen in den Finnland umgebenden Meeren. 132 p., 4 piates, 1912.



Nr. 11. Wull not appear.

Nr. 12. ROLF WITT1NG: Jahrbuch 1912 enthaltend hyctrographische Beobach tungen in den Finnland umgebenden Meeren. 130 p., 6 piates, 1913.



Nr. 13. ROLF WITTING: Jahrbuch 1913 enthaltend hydrographische Beobach tungen in den Finiiland umgebenden Meeren. 134 p., 5 piates, 1914.



Nr. 14. KURT BUOR: Ueber die Älkalinität, WasserstoffiOnenkonzentratiln, Kohlensäure und Kohlensäuretension im Wasser der Finnland urnge benden Meere. 132 p., 3 piates, 1917. 90:







JULY 1933—JUNE 1934





Heisiitki 1935. Valtioneuvostoii idrjapairio.


Co n t e


t s.

1. General Survey

1. Loealities of observation 2. Observations and instruments

3. Computation of observations and arrangement of tabies II. Observations in the depth at


1933 J7JJJ934 VI III. Observat’ions in the depth at sumrner-stations, 1933 VII—1934 VI

IV. Surface observations cci year-stations, 1933 VII—1934 VI 1. Annual means 1933 and 1933 VII—1934 VI

2. Observations and monthly means

V. Surfaee observations


surnmer-stations, 1933 VII—1934 Vi Figures.

1. Positions of year-stations 4

2. Positions of sumrner-stations 5


Äransgrund, s. Helsinki lv

Äspö 6, 19, 27, 39

Bengtskir 6,15,16,27,34

Enskär 6, 12, 27, 31

Grähara 6, 18,27, 36

Haapasaari 6, 19, 27, 39 Hangö, s. Russarö

Hanko, s. Russarö

Harmaja 6, 18,27, 36

Helsingfors 6, 27, 37

Martinsaari Nahkiainen lv Norrskär

Plevna, s. Kemi lv Porkala, s. Kallbådan Porkkala, s. Kallbådan

Rauma lv 7,24.43

Relandersgrund, s. Rauma lv Relanderinmatala, s. Rauma lv

Russarö 6, 16, 27, 35

$tyrsudd 6,22, 27,41

Suursaari 6, 19,27, 3$

$öderskär 6, 18, 19,27, 38 Taipaleenluoto lv 7, 26, 45

Tammio 6, 20, 27, 39

Tankar 6,9,10,27,29

Tvärminne 6, 17, 27, 35

Ulkokalla 6, 9,27,28

Utö 6,15,27,34

Valsörarna 6, 10, 27, 29 Virtaniemi 6, 21, 27, 40 Äransgrund, s. Helsinki lv

4 4

9 23 27 27 28 42


$älgrund Säppi

$eiväst,ö Snipan lv Someri

$ommarö Sommers


Storbrotten lv Storkallegrund

6,11,27,31 6,11,27,30 6,11,27,31 6, 22, 27, 41 7,23,43 6,20,21,27,40 6,20,21,27,40 6,20,21,27,40 6, 20, 27, 39 7,24,25,44

lv 7,24,43

Helsinki Helsinki lv Hogland Isokari


Kalbådagrund Kallbådan.

Kemi lv Lågskär Lohm Marjaniemi Märket




6, 19, 27, 38


6, 13, 14, 27, 33

7,25,26, 45



6, 13, 27, 32

6, 14, 27, 33


6, 12, 27, 32



6, 10, 27, 30


1. General Survey.

season, so-called s u m m e r-s t a t i o n s, was 9. The positions of the stations are seen from Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, the exact positions are given in Chapters


The stations were inspeeted during the summers of


and 1934. The days of inspection are noted in the last two columns of Tabies 1 and 2 (pa.ges 6 and 7).

L Loealities of observatiou. During the year 1933 VH—1934 VI the nurnher of coast stat.ions active the whole year round, so-called v

e a r-s

t a t i o n s, was 27, and the number of stations working only during the navigation

Fig. 1. Positions of year-statious.



2. Observations and fnstruments. Äs in earlier years, the working pro gramme was the following:

Ä. Ät the year-stations:

1:0) Measurement of surfaee temperatures at the shore 1—3 times daily, generally at 7, 14, and 21 o’clock;

2:0) Taking of shore water sampies 6 times monthly, generally on the lst, 6th, llth, l6th, 2lst, and 26th at 14 o’clock, for determination of surface salinity;

B. Ät the summer-stations (light vesseis):

1:o) Measurement of surface temperatures daily at 7, 14, and 21 o’clock;

2:0) Taking of surface sampies for salinity determination on the lst, 6th, llth, l6th, 2lst, and 26th of each month at 14 o’clock.

3:o) Measurement of temperatures and taking of water sampies for salinity determination on the lst, llth, and 2lst of each month at 14 o’clock from a series of depths beneath the light vessel.

Deviations from the programme may have oceurred, especially as regards the observations in the depth at the year-st2tions, which can only he per-


Measurement of temperatures and taking of water sampies for salinity determination 3 times a month, generally on the lst, llth, and 2lst, from a series of depths at a fixed place in the sea outside the station.

Fig. 2. Positions of summer-stations.


6 1.


formed during comparatively good weather. Ät two year-stations the pro gramme was different: at M a r t i n s a a r i, where no surface observations were made, and at H e 1 s i n g 1 o r s, where the temperature of the shore water and a sample of same was taken daily at 9 o’clock, but no depth ob servations were made.

Ä survey of the work performed at the different stations is given in the following Tabies, Nos 1 and 2.

Table 1. Observat’ions at





Depths observed iii Day of


each series of CZ Hour of surlaceobservations luspeetion observations,


1933 VII—1934 VI,

. metres Greenwicli ± 2 hours ••••••‘•• -

0s 1933 1934

W$W 0.9’



NW 0.7’

NW 2.0’

N 1.5’

$ 0.4’

N 0.5’




13+7. 14

(VII—IX, V, VI: 7, 14, 21;

14+ 4 14

0, 4, $ 0, 5, 10 0, 5, 10, 14

0, 5, 10 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40

0, 5, 10, 20 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 24

0, 5, 10, 20 fO, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 150, 60, 70,80,90,100 N 04’ JO, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 150, 60, 70, $0, 90

{ 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50

18+16 17+18 17+ 8 17+16 17±10 18+16 9+ 9 16+16 16±15

14 7, 14, 21 7, 14, 21 7, 14, 21 7, 14, 21

14 14

VII, VIII, V, VI: 7, 14, J21; IX, X, III, IV: 7, 14;

XI—II: 14 14 13 14

VII—XI, IV—VI: 7, 14, 21; XII—III: 14

14 14 Marjaniemi

Ulkokalla Tankar Valsörarna Norrskär Sälgrund Säppi Säbbskär IsokaTi Enskär Märket Lågskär Utö Jungfruskär

‘Lohm Bengtskär...

Russarö Tvifrrninne Xallbådan Harmaja iGrhara

Helsinki Helsingfors Söderskär iHaapasaari

Äspö Suursaarii Hogland 1

Someri Sommarö Tammio ,Stamo Martinsaari Virtaniemi Seivästö Styrsudd

W 0.5’

$ 1.0’

ENE 0.3’

W 0.2’

$W 0.5’

NE 0.5’

W 0.1’

W 0.5’

0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40

Ö, 5, 10, 20, 30 0, 5, 10, 20, 30 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40

0, 5, 10, 20, 30

18± 16 18± 17 16+15 18+17 18±161 18±18 18±14

VII 27.jVII 22.

VII 28. VII 22.

VII 28. VII 21.1, VII 20.f VII 20.

VII 20.1 VII 20.



VII 19. VIII 3,1 VIII 3. VII 7.

VII 15. VII 14.

VII 12.VII 11.

VII 12.1 VII 11.

VII 12.IVII 11.

VII fl VIII 7.1

VII 1LVII loi VII 11.VII 10.

VII 10.IVII 9.VII 3.

4.VII 3 5. VII 4.1

$JVII 6.

7.1VII 6.

5.VII 4.’

5.VII 4.

6.IVII 5.

6.VII 5.

$SE 0.6’ 0, 5,10,20,30,40, 50

$ 1.5’ 0, 5, 10, 20, 30 0


0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40,

L 5



(VII, VIII, VI: 7, 14, 21; 14 IX, X, IV, V: 7, 14; VII

XI—411: 14

15± 11 14 1, VII

VII, VIII, VI: 7, 14, IX, X, V: 7,14; XI—IV:141 V 12± 6

E 0.3’ 0, 5,10,20,30,40, 50 18+18 ENE 0.3’

SW 14’

SE 0.7’

SW 0.8’

7, 14, 21 14 0, 5, 10, 20

0, 5, 10, 20, 25 0, 5, 10, 20, 25 0, 5, 10, 20


14 7, 14,

f VII—XII, V, 18 1$ 21: I—IV:


17+13 14

14± 5 14








1. GENERAL SURVEY. 7 Tabte 2. Observations at summer-stations.

. Depth series Day of inspection

Period when no Station observations

were made

Depths in metres Number 1933 1934

Kemi iv XI 11.—VI 4. 0, 5, 10 13+ 2 VII 22. VII 23.

Nahkiainen lv XI 13.—VI 10. 0, 5, 10, 20, 25 14+ 2 VII 22. VII 22.

Snipan lv XII 12—V 30. 0, 5, 10, 20, 25 17+ 3 VII 21. VII 20.

Storkallegrund iv XII 12.—V 6. 0, 5, 10, 20 17+ 5 VII 20. VII 19.

Rauma lv XII 27.—IV 25. 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 18+ 6 VII 19. VII 18.

Storbrotten iv


{VUt 0, 5, 10, 20, 25 16+17 VIII 3. VII 17.

Helsinki lv ... .,. II 12.—IV 20. 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 18+12 VII 9. VII 7.

Kalbådagrund lv II 1.—IV 30. 0, 5, 10, 20, 25 20+10 VII 4.

Ta.ipaleenluoto .. XI 10.—V 23. 0, 5, 10, 15 13+ 3

The e q u i p m e n t of the stations was the same as before, thus:

A) for observations in the depth

water sampier with simple reversing thermometer and, either a small reel with recording sheave or simply a hemp line with ready marked depths.

B) for the surface observations surfaee thermometer with metal casing.

Besides this, there was always a sufficient supply of böttie cases, each containing 50 water sample botties of 100 c. c. The instruxnents used are described in detail in Nr 5 of this Publieation series. Ali stations are provided with a complete set of reserves.

Ali thermometers are examinecl in the Laboratory of the Institute.

3. Comptitation of observations and arrangement o tabies.

Ali temperatures (centigrade) are corrected. The depth temperatures are given i n e x t e n s o in the coiumns marked t° in $ections II and III.

Of the surface temperatures, only part of the three daily observations (see p. 5 and 6), i. e. those taken at 14 o’clock, are pubuished in $ections IV and

‘7. Of the others only the monthiy means are given. The annuai means (p. 27) are calculated direetiy from the monthly ones. In caieuiating the means some missing clata were interpoiated. Regular surface observations, made the whoie year round by liners belonging to the Finland Line, ffl lie published in the Buiietin Hydrographique (Copenhagen).

The saiinities were determined by titration of the chiorine contents

with siiver nitrate, aecording to the method of KNuDsEN, using C o p e n

h a g e n n o r m a 1 w a t e r ao standard. Ali salinities reiating to the depth

observations are pubiished in $eetions II and III, in the coiumns marked



the surface saiinities at the bottom of the separate tabies in Sections

IV and ‘7. The monthiy means were calculated from ali avaiiable material,

i. e. if the number of surface observations exceeded the regular number of

six a month, then the extra values were also ineiuded in the mean, whereas



on the other hand missing values were not interpolated. The only exeeption is Helsingfors, for which the mean of the daily surface salinities was formed in the same manner as that of the temperatures. The annual means of the salinities are the means of the monthly ditto.



critical and comparative review of the material was made during the eourse of the year, according as the observations were delivered to the Institute. Äs to the extent of this criticism the reader is referred to what has been stated in earlier publications of similar material. Here may he noted merely, that only in exceptional cases was an observation omitted.

Some easily deteetahle errors, corisisting of dissimilar notes concerning the

same sample in the journal kept by the observer and on the corresponding

water bottle, were corrected. Än interrogation mark (?) has heen added, to

some improbable values, or such relating to water sampies obviously inter

changed; in some cases exclamation marks (!) have been used. As is evident

from the above, an absolute correctness of the material cannot be guaranteed

now, no more than before. November 1934.


II. Observatfons in the depth at year-statfons,

1933 VII—i934 VI.

tlt1 t

65°2’ NBr 24°34’EL

1933 V1134 VI, Marjauiemi ObserTer: F. Korpela Marjaniemi, 1933 VII—34 VI


VII 4. VII 12. VII 21. VIII 2. VIII 12. VIII 21. IX 1. IX 13. IX 21. X 5.


90 2 63 16 2 6 17 9 14 2! 59 11 8 2 6 1 0 58 12 68 11 48 9


2 6 6 72



11.51 2,65: 15.5?2.45j 1701 2.951 11.41 3.04111i 963 1 8 2 63 1 2 S 9 6! 99 11 99.0! 2 6 13 62.921 13.81 ..2.7068 11 811.8j 2.7474 11 011.0! 250148 949.4! 2.63:2 jS 6 86.8: 2.762 74

1933 1934


12. X 21. XI 2. III 21. IV 21. V 1. V 22. VI 2. VI 15. VI 22.


5,4] 2.76 54] 3.01 —i 2.951 3.08 0.01 0,19 —1 0,10 1,4

2,45 4.8 2.74

9.0! 2.23 11.61 2.45 4 5.6] 2.76! 5.2: 3.01




3.12 ‘)0.0l’)3.21: 2.50 1.6 2.20 4.2 2.74: 8.6: 2.23! l1.6 2.47

, 6.6! 2.76 5.2: 3.01:

3.011 3.48 2)0.0)3.131 2.88 00: 2.81: 4.2 2.741 6.01 2.67j 10.3j 2.54

G4C2OINBr 23°27’EL

1933 VII—34 VI, Ulkokalla Observer: Ernst Björklöf Ulkokalla, 1933 VII—34 VI


VII 1. VII 12.


VII 21.




VIII 12. VIII 21. IX 1. IX 12. IX 21.


X 14.



11.8 3.13! 14.0 3.21! 14.6 3.19! 13.2 3.17! 13.61 3.17! 12.2! 3.06 10.6! 2.97i 7.4! 3,15! 7.2 3.32 o 61 313 111 313! 13 39 14 319 133 317 141 3211 93 39 107 Oi 7 31t! 73 332 10 4.31 3.13j 10.7 3.17j 12.5 3.24 14.1 3.19 13.31 3.241 13.5 3.21! 10.51 3.19 10.5!

3.011 7.5

3.17 7.3 3.13

1933 1934

X 21. XI 2. XI 21. XII 3. V 15. V 21. VI 1. VI 11.


VI 21.

0 0330 64396 40330 813421 4339 46315 13106 313041 —306 7333 6732C 4233 331342 173.13 2o36 173081 32.306 —306 10 7.3, 1.32: 6.7 3.26 4.2 1.32: 3.3! 3.42 1.7 3.11. 2.1 3.26 1.91. 3.12: 2.6 3.08


1933 VII—34 VI, ‘Fallkar Ob Tankar, 1933 VII—34 VI


VII 1. VII 10. VII 21.




VIII 13.


VIII 22. IX 1. IX 13. IX 21. X 2.

0 8.8 3.35 12.0


3.501 15.4


14,8 3.42 14.21


12,4! 1.41 11.4: 3.24! 9.4 3.30! 9.0 339 5 7.9 3.37 11.0! 3.44 14.7: 1,461 i.0 3.19 13,91 1.42 14.1 3.41! 12.1 3.41 11.3 3.24] 9.1 3.301 9.2 3,39 10 7.0 3.37 9.3! 3,44


3,461 13.3 3.42 12.71 3.42 8.7 3,51 11.7 3.42 11.1 3.261 8.71 3,441 9.2 3.41 14 6.8, 3.39 8.1 3.48!


9.7 3.50! 8.;! 3.55j 8.5 3.55! 11.3, 3.46j 10.31




9.2 1,41




X12. X22. X13. X113.


XI2I. XII2.!X1113. X1123. II. 121.

0 331



54 36


18 133 101359—01 357 00 36—03 355—Oo 342 5 7.3: 3,35! 7.1! 3.33 5.5 3,28 2.6! 3.30 2,0 333 ;5 359 0.0 3.57 0.1 1,64—0.3 3.59 —0.1 3.46 10 7.21 7.2! 3.13 5.6 3.28 3.0J 3.30 2.2 3.33 2.0 3.66 0.1 3.59 0.1 3.64—0.1 3.60 0.0 3.46 14 7.21 1.35 7.11 3.33 5.5 3.30: 3.91 3.10 2.4, 3.33 2.0, 3.66! 2.0 3.59,’)0.2 ‘)3.641 0.0 3,60

—! —


II 1 II 13 II 21 III 1 III 12 III 21 IV 2 IV 1 IV 20 V 12

0 —0


3j1—093531•94] 331—0151—01 346 —01: 34S—0 346—01 164346 00! 3o0—01 346—01 346 01


335’344 0001 342!342 04100803 344 1416 317119


•011333’—01!348 00346 00350 00350 009267 029313: 02350 02344’ 18:322 14 0,0 3,55 0,0 3.51 0.0 3,461

o,oJ 3.481

0.01 3.59,

0.11 3.55 0.21

3.57! 0.31 3.50 0.4 ?3.281 1.9


1) 13 m.








m t0



t° t°

‘— 1




Tankar Tankar


V 25. VI 1. VI 12. VI 23.

0 5.5 3.21 591. 3.26 6.4 3.22 10,6’ 335]

5 5.7 1.21 6,0, 3.26 5,9 3.24 10.1 3,351 10 5.7 3.21 6.01 3.26 5.5 3.24 9.8 3.35 14 5.7 3.21] 5,9 3.28 4.9 3.24 7.9 3.37

63°95’NEr 21°4’EL

1933 VII•34 VI, Valsörarna Observer: Karl F. Färrn Valsörarna, 1933 VII—34 VI


VII 2. VII 14.


VII 22. VIII 2. VIII 13. VIII 21.


IX 1. IX 12. IX 22. X 5.

11.4 3.75 14.5


15.8 3.86! 15.51 4.16! 14.2’ 4.06 15.5 4.07! 14.4 3.93 12.3’ 366! 11.81


8.9 4.61

9.6 4.07 14.5 4.33 13,9 3,91 15.31 4.25 14.3 4,06 15,0 4.18 14,0 3,951 12,1 3.69 12.11 4.54



9.3 4.13 14.5, 4.33 13.7 3.91 15.21 4.31 14.1. 4.06 14.913.95 13.9 3.95’ 12.1 3.69, 11.71 4.61: 8.6:?4.42 1934

XI 13. XI 22. XII 1. 1 XII 12. 1 3. 1 11. 1 24.



0.7 4.43 1.3’ 4.40{ 0.1 4.381•0.2 4.61!—0.2 4.72 —0.2 5.45 3.9 4.52] 0.6 4.45] 1.2 4.40 0.2 4.38—0.1 4.61] 0.0 4.78 —0.3 5.45 3.7 4.52 0.6 4451 1.0 4.47 0.3 4.401—0.1 4.60] 0.0 4.83 —0.3 5.45

II 7. II 16. II 21. III 1. III 12. III 21. IV 1. IV 14. IV 21. V 1.

-—0.3 4.72 0.1 ?4.56 —0.2 ?4.61 —0.3 ?4.70 —0.2 ?4.34 —0.1 4.36 0.2 3.82 0.6 3.96 1.5 4.40 2.9 4,60 0.2 4.72 0.0 ?4.80 0.2 ?4.63 —0.2 ?4.70, 0.1 ?4.16 0.0 4.38 0.4 3.95, 0.8 3.98 1.6 4.54 2.9 4.61 0.2 4.69 0.0 ?4.60] 0.0 ?3.06 —0.2 ?4.63 —0.1 ?4.34 0.0 4.47 0.4 3,96 0.8 3.98 1.5 4.69 3.1, 4.61 1934

V 14. V 22. VI 1. VI 11.


VI 23.


5.9 4.09


4.63 7.6 3.91 9.3 3.82! 11.4 3.98’

6.0 4.161 7.5 4.74 7.5 3.91 8.3 3.89 9.9 4.02 5.9] 4.33 7.3 4.85, 7.3 3.95


3.91 9.1 4.02, 1933


6.4 4.63]

6.4 4.67 6.3 ?4.5&


X2. XII.



2.3 4.72

6.91 4.24 2.2 4.74 7.1] 3.96] 2.2 4.7&

0 10

0 5 10

0 5 10

0 10

63°14’NBr 20°36’EL

1933 ‘TII44 VI, Norrskär Observer: IIi. IViolarnier Norrskär, 1933 VII—34 VI


VII 1. VII 13. VII


VIII 1. VIII 11. VIII 21. IX 1. IX 12. IX 21. X 2.

0 9.2’ 4.16: 14.2 4.42 14.6’ 1 4,83 14.6


14.3. 4.361 14.3’ 4.89. 14.4] 4.15’ 11.51 9.0 4.49 9.0. 4.85 5 8,8 4.20 14.2: 4.43: 13,&’ 4.85 14.5 4.901 14.2 4.4& 14.2 1431 11,41 4.13 8.6 4.60 9.2’ 4.87 10 8.8] 4.29, 14.0 4.51 13.2. 13.4 -


10.4 5.05- 14.2, 4.90 11.0, 4,81 11.4] 4.15 8.0, 4.60 9.4’ 4.89 20 5.0’ 5.161 6.6 5.39 11.2’’ 4.92 11.4 5.05 4.4 5.32 12.81 9.8: 4.4 5.30 7.8 5.46 5.8’ 5.’28 30 2.21 5.52] 4.8 5.30. 8.2 6.8


3.0 5.41 6,8 5.21 8.81 5.081 3,3] 5.50 7.8’ 5.48 5.2 5.28

40 2.0 5,55 3.6 5341 8.0 °l 5.32 2.8 5.0 5,32 5.0’



5.50 7,6 5,55 5,2 5.37

1933 1934

X 11. X 21. XI 1. XI 12. XI 23.


XII 1. XII 15. 1 26. IV 1. IV 12.

0 7.2’ 4.85 5.5 5,10 5.2 5.25 3,6 5.10 2.7 5,34]


5,28 1.4 4,991 1.8] 5.50 0.5 4,52 0.5 4.80

5 7.2 4.87 5.8 5,14 5.2 5.25 4.2 5.12 2.8 5.35 2.2 5,30 1.6 5.14 1.81 5.50 0.5 4.83 0,5 4.81 10 7.2 4.89 5.4 5.14 5.2 5.25 4.4 5.14 2.8 5,35 2.4 5.32 2.0 5.28 1.8 5,52 0.5 5.19 0.6 4,89 20 7.0 4,89 4.4, 5.34 5.2 5.26 4.6 5.25 2.9 5,35 3.1 5.37 2.0 5.34 1.9 5.52 0.5 5.41 0.6 4.90 30 7.0 4.89 4.4’ 5.34 5.2 5.10 4.8 5.32 3.0 5.35 3.2 5.41 2,4 5.39 1.9 5.52 0.5 5.41 0.8 5.17 40 7.O 4.89 4.4 5.37 5.2 5,30 5.01 5,48 3.0] 5.35 3.2 5.39 2.41 5.43] 2.0 5.52 0.5 5.45




V 14. V 22. VI 1. VI 11.1 VI 23.

0 4.5 4.40 7.8 4.87 2.0 3.57 1.5 4.09] 10.6 4.38 5 4.4’ 4.65 50] 4.98 1.91 3.78 1,5] 4.001 1041 4.38]

10 4.0 5.’25 5.0, 5.08 1.8 4.11 1.5 4.9$ 8.0 4,40]

20 3.0 5,35 5.0’ 5.10 1.8. 5,37 1.5 5.41’ 4.81 4,92]

30 1.2 5.41. 4.8] 5.30:


5.41 1.3]


3.0 5.21 40 1.1 5.45 4.8’ 5.30, 1,2] 5,43 1.2j 5.46, 2.8 5.45




j-- ,-


t0— t°—.. t-

tDt- totD-. jC iD

62°20’NBr 21°11’EL

1933 VII—34 VI, $älgrrnid Observer: A. U. A. Johansson $Mgruiid, 1933 Vll—34 VI


VII 1. VII 15. VII 21. VIII 1. VIII 13. VIII 21. VIII 27. IX 2. IX 12. IX 21.

0 9.6 5.46 16.5 5.48 16.7 5.46 16.2 5.41 13.8 5.43 14.4 5.35 13.8 5.39 14.0 5.37) 9.8 5.46 7.5 5.50

60 546 159 o48 164 o46 154 43 134 D4 141 3t 134 39 1 9 i3 66 i

10 4.8 5.48 15.5 5.46 16.0 5.46 15.2 5.43 9.2 5.46 14.0 5.41 10.4 5.41 13.5 5.39 5.9 5,54 4.8 5.55 20 4.3! 5.48 13.4 5.43 14.3 5.41 14.8 5.43 8.0 5.48 13.9 5.41 8.8 5.43 12.0 5.39’ 5.3, 5.59 4.8 5.57

1933 1934

X 2. X 14. X 21. XI 2. XI 11. XI21. XII 1. 1 3. 1 11. If 13.

0 7.8 6.0 5.50 5.9 5.16 5.2 5.23 3.9 5.321 0.8 5.28 0.2 5.39,—0.2 5.63—0.2 4.96—0.1 5.57 5 7.7 ss 6.0 5.521 6.0 5.30 5.2 5.25 4.1 5.32 1.2 5.32 0.6 5.43 —0.2 5.63 —0.2 5.520.2 s.so 10 7.8 5.52 5.8 5.52 5.7 5.54 5.2 5.28 4.0 5.32 1.7 5.34 1.1 5.46 —0.2 5.64 —0.1 5.55—0.2 5.59 20 7.7 5.52 5.6 5,57 5.6 5.57 5.2 5.281 4.0 2.0, 5.37 1.4 5.46 0.0 5.64, 0.1, 5.64, 0.2 5.59


II 24. III 2. III 11. III 21. IV 1. IV 13. IV 21. V 3. V 14. V 21.

0 —0.2 5.63 —0.2 5.59 —0.2 5.61 --0.2 5.61 0.2 4.04 1.0 5.50 2.4 5.41 6.4 4.18 10.2 4.72 9.4 4.99 5 —0.1 5.66 —0.1 —0.2 5.63 —0.2 5.61 0.2’ 5,57 0.8 5.54 2.21 5.43 4.6 7.2 5.14 94) 5.01 10 —0.1 5.64 0.0 5,59,—0.2 5,57 —0.2 5.61 0.1 5.57 0.7’ 5.54 2.1 5,45 4.2 5.17, 6.3 5.28 9.0 4.99 20 0.0 5.55, 0.0 5.59—0.1 5.63 0.0 5.61 0.2 5.63 0.8! 5.55 2.11 5.48, 3.4 5.23 5.5 5.35 7.4 5.01


VI 1. VI 13. VI 25.

0 9.11 5.28 8.8 5.45 12.4 5.45 5 6.9 5.41 8.01 5,45 10.3 5.45 10 6.0 5.45 6.61 5.46 9.61 5.41 20 5.6 5,45 6,01 5.48 7.6, 5.41


61c29/NBr 21°21’EL

1933 VII—34 VI,


ObsFrver: Petter Kandika $abbskar, 1933 VII—34 I


VII 1.


vI 11. VII 21. VIII 1. VIII 12. VIII 21. IX 1. IX 13. IX 22. X 9.

0 5,30 11,71 5,32


5.46 15.6) 5.40 14.5’ 4,87 5.5) 5.45 12.8 54I 8.0 5,451 5.7 5.57 5.61 5.45 5 6.6; 5.30 11.& 5,34 14.6 5.40 15.0 5.48 14.4! 5.12 14.6 5.45 12.8 5.41 5.48 5.8 5.57 6.2 5.46 10 3.91 5.43, 10,2 5.34, 14.2 5.45 14.8 5.48 10.01 5.50 14.3 5.45 12.2 5.45 5.9’ 5.52 5.4 5.59 6.3 5.50 15 3.2 5.45, 4.2 5,45 14.0 5.43 14.6 5.48 7.6 5,52 14.2 5.46 12.0! 5.461 4.6 5,591 4.4 5.68 6.2 5,52 20 3.2 5.46 3.9 5.45 14.0 5.45 14.3 5.48 17.2 5.54- 14.1 5.46! 12.0- 5.46’ 4.1 5.59 4.4 5,681 6.0 5.54 24 3.2 5.46 4.8 5,50, 13.7 5.45 14.2 5,48 16.8, 5.54 13.21 5,45, 11.8) 5.46 3.81 5,64 5,68, 5,$ 5.55

1933 1934

X 15. X 23.


XI 2. XI 11. XI 21. XII 1. XII 21. III 26. IV 2. IV 12.

0 6.9 5.57 7.0 5.57 6.7 5.55 6.2 5.55 4.4 5.54 4.0 5.52 0.01 5.39 0.31 5,68 0.3 5,61 0,7 5.52 5 7.0 5.57 7,5 5.57 7.1 5.57 6.2 5,57 4,3 5,54 4.2 5.52 0.0 5.43 0,2 55$) 0.6 5,64 0.8 5.52 10 7.0 5.59 7.4 5.59 7.2 5.57 6.2 5.57 4.3 5.54 4,2 5.54, 0.1 5.43 0.2! 5.68; 0.5 5.64 0.7 5.55 15 7.0 5.61 7.2 5.59 7.2 5.57 60, 5.57 4.4 5.55 4,2 0.3 5.45 0.2- 5,70 0.6 5.64 0.7 5.57 20 7,0 5.61 7.2 5.59 7.1 5.59 6.0 5.59 4.61 5.55- 4.2 5.54; 1.1 5.45 0.4 5.72 0.6 5,66 0.8 5,57 24 7,0 5.611 7.2 5.59 7.0 5.61j .o! 5.59 4.8! 4.2 .54


5.4$ 0.4) 5.72 0.6! 5.66 0,$! 5,61


IV 23. V 1. V 12.

1 V

22. VI 1. VI 14. VI 21.

05 2.61 5.612.6 5.63 3.75.3) 5.595.63


5.8 5.525.54 8.5, 5.638.7 5.61 7.67.8 5.345.32


6.7 5.355.43 8.2! 5.468,2 5.48 10 2.6’ 5.63 3.0 5.63) 5,7 5.61 8.2 5611 6.4 5.46 6.2 5.48 8.0 5.48 15 2.6! 5.63 2.8 5.64’ 5.6’


8,2 5.61 4.6 5.55 4.4 5.54 7,$ 5,48 20 2.4j 5.541 3.0 5.64 5.6 5.61 8.2 5.61 4.2 5.57 4.1 5.55 7.0’ 5.48 24 2.4, 5.64) 3.1) 5.641 5.4 5.631 7.1)


4.3 5.57 3.8! 5.57 6.8) 5.50






: t

t -t .EE1 t°2 t° t°Z

60°43’NBr 1°1’EL

1933 VII—34 VI, Isokari


K. O.W. Mattsn Enskär, 1933 VII—34 VI


VII 1. VII 11.


VII 21. VIII 1. VIII 12. VIII 21. IX 1. IX 11. IX 22, X 1.

0 9,7 5,57 14,71 5.54 16.2 5.81 16.6 5,79 15.1 5.66, 16.01 5.59 14.0 5.66 10.5 5.63 7.9 5.63 9.9 5.70 5 9.4 5.55 12.0 5.52 15.4 5.81 16.6 5,79 15.1 5.66 15.2 5.59 13.8 5661 10.3 5.63 7.7 5.64 9.8 5.70 10 8.9 5.57. 7.8 5.54 14.6 5.84’ 16.2 5.81 15.0 5.66 15.2 5.59 13.5 5.70 10.2 5.66 7,7 5.64


5.70 20 6.0 5.70: 5.5 5.57 14.3 5.861 15.6’ 5.821 14.9 5.661 14.5 5.63 13.2 5.681 5.66 6.9 5.641



1933 1934

X 13. X 21. XI 2. XI 11. XI 21. XII 1. XII 11. XII 23. 1 2. 1 11.

0 8.91 5.84 8.6


7.51 5,811 6.3 5.81 3.9 5641 2.2 5.721 1.4 5.72 0.2 5.$2l 0.3 5,75 0.2 5.93 5 9.0 5,84 8.6 5.75 7.5 5.82 6.3 5.81’ 3.9 5.641 2,3 5.72; 1.31 5,72 0.1 5.811 0.4 5.79 —0.3 5,93 10 9.0 5.84 8.71 5.75 7.5 5.82 6.3 5811 3.9 5.64 2.3 5.721 1.3 5.73 0.1 5.79 0.4 5,81 0.3 5.95 20 9.01 5.84 8.71 5.82 5.84 6.3 5,$41 3.6 5.681 2.3 5.72, 1.31 5.75; 0.1 5.79 0.4 5.81 —0.3. 5,95


1 22. , II 1. II 13. III 12. III 21. IV 1.


IV 11. IV 21.


V 2. V 11.

0 0,0 6.0&—0.1 5.8$ 0.2 5.90—0.3 5.70 —0.1’ 5.68 0.2 5.68 0.4 5.70 1.9 5.64 5.9. 5.631 55 5.64 5 0.11 6.09 0.2 5,88 —0.31 5.90—0.3 5.75—0.2 5.72 0.1 5.70 0,4 5.70 1.8 5.66 4.7 5.63 5.7 5.64 10 0.11 4.09 0.3 5.88 0.3 5.90 --0.3 5.75 0.2 5.72 0.1 5.70 0.4 5.66 1.8 5.68 3,2 5.66 5.5 5,64 20


6.09 0.3 5.88 0.3 5.95 0.3 5.75 0.2


0.1 5.70 0.5, 5.66 1.8 5.681 3,2 5.66 5.5 5.68


V 22. VI 1. VI 11. VI 20.

0 7.2 5.66’ 8.0


10.61 5.641 9.5’ 5.631 5 7.2 5.68 7.9 5.641 10.41 5.611 9.2, 5.63 10 7.2 5.66 7,7 5,64 10.31 5.66



20 7,0, 5.66 7.3 5.641 5,66l 7.9 5.63

6O18’NBr’ 198’ EL

1933 VU—34 VI, Märket Observer: K. J.


Märket, 1933 VII—34 VI

1933 1934

VII 1. VII 13. VII 21. VIII 1. VIII 21. IX 1. IX 13. XI 11. XII 2. IV 7.

0 13,0 5.57 14.9 5.21 17.0 5.21 15.4


15,3 5,35 15,2 5.411 13.5 5.41 7.3 5.32 4.6 5351 1.1 5,59 5 11.11 5.45 14.5’ 5.23 13.8 5.26 15,1 5.25; 14.8 5,37 15.0 5.411 13.5 5.43 7.5 5.321 4.7 5.351 1.1 5,59 10 109431113910J3714625145 3O1391D4133543 7b39 18Jj 10o9 20 8,61 5,4$ 9.1 5.39 8.1 5.46 8.5 5.46 13.6 5,411 9.3 35.66 11.7 5.54 8.0 5.59 5,0, 5,37 1.1 559 30 4,91 5.63 6.4 5.64 5.3 5,66 4.9 5,$& 7.1 5.86. 6.3 ?5.73 8.3 6.081 7.9 5.68


5.55 1.1 5.64

40 34. 5.81 4.4 5.86 4.6 5.84 3.8 ?6.04 3.9 6.26’ 5.1 ?6.08 5.5 6.29 7.6 5.72 6.2 5.701 1.3 5.86 50 3.2 6,06 3.9 6.02 3.7 6.06 3.5 ?5.84’ 3.3 ?6.31 3.9?6.31 4.3 6.35 7.3 5.97 6.5 5,93 1.4 5,95 60 271 6,15, 2.91 6,17 3.3 6,17 3.1 ?6.24 3.1 ?5.39 3.61?5.48: 4.0 6,421 6.9 6.19 6.5 6.13 1,6 6,09 70 2.7 6.201 2.9 6.20 3.0 6.22 2.8


3.3 ?5.84 3.6 ?6.53; 3.9 6.51; 6.6 6,24 5,3 6.33 1.7 6 24 80 2.6 6 26’ 2.7 6.24 2.9 6.26 2.9 ?6.08 3.4 ?6.37 3.7 ?6.621 3.8 6641 6.2 6.42 5.8 6.44 1.8 629 90 2.6’ 6.26; 2.6 6.2$ 2.7 6.31 2,9.?6.42 3,6 ?6.641 3.7 ?6.67 3.9 6.71 5,7 6.53, 5.8 6.51 2,0 6:38 100 2.61 6.331


6.31 2.6 6,37 2.91?6.461 3.6 ?G.42 3.7 ?6.33, 4.0 6.76, 5,4 6.58 5,7 6.56 2.2 6.38


IV 13. IV 21. V 1. V 14. V 26. , VI 1. VI 12.


VI 22.

0 1.41 5.63 2.0


3,7 5,39’ 5,4 5,35’ 6.4 5.35 6.7 ?5.35: 8,6 5.50 10.0 5.41 5


5.66 1.8’


3,5 5,39: 5.2


5.6 5.39 6.6 5.34. 8.4 5.52 9,3 5.43 10 1.2 5.66 1.6 5.48 3,1 5.39’ 5: 5’39: 5.1 5.46 6.3 6.09 8.3 5.52 8.9 5.45 20 1.2 5.68; 1.5 5,52’ 1.9 5,48 2.0 5.57 4.5 5.63 3.9 6.26 6.2 5.54, 8,3 5.48 30 1.31 5,681 1.6 5.61. 1.7 5.63 1.8. 5.91 2.0 6.20 2.6 6.31 5.6 5.64 6.3 5.63 40 1.3’ 5.70. 1.6’ 5,84 1,6. 6.00’ 1.6 6,13 1.8 6.28 1.8 6,35 2.8 6.17; 3.2 6.17 50 1.5 5.81 1.6 6.00’ 1.6 6.17, 1.5 6,29’ 1.8, 6.35 1,7 6.38 2.6 6.26 2.7 6.33 60 1.7 6,19 1.7 6.09 1.6 6.2$ 1.6 6.35. 1.7’ 6,38 1.6 6.42 1.8 6.38 2.5 6.38 70 1.7’ 6.33 1.8 6.09 1.7’ 6,37 1.6 6,401 1,6 6.44 1.6 6.46 1.8 6.42 2.4 6.44 80


6.40 1.8 6,26. 1,8 6.40 1.61 6.401 1.7 6.44 1.7 6.46 1.8 6.44 2.2 6.44 90 1.9 6,40 1.8


1.81 6.42, 1,$ 6.42 1,$ 6.46. 1.8 6.49 1.9 6.47, 2,4 6.47 100 2.01 6.40 1.8


1.8 6.44 1.8 6,44 1.8 6.46 1.8 6.51 2.0, 6.491 2.4 6.53




59°51’NBr 19°55’EL

1933 VII34 VI, Mgskär 1) Observer: W. Johansson Lågskär’), 1933 Vll---34 VI

VII 21.

16.2 5.54 14.41 51 14.0 5.61 13.1 5.66,

8.9 5.90 6.3 5.81 5.0 6.22 4.3 6.29 4.2 6.31 4.1, 6.31


16.2 5.54 15.81 5.64 15.7 5.55 6.6 5.55 6,4 5.97 6.5 5.97 6,5 6.13 6.4 ?5.59 5.3 6.26 4.8 6.33

VIII 18. VIII 21.

13.2 5.66 16.1 6.11 13.2 5.64 14.1 6.46 13.1 5.64 13.9 6.44 10.2 5.82 8.9 5.61 6.9 6,13 8.1 6.26 6.0 6.35 7.0 5.46 5.3 6.44 5,2 5.39 5,2 6.44 5.1 5.84 5.1 6,55 5.0 6.09 5,1 6.55 6,67

IX 1. IX 18. IX 25. X 1. X 13.

14.3( 5,50 12.0 5.59 12.1 5.70 11.31 5.57 10.0 5,70 14.0 5.54 12,0 5.63 12.0 5.72 11.3 5.57 10.0 5.73 13.3 5.59 12.0 5.63 12.0 5,81 11.3 5.61 10.0 5.73 12.3 5,91 12.0 5.63 12.0 5,84 11.3 5.73 10.0 5.73 8,0 6.00 11.9 5.66 12.0 5,84 11.3 5,77 10.0 5,90 6.2 6.38 11.9 5.68 10.2 5.86 11.1 5.84 8.9 6,00 5.9 6.60 10.5 5.79 9.2 6.04 10.4 5.91 8.9 6,00 5,4 6.65 6.2 6.29 5.8 6,62 9.0 5.93 7.0 6.40


6.71 6.2 6.51 5,1 6.67 6.2 6,09 6.4 6.67


6.73 4.9 6,64 5.1 6.71 8.3 6.73 6,3 6.73

XI 11. XI 23.

7.8 5,77 5.9 5.72 7.8 5.77 5.9 5,72 7.8 5,79 2.9 5.75 7.8 5,88 6.2 5.86 7.8 6.00 6.4 5.93 7.7 6.15 6,4 6,08 7.7 6,24 6.4 6,09 7.8 6.29 6.1 6.04 7.5 6.40 6.3 5.93 7.2 6.40 6.4 5,79

1934 XII 2. XII 11. XII 21. 1 1. 1 21.

4.9 5.88 4.1 5,93 3,2 5.91 2.9 5.88 2.8 6.09 5.2 5.88 4.2 5.95 3.8 5,91 2.9 5.86 2.8 6.11 5.2 5,9& 4.2 5,95 3,8 5.91 2.9 5,88 2.8 6.11 5.2 5.90 4.3 5.95 3,8 5,99 2.8 6,06 2.9 5.7 5.90 4.3 5.97 3.9 6,00 2.9 6,08 2.9 6.13 5,9 5.93 4.9 6.02 3.9 6,04 3.2 6.19 2.9 6,13 6.0 6,09 4.9 6,02 4.0 6.11 2.8 6.26 2.9 6,13 5.9 6.19 4.9 6,08 4.0 6.20 2.6 6.19 2.9 6.20 6.1 6.33 4.9 6.09 4.0 6.20 2.6 6.20 3.0 6.13 6,1 5,91 4,91

6.20 4.0 6.20 2.5 6.31 3.3 6.20


VII 7.

14,0 5.66 10.0 5.631 8.2 5.66 7.3 5.59 7.4 5.88 5.0 5.97 4.8 6.02 4.6 ?5.79 4.4 6.28 4.2 6,33 1933


9.3 5.77



9.9 5.77 9,9 5,77 9.9 5,931 9.9 5.97 7,2 6.26 7.0 6.37 6.3 6.51 6.11 6.60


III 5.

1.1 6.11 1.1 6.11 1,1 6.13 1.1 6.131 1.1 6.13 1.1 6.13 1.1 6,15 1.1 6.19 1.2 6.20 1.2 6,22 1934

VI 11.

9.1 5.54 9.1 5.54 8.3 5.54 8,0 5.68 5.9 5.82 4.0 5.97 3,0 6.19 3.0, 6.29 3.3 25.66 3.3 6.31 0

5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

0 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

0 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

II 14. II 21.

1.4 5.93 0,9 6.11 1.4 5.93 0,9 6.13 1.4 5,93 0.9 6,11 1.6 5.99 1.1 6.15 1.7 6,00



1.6 6.00 1.2 6,17 1.5 6.09 1.2 6.17 1.5 6.09 1.2 6,17 1.6 6.20 1.2 6,17 2.4 6.19 1.2 6.19


6.2 5.70 6.0 5.72 5,9 5.73 5.8 5.82 3.3 6.02 3.4 6.19 2.2 6.19,

2,1 6.241

2.0 6,31 2,0 6,31

V 25.

5.2 5.66 5.2 5,66 5.1 5.66 4.4 5,77 3.3 6.13 3.0 6,19 2.9 6.19 2,9 6.29 2,9 6.33 2,9 6.46

III 11. III 23. IV 2. IV 13. IV 21. V 1.

1.1 5.99 1.0 ?6.15 1.1 5,88 1.4 5,97 2.1 5.79 3.9 5,75 1.0 6.00 1.0 6.00 1.1 5.93 5.97 2.1 5.79 2,3 5,75 1.0 6.00 1.0 6,00 1.1 6.00 5,97 2.1 5.84 2.3 5,75 1.1 6.00 1.0 6.00 1.1


5,97 1.31 5.93 2,1 5,84 1.1 6.08 1.0 6,00 1.1 6.08 5.97 1.3 6,04 2.0 6.02 1,1 6.09 1.0 6.00 1.1 6.09 6.00 1.3 6.09 2.0 6.15 1,2 6,17 1,1 6.00 1,1 6,13 6.02 1.2 6.17 1.3 6.31 1,2 6.20 1.2 6.00 1.1 6.13 6,02 1.lj 6.31 1.2 6.35 1.2 6,31 1.2 6.04 1.1 6,13 1.1 6.37 1.2 6,38 1.2 6.31 1.9, 6,17 1.1 6.13 .— 1.2 6,38 1,2?6,22

VI 22.





10.0 5.41 9.3 5,54 8.2 6.00

7.91 5.911

5.3 6.47 5,1 6.51 5.0 6,56




6.6 5.84 6.8 6.02 7.0 6.09 5.8 6.17 2,8 6.22 2.6 6.24 2.6 6.3$

2,6 6,42 2.& 6.47 2.8 6.49

‘)Observations unreliable.

60°$’NBr 21°4’EL

1933 VII—34 VI,Jungfruskär Observer: E. 0. Brunströrn Jullgfruskir,1933VII—34 TI

IX 1. IX 12. IX 21. X 1.

10 20 30 40


VII 1. VII 11. VII 21. VIII 1. VIII 12. VIII 21.

5.82 16.8 5.91 14.5 5.91 15.8 5.93 14.5 5.90 15.3


15,0 5,90 14.8 5.84 15.1 5.91 14.1 5.93 15,2 5.93 14.4 5.93 15.2 5.84 14.9 5.90 14.6 5.84 12.3 5.95 13.3 5.93 14.2 5.95 14.4 5.91 14.9 5.88 14.9 5.91 8.6 6.02 10.6 5,97 12.4 5,97 11.2 5.99 9.8 6.06 10.6 6,06 10.8 6.13 7.5 6.04 8.7 6.04 11.3 5.99j 9.3 6,04 9.3 6.13 8.9 6.19 9.5 6.26 6,5 6.09 7.3 6.08


6.081 8.2 6.06 8.2 6.19 8.1 6.33 3.1 6.31

13.3 5.97 11.2 5.99 11.2 6.02 13,3 5.97 11.2 5,99 11,2 6.02 13.3 5.97 11.2 6,00 11.2 6.06 12.2 6,06 11.2 6.00 11,2 6.06 9.0 6.29 9.9 6.02 11.1 6.08 8.5 6.37


6.15 11.0 6.0$





t —i 1

1 t



1 t


1 -1 1



Jungfruskär Jungfruskär

1933 1934

X 16.

X 2f. XI 2. XI 12. XI 20.

1 XII 2. XII 12. XII

21. 1 6. 1 11.

0 9,$’ 6.09 9.4 6,06’ 8.4 6.09 6.8 6.08’ 5.8 6.15 4.0 6.11 1,3’ 5.95’ 1.0 5.99 1.0 6.19 1.0 6.19 5 9.9 6.13 9.5 6,08 8.5 6.09 6.9 6,08. 5.9 6.15 4.0 6.09 1.6 5.97 1.0 5.99 1.0 6.19 1.0 6.19 10 9.8 6.13 9.5 6.0$. 8.5 6.09 6.9 6.08! 5.9 6.15 4.0 6.09 1.8 5,99 1.0 6.00 1.0 6.19 1.0 6.19 20 9.8 6.11 9.5 6.09 8.5 6.09, 6.8 6.08, 5.9 6,11 4.0 6.11 2.1 6.00 1.0 6.00 1.0 6.20, 1.0 6.19 30 9.9 6.11 9.5 6.091 8.5 6.111 6.7 6.09, 5.9 6.11’ 4.0 6.09 2.2 6.00 1.0 5.99, 1.0 6.20 1.0j 6.22 40 9.9, 6.11 9.5 6.09 8.5 6.111 6.7 6.11’ 5.9. 6.13 4.0, 6.13 2,2. 6.00: 1.0, 5.99, 1.0, 6.20 1.01 6.22


1 22. II 3. III 7. III 15. . III 21. IV 2. IV 11. IV 21. V 1. V 14.

0 0.6! 6.22{ 0.0 6,22—0.2 6.24—0.2 6,06 -—0.2 5.84 0.61 5.86 0.41 5.91 1.6:


2.51 6.041 4,5 6.02 5 0,6 6.22 0.0 6.22 —0,2 6.24 —0.2 6.09 —0.2 5.90 0.4 5.91 0.21 5.91 1.4’ 5.99, 2.41 6.04’ 4,5 6.04 10 0.6 6.22 0.0 6.22 0.2 6.24 —0.2 6.11 —0.2 6,02 0.1 5.97 0.2 5.93 1.3’ 5.99 2.3 6.06. 4.4 6.04 20 0.6 6,26 0.0 6.241 0.2 6.24 —0.2 6.17 0.2 6.13’ 0.0 6,02 0.2: 5.95 1.1 6.00 1.7 6.06 3.5 6.09 30 0.6 6.28 0.0 6,26L 0.2 6,24:•0,2 6.17 —0.2 6,13— 0.2 6.13 0.2’ 5.95 1.0 6.00 1.6 6.08 3.2 6.13 40 0.6 6.28 0.0 6.26,— 0,2 6,261 —0.2 6,17 0.2 6.19’- 0.2 6.20 0.21 6.02 1.0 6.02 1.5 6.09 2.4 6,17


V 22. VI 1. VI 12. VI 22.

0 5.6’ 6.0$ 8.21 5,84 10.4! 5.81: 5,84 5 5.7 6.08 7,9! 1051 5.84’ 11.61 5.86 10 5.6 6.08, 6.9 6.00 10.1’ 5.86 11.41 5.88 20 5.1 6.09 5.9 6.08 6.7 6.06 7.5’ 6.08 30 4,7 6.09 5,7 6.11 6.1 6,13 6.5 6.15 40 4.6 6,13 5,5 6.11 5,7 6.19 6.3 6.19

1933 VH—34 VI, Lolim Obf Ison Lolim, 1933 VII—34 VI


VII 1. VII 11 VII 21. VIII 1. VIII 12. VIII 21.


IX 1. IX 11. IX 21.


X 1.

0 15.4 17.31 5.82! 17.8i 5,821 18.0. 5.901 16.0’ 5.90 16.5’ 5.861 145! 5931 13.4j 5.93 11.8 6.00’ 11.5 6.00 5 14.9 5.99 18.2 5.82 17.1 5.861 16.8’ 5.901 14.5 5.91


5.91 14.4’ 5.93 13,0 5.93’ 12.0 6.00! 11.4 6,00 10 14,4


17.’2 5.82 17,3 5.86! 15.8 5,90 14.2 5.91 15.8! 5,91 14.0! 5.93 12,81 5.95 11.8


11.4 6.00

20 14.2 5,97 14.8 5,91 16.6 5.9o! 14.4 5.91 13.6 5.93 15.4 5.93 13.2, 6.00 12.6 6.04 11.0 6.00 11,4 6.00 30 11,$ 5,97 13,4 5,95


5.93 13.9- 12.4 5.97 13.6 6.04 :12.2! 6.41 11.8 6.11 11.0 6.02 11.6 6.02 40 9,2 5.61 11,$ 5.97 14,2 5.90! 13,0 5 95 11.6 6.00 12.6 6.08 12.0! 6.17 11,0 6.19 11.2 6.02 11.8 6.02 50 9.6! 5.64 10.0 6.00 43,8 5,95 13,2 5,93 11.4 6.00 12.2 6.08 12.6 6.15 10.6 6.24 11.4 6.04 10.0 6.04

1933 ,


X 13.

1 X 21.

, XI 1. XI 11. XI 21. XII 1. XII 11. , XII 21. 1 11. 3 21.

0 10.51 6,021

o.s: 5991,

8,0’ 6.08’ 7.2! 6.08 4.5 6.08 4.3: 6.08, 2.4 6.081 1.4! 6.08! 0.4 5.99—0.2’ 6.09 5 10,3. 6,02l 941 5991 8.0’ 6,08!


6.08 5.0 6.08 4.6’ 6.04’ 2.4 6.09 1.6 6.06 0.8 6.091 0.2 6.09 10 10,21 6.02’

9.4j 5.991


6.081 7.41 6.081 5.21 6 0$

4.4 6.08 2.4: 6.08’ 1.8’ 6.06 0,81 6.091 0.1 6.09 20 10.2 6.02 9.4 6.00j 8.0 6,08!

7.4 6

08 5.2


4.2 6,0$ 2.8 6,09 2 0 6.09 0.6 6.091 0,1 6.11 30 10.2 6.02 9,4 6.00 8.0 6.08’ 7.4 6.08 5.4 6.02 4.2 6.08 2,$ 6.09 1,$ 6,11 0.6 6.11 0.1 6.11 40 10.4 6.02 9.6 6.00 8.0 6.08! 7.4 6.08 4,$ 6,08 4.0’ 6.0$ 2,$ 6.09 1,$ 6.11 0.6 6.13 0.1 6.11 50 10.4 6.02 9.0 6.00 7.6 6.08’ 7.4 6.0$ 4.4! 6.0$ 4.2 6.08 3,0 6,09 1,$ 6.11 0.6 6.11 0.1 6.11


II 3. II .


II 21.


III 3.


III 11.


III 21. IV 1. - IV 11. IV 21.

! V 1.

0 —0.21 615L03. Q,4!0.2 6.091.- 0.21 6.09: 0.1’ 6.15,

0.21 5.97 0.5

1.0: 6.02! 3.0, 6.081 4.4’ 5.97 5 —0,2 6.20 0.3 6.24, 0.2 6.001 0.21 6.111 0.2, 6.151 0.2: 5.99 0.3 6.06 1.4 6.041 2.8 6.09 4.0, 6.04 10 0.1 6.20, 0.3 6,24! 0.2


0.2 6.11! 0,2! 6.15


6.08 0.2’ 6.261 0.8 6.17! 2.4, 6.09 3.81 6.15 20 0.0 6.201 0.2, 6.24! 0.2 6.091 0.2 6.11! 0.3, 6.24 o,i 6.24 0.2 .6.331 0,$, 6.26, 2.2 6.11 3,6 6.20 30 0.0 6.20 0.2 6.24! 0.2 6.09’ 0.2 6.11 0,3’ 6,28


6.26 0,2 6.37 0.6! 6.29 2.0 6.09’ 3,6 6.20

40 0.0 6.20 0.2 ?6,19’ 0,2 6.09 0.3 6,11 0.4 6.29 —0.2 6.29 0.1 6,38 0.2’ 6.35 1.8 6.19 3.2 6.20 50


6.20 0.2 6,241 0.2 6.09 0,3 6.11, 0.4, 6.29,


6,29 0.1 6,3$ 0.2 6,38 1.6 6.26 2.8 6.20


V 12. V 21. VI 1. VI

! VI 22.


0 6.0; 5.97, 7.2, 5,971 9.8


11.4 5.86! 12.3! 5.79 5 6.2; 5.99: 6.8’ 6.13 8.8 5,86 11.0 12.3 5.84 10 5,4! 6.02! 6.5! 6.15. 8.0 6.15. 10.81 6.2$! 12,0: 6.11 20 5.2 6.17. 6.’2 6.201 7.5 6.24! 10.0 6.26! 10.5 6.24!

30 4.8 6.19, 6.2 6.24 7.2’ 6.29 0.0 6.28, 9.2 ?5.81 40 4,6’ 6,20! 6.0 6,26;


6.29! 8.5 6.24’ 9.4’ 6.281

50 4,21 6,20! 5.8 6.261 6.01 6.31[ 3.0 6.29; 9.0, 6.26!



rn t—e t


t’ t -t

et -.







59°47’NBr 21°22’EL

1933 VII—4 VI, Uto Obseer: J. $jöblorn Lto, 1933 ‘TII•34 VI


59°43’NBr 22°30’EL

1933 VH—34 VI, Beiigtskär Observer: J. Ä. Westerberg BeHgtskär, 1933 VII—34 VI


VII 1. VII 11. VII 21. VIII 1. VIII 12. VIII 21. IX 1. IX II. IX 22. X 1.

13.01 4.78’ 18.0 5.25 14.2’ 5,59 14.3 5.75 11.8 6.13 14.4 5881 14.4 6.04 13.9 6.04 12.0 5.61 12.0 5.61 12.8


16.4 5.25 13.6 5.61 14.0 6.06 11.2 6.17 14.3 5.91 14.3 6.08 13.9 6.02 12.0 5.63 12.0 5.61 12.61 4.781 10.6 5.39 13.0 5.61 14.0 6.17 9.6 6.26 10.1 6.20 14.0 6.08 13.9 6.04 12.0 5.64 12.0 5.61 8.6! 5.63 6.0 6.31 5.6 6.35 13.9 6.73 4.2 6.69 6.0 6.47 11.8 6.09 13.8 6.06 12.0 5.64 12.0 5.70 4.8 6.40 3.8 6.76 4.4 6.60 9.2 6.87 4,0 6.7& 4.8 6.49’ 6.31 9.8 6.24 12.0 5.64 11.6 5.88


6.96 3.6 6.96 3.6 ?6.47 9.0 6.65 4.0 6.74 4.7 6.511 6.5 6.42 7.0 6.44 12.2 5.70 7.2 6.65

VII 3. VII 11. VII 21. VIII 2. VIII 12. VIII 21. IX 1. IX 12. IX 25. X 16.

18.0 5.59 17.0 5.73 17.51 5.86! 14.0 6.02, 14.8 5.99 15.0 6.00 13.5


12.0’ 6.09 10.0 6.20 14.8 5.59’ 14.5 5.73 15.5 5.88 12.5! 6.04: 13.8 6.02 14.8 6.00’ 13.5 6.04! 12.0 6.11’ 10.0 6.20 13.5 5.61; 14.0 5.75 12.5 6.00 5.2


6.5 6.06’ 14.5 6.02 13.5 6.061 12.0 6.11 10.0 6.20

8.5 5,93

7.8’ 6.24 6.0 6.56 4.0 6.67 5.0 6.60 10.2 6.31 11.5 6.191 11.5! 6.11 10.0: 6.20 5.5 6.47 6.01 6.55 4.8 ?6.06 4.0 6.91 4.2 6.83 5.5 6.73 5.81 6.71 11.5! 6.13 9.0! 6.47 4.0 7.03 4.5 6.82 4.2 7.00 4.0 7.07 4.0 6.98 5.0 6.87 5,0 6.851 11.0 6.13 6.2 7.27 3.8 7.54 4.0 7.36 4.0 7.32 3.8 7.56 4.0 7.27 4.5 7.11 4.2 7.23 6.5 6.85 5.0 7.90 3.8 7.95 4.0 7.38 4.0 7.97 3.8 7.59 3.8 7.27 4.0 7.34 3.8 7.27 6.2 6.91! 5.0 8.22 3.8 8.08 4.0 ?8.17 4.0 8.26 3.8 8.13 3.8 8.15 3.8 8.10 3.8 8.04! 4.2 7.95 4.5 8.37 3.8 8.13 4.0 ?8.24 4.0 8.30, 3.8 8.15 3,8 8.21 3.8 8.12 3.8 8.10! 4.0 8.01 4.0 8.42 3.8 8.17 4.0,?8.12 4.0 8.30! 3.8! 8.19 3.8 8.21 3.8 8.12 3.8 8.13 4.0 8.04 4.0 8.42


XI 4. XI 18. XI 27. XII 2. XII 11. 1 11. 1 29.

II 3. II 15.

8.5. 6.15 5.5’ 6.17


6.201 5.0 6.20 3.0 6.20 2.0! 6.64 1,$ 6.42 1.0! 6.47 0,2! 6.47


6.15 6.0 6.17


6.22 5.0 6.22 3.5 6.20 2.2 6.64 1.8! 6.42 1.0 6.511 0.5 6.55

8.5! 6.15 6.0! 6.19 6.24 5.01 6.22 3.5 6.20 2.5 6.64


6.47: 1.0 6.53; 1.0, 6.64

8.5 6.17 6.0. 6.19 551 6.24 5.0, 6.20’ 35O 6.24 2.5. 6.64 1.8 6.46 1.2 6.56 1.0! 6.65 8,5. 6.17 6.0 6.19 5,5! 6.20


6.20 4,2 6.38 2.5! 6.65 2.0 6.46 1.5 6.56 1.2! 6.69 8.5 6.15 6.0 6.19 5,5, 6.20. 5.0 6.20. 5.0 7.03 2.5 6.64 2.5 6.55 1.5 6.58 1.5 6.71 8.51 6.171 6.0 6.19 5.8 6.58’ 5.0 6.71 5.0’ 7.59 2.5 6.65 2.5 6.65 2.0 6.60, 1.5, 6.69 6.5, 6.17 6.0 6.19 5.8


5.0’ 6.71 5.0 7.57 2.5 6.65 2.5 6,73 2.0 6.60 1.51 6.71

4.2’ 8.24 5.0 8.01 5.0 8.01 5.0. 7.88 5.0 7.50 2.8 6.73 2.5 6.78 2.2 6.71 1.5 6.76 4.2 8.30 5.0 8.08 5.0 8.06 5.0 7.90 5.0 7.52 2,8 6.74 2.5 6.78 2.2 6,71 1.5 6.74 4.2 8.30 5.0 8.08 5.0 8.08! 5.0 7.92 5.0 7.52 2,8 6.71 2.5 6.78, 2,2 6.73 1.5 6.78



IV 11. IV 21. V 1. V 14. V 25. VI 1. VI 12.

0.0 6.58 0.0 6.42 0.5 6.44’ 1.8 6.29 3.2 6.35, 4.2 6.35 5.5 6.33! 7.5 6.24 10.2 6.26 0.0 6.581 0.0 6.44 0.2 6.44 1.5 6.29 3,0 6.38 4.0 6.37 5.5 6.33 7.0 6.26 1O.0 6.24 O.2i 6.60! 0.0 6.46 0,2 6.46 1.2, 6.33 3,0 6.38; 4.0 6.37 5.5 6.35 7.0 6.28 10.0’ 6.28 0.5 6.60 0.0, 6.47 0.0! 6.46 1.2, 6.37 3.0! 6.38 4.0 6,38 5.2 6.37. 6.01 6.35, 7.2 0.5. 6.60!


6.53 0.0 6.46 1.0! 6.38 2.5’ 6.38! 4.0 6.44 5.0 6.38! 4.5! 6.381 6.0 6.40

0D660 00 b 00 647 10 644 1 C1 401644 0640 30664 3667

0.5 6.60 0.0. 6.55 0.0 6.53’ 1.0 6.46’ 1.5 6.64, 3.5’ 6,46 5.0’ 6.401 2,81 6.69’ 3.0 6,73 0.5! 6.621 0.0 6,5& 0,0 6.531 1.0 6.471 1.5 6.67 3,0 6.46 4.5! 6.40


6.781 2.8. 6,78 0.5’ 6.64 0,0 6.55’ 0.0 6.53! 1.0, 6.58 1.5 6.78! 2.0 6.67! 3,5, 6.58 2.51 6.801 2.5’

0,5’ 6,64 0,0 6.55 0,0 6.53 1,0, 6.58 1.5 6.80! 2,0 6.69; 3.0. 6,58 2.51 6.80! 2.5 6.89 0.5. 6.64 0,0 6.55, 0.0 6.53 1.0 6.60 1.5 6.80! 2,0 6.69


6.60, 2,& 6.80! 2,5 6.89 0

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90



20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

13.5 5.35 13.0 5.34’

12.5 5.37 10.2’ 5.77 6.5! 6.02’

4.0: 6.821 3.5 7.07!

3.5 7.39 3.5’ 7.50





1933 X 23.



9.5! 6.17 9.5 6.17 9.5 6.19’

9.5 6.20 9.5, 6.20 7.0. 714


8.06 4.51 8.39 4.0! 4.0! 8.42 1934

II 21.

0.2 6.60 1.0 6.64


6.671 1.0 6.67;

1.0 6.67 1.0 6.67!

1.5 6.74 1.5 6.74 1.5 6.80’

1.5 6.82 1.5, 6.82 1934



13.2 6.02 11.0 6.09



4.5 6.60 3.5 3.2. 6.76 3.0 6,78 3.0 6.85 3.0 6.87.

3.0! 6.89,

0 10 20 30 40




I11 o1 l1 I

m t- t t t- t t1 t-t

Bengtskär Bengtskär

1933 1934

X 14.

; X

21. XI 11 XI 21. XII 2. XII 21. 1 10. 1 21. II 14. II 21.

05 9.29.2 ?6.856.13 8.68.8 6.156.15 6.9! 6.046.9 6,04 4.6, 6.024,6’ 6.02 4.04.0 6.066.06 2.22.2 6.316.31 1.61.6 6.406,40 1.01.2 6.466.46! °.! 6.580,3 6,60 0.4’ 6.560.5! 6.58 102030 9.0, 6.155 8: 6 17 6.156.176 17 6.91 6.066.08 4.6, 6,02,4.64.6 6.026.02 2.2; 6.31,2.4! 6.312,6 035: 6.406.40,6,44! 1.21.4. 6.4711.4 6.47,6.46 0.41 6.6010.5’ 6.600.4! 6.60! 0.60.6! 6.600.6. 6.646.58



7.23 7.6, 6.20 6.8 6.40 4.61 6.02 4.2 6.06 2.81 6.371 1.6! 6.44! 1.4 6.47! 0.6 6.60




III 5. III 25. IV 2. IV 11. IV 21. V 1. V 12. V 25. VI 1. VI 11.

05 —0.2; 6.51—0.11 6.44—0.1—0.2 6.53 —0.1 6,46’ 0.1 6,35,6,40 0.11 6.310.0! 6,31 0.80.8 6.31!6,33! 2.0! 6.291.8! 6.31 3.6’ 6.283.6 6.29’ 5.45.6, 6,296.29 7.4.7,4,


6.20110,0’ 6.04’9.2 6,06 10 —0.2 6.53 —0,1 6.46! —0.1 6.40 0.0 6.31 0.8 6.33 1.8 6.31 3.6 6,29 5.2 6.29 7.4 6.24’ 9,2 6.06 20 —0.2 6.53 —0.1 6.47 —0.1! 6.42 —0.2 6.35 1,2 6,35, 1.8 6.311 3.6 6,29 5,0 6.29 5.8 6,26 6.6 6,06 30 0.0: 6.53 —0.1. 6.46 —0.1; 6.40 —0,2’ 6.35 0.8, .—: 1.8! 6,31 3,6 6.2& 3.8; 6.46 4.2 6.44; 5,6: 6.28 40 0.41 6.53—0.11 6,46!


6.40 —0.1 6.35 0.7! 6.37 1,8! 6.33. 3.2; 6.311 3,01 6.64 3.4 6,62! 3.6’ 6.44


VI 22.

0 11.4’ 6.15:

5 11.4 6.17, 10 10.8 6.17

20 6.0 6.19

30 5.4 6.26

40 4.4 6.37



1933 VII—34 VI, Rtissarö Observer: K. W. Lindqvist Russarö, 1933 VII—34 VI


VII 1. VII 11. VII 21. VIII 1. VIII 12. ,VIII 21. IX 1. ; IX 12. IX 22.


X 1 0 14.5 4.72 18.2! 5.17 15,3


15.0! 5,03 10.4! 6.15 14.8’ 6.00 141)’ 6.04 14.4 6,02 12,3’ 5.57 12.1’ 5.46 5 13,1 4.72 13.4! 5,17 14,81 5,45, 11,5 5,97. 9.1 6.19 14,3 6,02 14.7 6.01 11,5 6,02’ 12,3, 5.61 12.2 5,48 10 11.1 4.94 9.6, 5.61 14.01 6.33 6.9 6,35 7,3 0.31 11.8 6.11 14.0 6 00 14 5, 6.021 12.3;


12,1’ 5,48

20 7.3 5.84, 6.7 6.24 5.6 655! 4.0. 6.62 5.5 6.55 9.4 6.22 13.4 0.09; 14.5; 6.06; 12.3 5.59 11.9, 5.50 30 4.4 6.49, 4.5 6.58, 4,8 ?5,50, 4.2 6.67, 4.6 0.60 7.5 0.37! 9.9 6.20, 14.4’ 6.08!, 12,3 5.61’ 11,1’ 5.63

1923 1934

X 14. X 21, XI 2. XI 12. XI 21, XII 1. XII 11, XII 21.


1 3. 1 11.

0 9.6’ 5.79, 8.8 5.91 7.8 5,90’ 6.3! 5.91. 4,5, 5.91, 3,8 5.95 2.81 6.06 1.9 6.26 0.4 6.31 0.2 6,28

. 9,581 8$03 i88 63a91 4391 1607 8008 0628 03611 0’68 10




5.93! 7.71 5,88!


5.91, 4.4 5.91 3.8! 5.97’ 2.9, 0.08! 2,Oj


0.3! 6.33 0.’2;

20 7.0 0,6 8.8 5,93! 7,7 5,88’ 0.3 5.91, 4.3 3,8 5,99 3.0 0.11; 2,4 0,40! 0,4’ 6.33 0,2

30 5,9 6.941 8.0 5,93 7.7


0.3, 5.91! 4.3 5,91 3.8 5.99 3.0 0,11, 3.0 6,00, 0,4


0,7 6,35


1 21. II 1. II 14. II 21. III 8.


III 23. IV 1. IV 11. IV 21. V 1.

0 0.8 6.40’ 0.5’ 6.40 ‘-0.2! 6,22 —0.2! 6.46,—0,2’ 6.51 --0.2 6.44 0.0 6.35, 0.0 6.29. 1,3 0.29 2,$’ 6.2$

5 0.8 6.40 0.4 6.40 0.2’ 0.401—0.2! 6.46!


0.44 0.0 6,35 —0.2 6.33! 1.1 0,29 2,5 6.2$

10 0.8 6.40 0.5 0.40

0,21 6.471 —0.21

6.47 —0.2! 6.51 —0,2 0.44—0.1 6.35 —0.2 6.33 1.1 6.31! 2,2 6,24 20 1.0; 0.42 0.6 0.40 0.2 6,47—0,1 6,47 —0,2 0,53 —0.2 6.46,—0.2 6.35 0,2 6,33’ 1,1 6.31. 2.0 0.28 30 1,0’ 6,421 0.0 6.44—0.2 6.47, 0.0 0,47—0.2 6.53—0.2 6461—0.2 6.37 0.0’ 6.33! 1.1 6,31! 2.0 6,29


V 12. V 23, VI 1. VI 11. VI 21.

0 0.17 0.2! 6.19 7.0 6.17 10.2! 6.08 12.3! 6,09 5 4.8 6.17’ 6.0’ 6.20 6.5, 6.17 9.9’ 6.08 12.1’ 6.09 10 4.6’ 0.17’ 5.8; 6.20! 6.3! 6.171 9,71 6.091 9.9, 6.09 20 4,2 617’ 5.7 6.20 5.6 6.1! 7,9 6.13! 7.1’ 6,11’

30 3,8 6.20 4.8 6,201 4.6 6.22! 4.8! 6.22! 6,3 6.15





m t t1 t t 1

59°51’NBr 23d14IEL

1933 VII—34 VI, Tvärmirnie Observer: Sven Öhberg Tvirminne, 1933 VII—34 VI

59°52’ NBr 24°18’EL

1933 VII—34 VI, Kallbådaii Observer: K. J. Weckström Kallbådrn, 1933 VII—24 ‘TI

1933 1933

VII 1. VII 11. VII 21. VIII 1. VIII 11. VIII 21. IX 1. IX 11. IX 21. X 1.

0 14.4 18.0 4.98 16.3 5.14 11.4 6.02 11.7 6.00 15.7




14.3 5,79


5.70 12.5 5.43 5 12.1 13.5 5.12 14.4 5.23 8.8 6.06 8.7 6.20 14.2 5.97 14.9 5.86 14.3 5.811 12.5 5.70 12.4 5.45 10 10.8


11.0 5.37 8.8 7.2 6.15 8.2 6.22 12.0 6.02 14.9 5.91 14.2 5.82 12.5 5.70 12.4 5.45

20 4.2 5.7’ 6.20 5.7, 6.28: 5.4 6.37 5.5 6.44 9.6 6.11 12.3 5,95 14.2 5.86 12.5 5.70 12.4’ 5.52 30 3.4 4.1 6.60 4,5: 6.53 4.7’ 6.531 4.7 6.51 soI 6.22 8.61 6.22 6.3 6.821 12.5: 5.701 9.6 6.15

1933 1934

X 12. X 21. XI 1. XI 11. XI 21. XII 1. XII 12. XII 22. 1 11. 1 22.

0 10.0 5.55 8.7 5,45!

7.4 5.66 6.2 5.73 2.6 5.54 2.6 575: 2.0 5.99! 1.5 6.22’ 0.1 6.11 0.1 6.15 5 10.0 5.55 8.8 5.52 7.4 5.661 6.2 5.77 3.6 5.73 2.4 5.77 2.0 6,02 1.5 6.22 0.0 6.15 0.0 6.19 10 10.0 5.55 8.6 5.56 7.4 5.66 6.31 5.81 3.6 5.81 2.4 5.79 2.2 6,02 1.5 6.22 0.0 6.28 0.0 6.26 20 10.0 5.55 8.6 5.77 7.4 5.70 6.$j 6.11 4.0 5.84 3.9 6.04 4.5 6.44 2.4 6.33 0.1 6.29 0.7 6.35 30 9,8 5.55 8.6 5.95 7.6, 5.77


6.35 4.5 5.86 5.0 6.19 5.0 6.74 3.2


0.4 6.33 1.2 6.44


II 1. II 11. : II 21.

III 2. III 11. III 21. IV 1. IV 21. V 1. V 11.

0 0.11 6.19


6.37 0.0 6.33

—0.21 6.31L—0.21

5.55—0.1 4.72 0.1 3.19 1.8: 6.02 5.93 5.2’ 6.08 5 0.2 6.28’ 0.0 6.37—0.1 6.35 —0.2’ 6.31—0.2’ 6.29—0.2 6.37 0.1 6,26. 1,41 6.111 4.2: 5.97j 5.1 6.06 10


6.33 0.0 6.38 —0.1 6.37—0.21 6.37—0.2! 6.38—0.2 6.44 0.1 6.35


6.17 3,21 6.06 5.1 6.08

20 1.1 6,46 0.0 6.38 —0.11 6.38 —0.2 6.38 —0,2 6,44—0,2 6.44 0.2 6.40 0.8 6.20 1.8 6,17 3.5’ 6,15 30 1.3 647 0.1 6.42 0.2’ 6.46 0.2, 6.42 0.2 6.46 6.46 0.2 6,42 0.81 6.22 1.6 6.19 3.4 6.17

1934 V 21.

1 VI 1. VI 11. VI 21.

0 6.9’ 6.04! 7.5 6.0$: 11.8 5.90 12.5 5.95.

5 6.6 6.06 7.2 6.081 10.7 5.93 11.7, 5.97:

10 5.7 6.091 5,6 6.13 9.0, 6.041

9.31 6.001

20 5.0, 6.13’ 5.0 6,13 73’ 6.09 6.8: 6.081 30 4.3 6.13 4.2 6.20


6.171 5,3! 6.17!

14.6 4.40’

14,1 4.42 8.8 5.12 4,6 6.081 3.0 6.64 2.9 7.321 1933

18.6’ 454’

16.2 4.42 10.4 4,80 7.2 5.50 4.4 6.44 3.6, 6.89,


4,94 12.2 5.16 9.0 5.46 5.2 6,15 4.2 6.62 3.6 6.85

X 14.

9.0’ 5.75


5.77 9.3 5.77:

7.0 6.02’

5.8 7.16 7.61 1934

X 21.

8.21 5.6$

8.8’ 5.70’


5.70 8.8! 5.70 8.6 5.72 8.0 5,99

XI 4.

75’ 5.611 7.5 5.64 7.5 5,66 7.5 5.68 7.4 5.77 6.6 6.49,

VII 1. VII 11. 1 VII 21. VIII 1. VIII 12. VIII 21.


IX 1. IX 11.

IX 22. X 1.

0 5.52 8.8’ 5.88 17.0 5.64 14.8’ 5.73’ 14.0 4.92 11,7


11.9 494

5 12.2 5.55 8.6 5.90 16.7! 5.64 14.8 5.73 13,9 4,94 11.7 4.85, 12.0

10 9.0 5.63 8.4 15,8 5.81 14.8 5.75 14.2 5.23 11.7 12,0 4.94

20 5.2 5.97 7.2 6.02 14.7 5.93 14.2 5.77 14.2 5.25 11.6 4.85 11.4 5.35



6.53 4.6 6.31 7,’2 5.97 10.1 5.81 14.0 5,72: 11.4 4,89 7.6 6.19

40 3.6!, 6.87 4.01 6.42, 6.1 6.06, 5.2

o.iol 8.61

582: 10,$ 4.981 5.6, 6.9$

: 1934 XI 13. XI 21. XII 1.


XII 12. XII 21. 1 2. 1 10.



5.90 5.11 5.64 4.3’ 5.81 2.2. 5,99, 0.8’ 6.38! 0.’2 6.08 0.8’ 6.28

5 6,2, 5.91

5.21 5.66 4.3 5.81. 2.4’ 6.00’ 2.8 6.40’ 0.4 6.09 0.S 6.29

10 6.2’ 5.93 5.21 5.66 4.4! 5.81 2.4 6.02 2.8 6.42 0.6 6.09 0.8 6.29

20 6.4: 5.91 5.3 5.66 4.4 5.81 2.6 6.06 2.8 6.44! 0.6 6.09 1.0 6.29

30 6.4 5.97 5.2 5.66 5.2 5.88 2.6 6.33 2.9 6.46 0.6 6.09 1.0 6.31



6,67 4.2 5,66 5.3, 6.20 2.8! 6.82 3.2 6.53! 0.6!

6.111 ii!


1 21. II 3.










IV 1. IV




0 0.2: 6,29 0.11 6,40 —0.21 6,37 —0.11 6.46l0,21 6.29 —0.11 6.29 0.0 6.241 0,11 6.0$ 0.21 6.06 1.0, 6.11 5 0.21 6.29 0.3 6,40 —0.21 6.37 —0.1’ 6.46f 0.0 6.31 —0.1 6.29 0.0 6.26’ 0.0 6.0$ 0,11 6.06 1.0: 6.11 10 0,31 6.29 0.4, 6.42 —0.2! 6.37 0.01 6.42


6.31 0.0’ 6,29: 0.11 6.261 0.0 6.11 0,0 6.06 1.01 6,15 20 0.6, 6.31 0.6’ 6.42 —0,21 6.37 0,01 6.46 0.01 6.33 0.0 6.31: 0.1 6.26 0.0 6.11 0.0 6.0$ 1.0’ 6.15 30 1.0 6.33 0.6 6.42 —0.2! 6.40 0.01 6.46 0.01 6.33 0.0’ 6.311 0.1 6.26, 0.0 6.17 0.1! 6.08 0.9’ 6.19 40


6,35 0.8 6,44 —0,21 6.40 0.01 6.46 0.01 6.33 0.0 6.33, 0.1 6.26} 0.0 6.221 0.11 6.09 0.$j 6.33

197 31








t t t°tt t- t°,





Y 1. V 12. V 21. VI 1. VI 11. VI 21.

0 2.01 6.04 4.2’ 5,86’ 4.1 5.84 5.73 11.1 5.57 125’ 5.701 5 1.9 6.04 3.9’ 5.86 3.9’ 5.86 6.$ 5.73 10.4 5.63 11.1, 5.66 10 1.9 —‘ 3.S 5.90 3.9’ 5,88 3.9, 5.77 10.3 5,63 10.9 5.66 20 1.7 6.04 3.7 5.90 3.9 5.88 3.71 5.75 8,51 5.64 7.3 5.84 30 1.7 6.04 2.5 6.06 3.71 595:

34 3.7 5.97 3.7 6.29

40 1.6 6,09 1.7 6.29 2.9 6.17 3.31 6.08 2.9: 6.31 2.91 6.6t)l

1933 VII—-34 VI GO°G’NBr 25°O’EL 1933 V1134 VI

ilarmaja Observer: K. Sjöberg and Älired Lindström


VII 1. VII 11. VII 21. VIII 1. VIII 13. VIII 22. IX 1. IX 13. IX 21. X 1.

0 43i 4.15 4.45’ 15.2l


11.01 5.26 14.0] 14.9] 5.23 14.2 5.37 12.9’ 5.411 12.41 5.16 12.2’ 5.16 5


4.18 12.0 4.54 14,81 4.63, 10.3 5.30, 14.3. 5.23 l5.0 5.30 14.3. 5.39 12.61 5.41 12.1 5.19 12.1 256 100 30


4.42’ 10.2 746011 al 254 9.4’ 4.9425 89 499.6 5.35’ 13.1’ 5.25 13.3] 5.30a9j 111 o32 3? 25 14.0flt


o0 12.5] 5.41121 —‘ 11.91’O


259 11.9119 5.16)16 30 2.6 6,561 3.2: 6.38, 3.6 6.29j 4.0,


8.0 5.54


5.35 8.6 5.63, 10.1 5.68: 11.7, 5.19, 11.7, 5.19




X 16. X 21.


XI 4. XI 13. XI 21. XII 2. XII 12.


XII 21. 1 24.


II 1.

0 8.8 5,52 8.3 5.43 7.2 5.43 5.8 3.0 5.43 2.2]

1.2 5.77 1,5] 6.28 -0.1 6.17—0.3] 6.22 5 8.9 5.52 8.5 5.43 7.3 5,43, 5.8 5.68 3.6 5.52 2.8


1.6 5.77 1.6 6.28 0.1 6.17—0.3 6.22

10 8.8 8.7 5.43 7.2 5.43 5.9] 5.68’ 5.54 3.0


2.2 5.81 1.8 6,281 0.1 6,17 —0.2 6.22 20 8.6 5.61 8.6 5.43 7.2 6.0 5.70 4.2 5.54 3.5 5.66 3,6 6,22 2.4 6.40 0.2 6.17 -0.1] 6.22 30 5.5 7,27 $,51 5.48 7.3 5.43 6,2 5.70, 4.0 5.54 3.4’ 5.64, 4.0 6.74 3.0 6.42, 0.3 6.17’— 0.1] 6.22


II 16. III 11.


III 21. IV 1. IV 11. IV 23. V 1.


v 12. V 21. VI 2.

0 —0.3 6,11 0.31 6.19’—0.2 5,81


5.55 0.21 2.97 0.7’ 5.70 2.6 5.66’ 5.0 5.46 5.9 5.57 7.6] 5,50

5 —0.3 6.]5

0.3’ 6.09 —0.1 6,02 .0.0’ 6.02


4.00’ 0.6 5,73 2.5 5.68 4.4’ 5.52 5.6 5.61] 7.5, 5.50 10 —0.3 6.171—0.3 6.09 —0.1 6.02]




5.93 0.4 5.75] 2.5 5.721 4.1 5.57] 5.4 5.61 7.01 5.52 20 —0,2 6.19 -0.2. 6.09—0.1 6.04—0.1 6.02: 0.1 5.95 0.4, 5,95: 2.4. 5,77 2.2] 5.881 5.0 5,64. 4.8 5,59 30 —0.1 6.201—0.2, 6.09 —0,1 6.04


0.1 6.02’ 0.1: 5.99 0.3: 6.00 2,4 5.79’ 2.0] 5.90 4.8 5.66’ 4.31 5,66

. 1934

VI 11. VI 21.

0 10.9: 5.39 11.5 5.55 5 10,5’ 5.41 11.01 5.55 10 10.2 5.43 10.7] 5.55

20 6.1



30 4.6 5.68 4,0 5.86

6O6’NBr 25°26’EL

1933 VII —34 VI, $öderskär Observer: E. Ä. Lundeil Söderskär, 1933 VII—-34 VI


VII 1. , VII 11. VII 22, VIII 1. VIII 12. VIII 21.


IX 4. IX 12.


IX 25. X 1.

0 13.7 4.15’ 18.2] 4,33! 15.4] 4.60’ 13.0’ 4.961 10.0. 5.28 14.5’ 5.17 14.5 5.231 13.7 5.30J 12.51 4.901 12.2: 4.92 5 13.& 4,16 4.42! 14.8 4.63 11.1: 5.08’ 9.6’ 5.32 14.6 5.17 14.6, 5.23 13,8] 5.30] 12.6:


12,3 4.99

10 10.6 4.33, 13.1: 4.56 11.5, 4.90 11,11 5.14’ 9.6 5.34 14.1 5.19 14.6] 5.23 13.8, 5,32 12.6: 4.92] 12.3 4.99

0 25251 8 0 6


41581 7b010( 1146523i382541964921’ 08

30 2,96,71 3.4


4.1 5,95] 3,61 5.93, 4.9 5.75 9.6 5.21’ 14.6’ 5. 1Q.9 5.64 121 4.04 11.9 5,34 40


7.36 2.8 6.76, 3.1] 6.46] 3.6’ 6.17 3.8 6.04 7.1,

5.461 s.il

5.68 4.1, 6.71 6.9, 5.68 4.5 ?7.50 50 3.8 8.15, 3.3] 7.36]


6.78] 3.1] 6.42, 3.1 6.51 4.8] 5.88] 3.6’ 6.96 3.6] 6.85 3.9]


3.8 57.29

1933 1934

X 22. XI 4. XI 19. XII 2. XII 18. . 1 22. III 4. III 15. III 21. IV 18.

0 8,7 5.39 7.5 5.37 5.0 5.48 3.3 5.50’ 2.0 6.11


6.00 -0.2] 5.93 —-0.5 5.91 0.2 5.841 0.3] 5,77 5 8.8 5,39 7.6 5.37 5.3 5.48 3.4 5.50 2.0 6.13 0.2’ 6.04 0,2 5.95 0.21 5.91 0.2 5,88 0.2 5.82 10 8.8 5,43 7.6 5.37 5.3 5.48 3,4’ 5.50 2.0 6.13


6,04 -0.2 5.97 0,2] 5,91 0.2 5,88 0.2 5.82 20 8.8 5,43 7,6 5,37 5,3 5.48 3.4 5.50’ 2.0 6.19 0.2 6.04 0.2 5,99


0.2 5,91 0.2 5.90 0.2 5.84 30 8,8 5.46 7,6 5.41 5.3


3.4 5.50 2.3 6.20 0,2, 6.04 0.2 6.00 0.2 5.91 -0.2 5,90 0.2 5.86

40 8.5 5.54 7.6 6,00 5.5 5.54 4.5’ 6.00 3,1 6,38 0.4’ 6.06 0,2 6.000.2 5,93 0.2 5,90 0.2 5.90 50 5,5 7,12! 6.1’ 5.6 6.87 5.1 6.82 3,9 6.49 0,6 6.08--0,2] 6.06

0,2 5.93 0.2 5.90, 0.6, 5.97



$öderskär $öderskär


V 1. V 12. V 21. VI 2. VI 11. VI 21.

0 2.2 5.60’ 3.7 5.52’ 7.7 5,32 10.5 5.23 11.0 5.37 5 2.0 5.60 3.7 5.52 5.l 5.45 7.4 5.34 10.6 5.23 10.8 5.37 10 1.8 5.68 3,7 5.54 4.8 5.45 7,1 5.34 10.1 5,25 10.8 5.37 20 1.5 5.70 3.3 5.59 4.5 5.48 4.6 5.45 6.8 5.32 4.9 5.59 30 1.2 5.73 3 1 5,73 4,11 5.54 2.5


6.1 5.46 3.5 5.77

40 ‘tT





2 2D 50 0.7 5.771 1.0 6.49l 1.4, 6.20 1.5, 6.061 1,71 6.53 1,81 6.62

6O°6’NBr 26c571EL

1933 V1134 VI,


Observer: A. $rnlila llogland, 1933 VII—34 VI


VII 6. VII 18. VII 24. VIII 4. VIII 15. VIII 24. IX 2. IX 27.

X 2. X 19.

0 14.6 3.75 16.6 3.95 18.6 3.95 15.8 16.0 4.06 15.8 4.38 14.2 4.40 12.4 4.76 12.0 4.76 9.0 4.99 3 14 1 3 i 14


4 16 1 3 4 16 1 1 4 06 14t 4 06 lo 4 3$ 13 4401 11 9 4 6 11 4 6 $ 9 4 99 10 8.5 4.13 13.4 4.29 14.3 4.29 14.9 4.07 13.9, 4.07 15.1 4.38 12.9 4.36 11.1 4,7$ 10.9 4.76 7,8 4.9 20 3.9 4.99 5,7 5.03 7.3 5.03 4.5 4.99 4.7 5.01 8,9 4.61 7.3 4.61 7.7 4.89 6.9 4.89 7.7 5.21f 30 2.51 5.72 2.5 6.65 3.5?6.67 1.9 5.84 2.3 5.90 3.3 4.78 3.5 4.81 3.5 5.03 3.1 5.03 6.5 5,30 40 6,80 2.91 6,51 3.3?6,44 2,9 5.84 3.1 5.80 4,1 5.10 3.7 5.12 4.5 6.31 4.7j 6.24 5.5 6.42 50 3.1 7.45 2.7 ?7,00 2.9 ?6.89 3.3 6.11 2.9 6,04 3.5 5.52 3,3 5.54 4.3 6.42 4.1 6.38 4,3 6.65 60 3.3 7.63 3.4 ?6.62 3.4?ö.G4 2.9 6.22 3.1 6.29 3.1 5,84 3.3 5.86i 3.5 7.20 3.3 7.291 3.7 7.25

1933 1934


10. XI 22. V


V 15. V 27.


VI 5. VI 17. VI 22.

0 6.0 4.99 4.0 5.’21 2.8 5.32 5.6 5.32 7,0 4.31 8.2 4.29 10.4 4.43 11.0 4.43 5 6.1 4.99 4.3 5.23 2.1 5.35 3.5 5.35 6.9 4.33 7.5 4.33 9.9 4.51 10.& 4.49 10 6.5 4,99 5.1 5.25 2.9: 5.35 3.3 5.35 5,1 5.19 5.7 5.19 8.3 4.60 9.7 4.61 20 6.3 5.23 5.7 5.30 2.3 5.39 2.5 5.39 4.7, 5.34 5.1 5.32 4.3 5.32 5.7 5.32 30 5.7 5.28 5,7 5.32 1.7 5.45 2.1 5.43 4.5 5.46, 4.9 5.46 3.7 5.50 4.5 5.45 40 4.9 6.421 5.3 6.15 1.31 5.50 1.7 5.50 1,5 5,73 2,3 5.73 2.1 5.52 2.9 5.50 50 3.9 6.69 4,1 7.09 1.1 5.82 1.9 5.81 2.3 5.86 2.1 5,88 1.7 6.08 1.9 6.08 60 3.5 7.27 3.7 7.12 1.9, 5.73 2.31 5.73 1.7 6,111 1.9 6.17 1.9i 6.37 2.3 6.3$

6O°17’NBr 27°12’EL

1933 Vll—34 VI, ilaapasaari Observer: A. Tuornala Äspö, 1933 VII—4 VI


VII5. VIII3.’V1124. VIIII. V11I13.V11122. IXI. 1X13. 1X24. XI.

0 15.2 3.80 18.0 3.89 17.8 4.15 16.3 4.15 14,6 4.38 16.2 4.24 16,4 4.36 13.2 4.47 12.6 4.89 12.1 4,87 5 15.0 3,80 13.9 3,93 14,6


14.8 4.25 14.0 4,40 16.0 4.24 15.3 4.36 13.2 4.47 12.6 4.89 12.0 4.87 10 14.6 3.82 9.0 4.40



14.21 4.31

13.6 4.42 15.6 4.27 15.0 4.36 13.2 4.49 12.6, 4.89 12,0 4.87 20 3,0 5,64 3,6 5.66 4.8 5.17 5.6 5.17 11.6 4.60 14.4 4,38


4.61 12.2 5.05 12.4 4.90 11.5 4.90 30 2.6 6.83 2.5 6.35 3.2, 5.54 3.7 5.55 9.0 4,98 12.4


6,6 5.351 4.3 6.13 8.8, 5.461 5.0 6.29

1933 1934

X 22. 1 XI


XI 14. XI 22. XII 19. 1 11. II 14. III 5. III 14. III 24.

0 8.4 5.07 7.5 5.141 5,$ 5.14 4.1 4.98 1,2 5.61 —0.2 5.41—0.2 5.391•0.2 4,72 —0.2 4.60 0.0 4,07 5 8.3 5.07 7.4 5.14 5.7 5.12 4.0


1,2 5.64—0.2 5,43—0.2 5,391—0,2 5.17 —0.’l 4.90—0.2 4,74 10 8.2 5.07 7.4 5,16 5.8 5.12 4,3 5,07 1.4 5,68—0,& 5 45 0,2 5.41—0.2 5,25 —0.2 5.08 —0.2 5,05 20 8.2 5,0$ 5,17 5,$ 5,14 5.3 5.2$ 1,$ 5.77—0.1 5.4$ M.2 5,43 —0.2 5.37 —0.2 5,25 —0.2 5,25 30 8.2 5.12 6.4, 6.00 5.8 5,16 5.4 5,32 1,9 5.79 0.0 5.52 —0.2 5,45 —0,2 5.43 —0.2 5.41 -0,2 5.41


IV 1. IV 22. V 3. V 13. V 21. VI 3. VI 15. VI 23.

0 0,3 1.04 1.0 4.76


4.85 4.6 4.49 6,7 4,31 8.3 4,42 10.0 4,31 13.0 4.43 5 —0.21 4,89 0,9’ 4.83 2,81 4.85 4.4 4.51 6,0 4.34


4.43 9.7 4.34 12.1 4,511 10 —0.2 4,92 0.6’ 5.10 2.6 4,85 3.8 4.74 5.0, 4.74 6.1 4,51 9.4 4,36 11,2 4.5’2 20 —0.2 5.21 0.4 5.19 0,5 5.21 1.61 5,39 2.8 5,16 2.6 5,26 3.0 5.39 3.2 5,34 30 —0.1 5.431—0.11 5.61 0.2 5.37 0.8 5.61 1.0 5,54 1,6 5.54 1.51 5.73, 1.9, 5,66



Finland had devoted a great deal of attention, diplomacy and po- litical and economic support to that goal in previous decades; Martti Ahtisaari had a cru- cial role in

The overall scatter plot of the vertical temperature and salinity pro- files available from those summers in the western Gulf of Finland (Fig. 6) revealed a quite large

The working programme has been the same as in earlier years, for instance, look at this artiele series

The working programme has been the same as in earlier years, for instance, look at this article series N:o 135. The surface observations are published in extenso in N:o

The depth observations are published in extenso (pag. Monthly averages of surface temperatures and salinities, at 141', at the year stations .. Annual averages of the

Table 5. Thus at Tammio the easternmost station in the table, the salinity was high after the year 1936. In the middle part of the Gulf of Finland the salinity increased

3:o) Measurement of temperatures and taking of water samples for salinity determination on the iit, 11th, and 21st of each month at 14 o'clock from a series of depths beneath

The salinities were determined according to the method of KNUDSEN, using the (openha.gcn normal water. Al! salinities relating to the depth observa- tions are ptil)lislie(1 in