5. Results and analysis
5.2 Open-ended questions
5.2.3 The participants’ views on the English language and ASEAN Question 10: Have you heard about the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015?
If yes, do you think knowing English is more important now and in the future than before because of AEC 2015?
In school MS, everyone had heard of AEC 2015. Most of the students also believed English to be more important due to AEC 2015. A few said that it is just as important as before, because it is a world language. English was considered a language of communication and a language used in communicating with the whole world.
“Yes, it is important because many countries come together in ASEAN and many already use English and the whole world uses English. Currently it is used more than before and I believe that English will spread all over the world in the future.” (MS39) As this participant writes, English is viewed as a world language that is needed in communication with people all over the world.
In school MSW, most of the students had heard of AEC 2015, but there were some that had not. English was considered a lingua franca and a language of communication.
“English is a lingua franca and an important language for communication in the whole world both in work and in business.” (MSW11)
English is associated with the business world as well and it is also seen as important in the job market. This aligns with the results of the Likert items, as is discussed in section 5.1.3.
In school SS, most of the respondents believe that English is more important now than before because of AEC2015. A couple of the participants said it is just as important as before as the language has always had a significant role. English was said to be the language of international communication and it was considered important, as it is needed when speaking with people from other countries. This participant expressed that English is becoming important for all the people in Thailand:
“Yes, because in the future even the rice farmers would like to speak English so the language is an important language for us for both searching for a job and in other situations. English is important both now and in the future, because people from abroad often visit Thailand on vacation so we should greet them so that they understand.”
The following participant expresses several thoughts on the importance of English:
“I have heard (of AEC 2015). It is true that English is important from the beginning because Englishmen like to visit Thailand a lot and I also like the language a lot (but I don’t really know how to speak it). ASEAN is also related to us, because the working language of ASEAN is English.” (SS21)
56 These responses demonstrate the participants’ views on the importance of communicating with non-Thais in English.
In school WW, most of the participants thought English was more important now due to AEC 2015. The participants wrote that English is a very important language. They also considered English a universal language of communication. However, some of the respondents did reply that the status of the language has not changed because it has always been important:
“It has nothing to do with ASEAN, it’s because English is a world language anyways.”
This participant argues that English is important despite ASEAN and the association is not related to the role of English. The English language has a significant role due to its status in the global world.
“English is a very important language. It is a universal language for communication.
Thailand is a country that needs to develop a lot in the use of languages. Problems are mainly shyness and being reserved. Right now, and in the future, I think English is very important because even our neighboring countries are ahead of us in the use of languages.” (WW31)
This respondent expresses similar concerns to those that have been discussed in the media, for example. The differences in English-language proficiency between the ASEAN nations is an issue that has been discussed in Thai media and this response reflects similar feelings about the unbalanced linguistic competence.
Although many of the responses were mutual on the importance of the English language, there were some opposing opinions as well. This participant demonstrates a different view on the role of English:
“English has very little importance because the language is only used in international relations between the ASEAN countries and it is not in national use.” (WW4)
As English is not used at the national level, this respondent feels that it is not important. In Thailand, the Thai language has a strong status and it is essential in order to be successful nationally. On a personal level, it could be seen that English is not relevant, as Thai is the language needed in many of the jobs in the country. English is needed for international communication, but if that international communication seems irrelevant to an individual, the whole language seems to have an insignificant role in the life of that particular person.
In school WR, the majority had heard of AEC 2015, but there were a few participants that responded that they had not heard of the economic community. Those that had heard of AEC 2015 thought that English was more important than before due to its launch. Communication and work were mentioned as areas in which the English language is important and useful.
“Nowadays English is an essential lingua franca in work and communication.”
Overall, there were only a few participants that had not heard of AEC 2015. Although some of the respondents did not think that the economic community influenced the role of English, most of them believed the importance of the language has increased due to the launch of AEC 2015. However, English was seen as important in other respects as well and the economic community was not seen as the sole factor resulting in the need for proficiency in the language. English is acknowledged as significant due to its role as a lingua franca and it is considered essential in communication. In order to communicate effectively with people from different countries, it is vital to be able to use the language that the different partakers in the conversation understand. Despite the strong role of Thai, many of the participants feel that
58 they should be communicating with visitors to the country in English. No-one expressed that foreigners should communicate in Thai whilst in the country, but rather that the locals should be able to communicate with the foreigners in a language that they understand. Question 11: Do you have any other comments regarding the ASEAN Economic Community 2015 and its choice of English as the working language?
Many of the participants did not answer this question or they stated simply that they did not have other comments.
In school MS, there were numerous mentions of English being important for work and communication, as could be seen in the responses to the previous question as well. There were no comments about ASEAN or English in relation to ASEAN.
“I think that if we know English we have an advantage over other people.” (MS22)
This respondent reflects the view that has been discussed previously (section 2.3.2) Proficiency in English is seen as an advantage in the global world.
In school MSW English was seen as important in work and communication. In addition, a few mentioned it being a lingua franca and a business language. The following quotes express some of the thoughts the participants had on the role of the language:
“In everything work-related English is needed and also in communication and in understanding foreigners.” (MSW2)
“English is an important language in communicating with the whole world.” (MSW8)
“English is the language the whole world uses for reading, so that they would learn for the future.” (MSW23)
The replies again mainly reflected the role of the English language in the whole world rather than just ASEAN. One of the participants expressed concern over the use of English:
“If English is used as the working language of ASEAN, people might forget their own language.” (MSW26)
The responses in school SS were much in line with the other schools. English was considered important for communication with other countries and people from other countries. A few of the replies also mentioned ASEAN specifically. This participant considered English a good choice as the working language of ASEAN:
“It is a good choice to have English as the working language.” (SS11)
The following participant expresses the essential nature of English because of ASEAN:
“English is the language of communication in ASEAN, if you don’t know it you can’t work.” (SS29)
One of the participants saw English as an opportunity, because through proficiency in the language one has the chance to work in countries other than Thailand as well.
“It is a good thing, would maybe have the chance to work abroad if one knows how to use English because in all different countries English is used as an official language.”
The students from schools WW and WR contributed similar thoughts. English was seen as a universal language and a language of communication. Increased career opportunities were also referred to. A few expressed the attitude that English is a clear advantage when searching for employment:
“In the future, work will not be offered only to Thais.” (WW3)
“English is essential in working and in job hunting the applicant who knows English better will be chosen.” (WR16)
A couple of the participants considered there to be a relation between the importance of English and ASEAN:
“In the future, I think, that ASEAN will use English as a language of communication because a lot of countries will join ASEAN and they do not know Thai. English is therefore very important in all aspects and it might be a problem when looking for a job because Thais have a problem with speaking languages.” (WW31)
“English is essential and it has an important role in working in the future because with AEC2015 we must use English in communication.” (WW50)
Overall, the responses to this question reflected the responses to the previous one. English is acknowledged as significant due to its role as a lingua franca and it is considered essential in communication. Some consider AEC2015 to have been be a factor in the increase in the importance of English, but for many the role of the language has not changed due to a globalizing world. For their future careers, some of the respondents see proficiency in English as vital.