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7.4 Future research suggestion

This thesis has provided with some theoretical and managerial contributions to the field of cultural influence on service quality expectation. There are still many issues that require further research in order to have a comprehensive view about this field.

Firstly, in order to contrast the cultural influences on service quality expectation, this thesis chooses education and healthcare as the two services involving much human contact between customers and service provider. However, as mentioned in the previous part, there are many factors or variables having impacts on the correlation between culture and service quality expectation, more services such as possession-related services should be put into study and comparison.

In order to study and evaluate the cultural profiles of research objects, this thesis choose Hofstede‟s cultural dimensions as the framework. Besides Hofstede‟s work, there are still other works worth being explored for the same purpose such as GLOBE, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner‟s work or Schwartz‟s culture model. To study the cultural influence on SERVQUAL dimensions based on these cultural frameworks may lead to new results.

Even applied in various service quality studies, there has also been criticism about the validity of SERVQUAL in specific contexts of services. Therefore, there are still places for studying the cultural influences on service quality expectation using adapted versions of SERVQUAL such as HIEDUQUAL for higher education.

In conclusion, when service becomes more and more important in the world economy and the world becomes closer among countries and cultures, the topic of cultural influence on service quality still remains under-research. Especially with a fast-changing world, it will create more opportunities for further study.


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APPENDIX 1. Cronbach‟s alpha for all items.

Scale items Cronbach‟s alpha Number of factors

Power Distance 0.7 4

Individualism 0.66 4

Masculinity 0.67 4

Uncertainty avoidance 0.67 4

Long-term orientation 0.65 4

Indulgence 0.68 6

Reliability 0.78 5

Responsiveness 0.69 3

Assurance 0.79 4

Empathy 0.78 4

Tangibles 0.81 5