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7.2 Conclusions

7.2.5 Future research

As part of the SNOBI project, this thesis has a natural continuum: as the aim of the project is to create a comprehensive maturity model that can be used as a tool in the assessment of companies’ as-is situation in terms of their internal readiness to imple-ment PPX business models, there is already demand for developing the suggested model of this thesis further. Considering the design framework, the model is currently not even in the implementation phase, so there are potentially many different phases ahead, from implementing the model to keeping it relevant through continuous improvement, if possible.

Moreover, although this maturity model was developed in the specific context of internal PPX readiness in B2B equipment manufacturing SMEs, there is a possibility of making a generalized version of the model, that can work for example as a benchmarking tool for a broader audience interested in PPX or other closely related business models. On the other hand, given the scope of the thesis and the focus on internal readiness, the model could be developed further in its specific context as well, but just taking into ac-count other aspects such as the now-missing customer readiness. However, it is difficult to speculate how well these modified maturity models would work, so research is cer-tainly required in order to find out how easy it would be to apply the model into different contexts.


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