• Ei tuloksia

For the training of the RF of 1000 trees, I randomly chose 75% of the data as teaching and the remaining 25% as validation dataset. Firstly, for training of the classification trees, I used all the variables and predictor importance using random oob permutation was calculated. Followingly, were classification trees retrained but using only variables with importance higher than 0.5. A validation dataset was tested and resulted with highly sub-ideal sensitivity of 30.4 % and precision 79.7 %. The variables scoring in variable importance higher than 0.5 are listed below:

o Relative harmonic intensity (2.-5. harmonic) o Event spectral profile

o SD wave to spike amplitude ratio o Approximate Entropy

o Average spike width at half-spike amplitude o Average ratio of wave to spike width at zero line o Average relative spike amplitude

o Average of ratio of:

Wave to spike width at half spike / Wave to spike zero width

40 o SD of ratio:

Wave to spike width at half spike / Wave to spike zero width

However, a look at the proximity matrix of the classification revealed an interesting distribution, where most of the annotated SWDs had very near proximity. Inspired by this, I created a new variable called proximity ratio. Proximity ratio can be expressed for each observation as an average proximity to 100 closest annotated SWDs divided by the average proximity to 500 closest annotated non-SWD candidates.

It can be seen from Figure 17 that annotated SWDs of the teaching dataset are not overlapping with the distribution of other candidates if outliers are excluded. The distribution of the validation dataset in Figure 18 is not that clear and SWDs are significantly overlapping with the other candidates. Both validation and teaching datasets have many outliers in non-SWD group.

Figure 17. Distribution of proximity ratio for teaching dataset. Class 1 states annotated SWDs and class 0 other candidates. Bottom distribution is zoomed from upper one.


Figure 18. Distribution of proximity ratio for testing dataset. Class 1 states annotated SWDs and class 0 other candidates. Bottom distribution is zoomed from upper one.

Next, I further investigated the significance of the results from the teaching dataset.

Every observation from non-SWD group scoring in proximity ratio above 0.3 was reevaluated. The results of this reevaluation are shown in Table 4. According to the judgement of one expert, most of the investigated observations from non-SWD group were actually SWDs. This raised a question on the accuracy of the manual annotation and the match between the experts. It is obvious that a lack of SWD definition leads to this problem and using judgement of only two experts is questionable.


Table 4. Observations scoring > 0.3 in proximity ratio. One expert reevaluated all ‘non-SWD’

candidates with proximity ratio > 0.3. In the table, the data split are into annotated SWDs (Gold standard) and ‘non-SWD’ (candidates that were previously judged as not SWD). The whole group of ‘non-SWD’ within the teaching dataset was re-judged by one expert as true SWDs.

Moreover, the expert also judged the majority of the ‘non-SWD’ observations within the validation dataset as true SWDs.


dataset [%]

Validation dataset [%]

Gold standard



Without ‘non-SWD’ 100 77.4

With ‘non-SWD’ 100 85.7


Without ‘non-SWD’ 100 55.6

With ‘non-SWD’ 100 97.4


Precision (one expert judgement) 100 94.2

Amount 54 52

It has to be also acknowledged that RF classification trees were grown using obviously false annotation and this interesting result might be even improved. As RF method is random each time the trees are grown, they might use different decisions and variable importance might differ. Therefore, parameters that were used in the second RF are not definitive and might be corrected. As a result, this study offers the way to achieve correct classification results only if correct annotation is used.


6 Discussion and Conclusions

This study explored an option to classify SWD in the EEG of mice modeling human absence epilepsy using a variety of variables. The variables investigated were time and frequency scaled based on FFT and CWT. They introduced methods of both linear and non-linear dynamics. The variables were either relative or their thresholds were set only to exclude outliers in unphysiological range. Therefore, this approach should be valid for various EEG signals.

The data used were recorded on 9 different animals from 3 different age groups, which to my knowledge has not been done before. The EEG signal differs significantly not only from animal to animal but also due to age. Therefore, classification algorithm made for one set of similarly aged animals might not work for other groups.

The highest achieved sensitivity on the validation dataset was 85.7 % with 97.4 % precision. However, this was estimated using judgement of only one expert and further investigation is needed. In comparison, other studies, mentioned in section 2.3, reached sensitivity above 90 % with very low false positive rate. These studies performed their algorithms on rat EEG, which has significantly different SWDs lasting several seconds in average and are, therefore, also significantly easier to detect.

The proposed algorithm can work as semi-automatic tool requiring human input saving countless of hours by preselecting a small group of candidates sharing SWD-like features. However, this study failed to achieve completely automatic classification.

The lack of definition of the SWD is clearly the main reason for unsatisfactory results.

The proximity ratio showed very interesting distribution comparison and can surely be used in the future for precisely annotated data. For the further studies, each candidate event has to be split into overlapping 4-wave cuts and judged separately and the algorithm needs to be run again. This will ensure that the classification trees grown in RF are correct and include all the possible cases of the observations.

Any human expert can judge thousands of candidates two times in a row without producing matching results. Having bigger dataset, and especially, more experts


annotating the data is the only way to properly annotate SWDs. For the grey zone that has SWD-like features, but with no more than half of the experts agreeing on its classification, will be needed an on-line detection algorithm. A fully automatic algorithm detecting this SWD pattern on-line will allow presentation of immediate feedback, for instance a sound stimulus, to the mouse in an attempt to study the big question whether SWDs result in momentary loss of consciousness. A lack of behavioral or EEG response to the sound when a real SWD is present would speak for such a gap in consciousness.



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