• Ei tuloksia

The role of forests and soil in capturing and storing C is continually increasing in importance in the changing climate. Disturbance events are essential for forests and some of them, such as storms and insect outbreaks, are expected to become more common in various parts of the world in the future, with potential implications on forest C sequestration and storage capacity.

The various environmental characteristics predisposing forests to disturbance as well as the diverse effects of disturbances on forest ecosystems and their C cycling are, however, not fully understood.

This dissertation identified site, soil and stand factors that predispose trees and forest stands to defoliating D. pini and bark beetle I. typographus disturbance, and assessed the effects of storm and I. typographus disturbance on forest C stocks, soil surface CO2 effluxes, as well as humus layer C fractions and microbial community composition. Site predisposition to D. pini and I. typographus were studied in managed P. sylvestris and urban P. abies-dominated forests, respectively. Effects of storm and I. typographus disturbance on forest C were examined in P. abies-dominated forests where all the disturbance-killed trees had been left on site after the events.

Although forest stand predisposition to insect outbreaks was studied on a relatively limited environmental range, it was associated with several site and soil characteristics.

Higher defoliation of P. Sylvestris caused by D. pini was found to be related to soil properties indicating greater fertility (e.g. lower C/N and finer texture). Highest cumulative probabilities for severe I. typographus infestation of P. abies were found for trees growing on sites with east-facing aspect and rich site type fertility combined with moderately steep slopes, shallow till soils or high soil C/N ratio. In contrast, lowest probability for infestation was associated with southern to western-facing aspects and moderate site fertility, combined with very gentle slopes, finer soil textures and low soil C/N. Susceptibility of sites with these environmental characteristics to D. pini and I. typographus disturbance possibly related to a more favourable tree nutrition and secondary compound chemistry for the insects.

The studied forest C and soil microbiological characteristics were rather similar on the storm (5–7 years after) and I. typographus (1–4 years after tree mortality) disturbed sites.

Soil surface total and heterotrophic CO2 effluxes, humus layer and mineral topsoil C stocks and humus layer K2SO4 extractable C concentrations of storm and I. typographus disturbed as well as undisturbed plots differed little, despite the shift of tree C stocks from biomass to necromass after both disturbances and much greater litter detritus C stocks on the I.

typographus disturbed plots. Soil surface autotrophic CO2 effluxes were mostly lower at the disturbed plots than at undisturbed ones, with some exceptions. The most distinct differences on the microbiology of the humus layer between the plot types were lower abundance of tree-symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungi, and consequently slightly lower microbial and fungal biomasses on both of the disturbed plot types. Those changes were likely related to an assumedly decreased belowground allocation of photosynthates after the mortality of most mature trees on the disturbed plots. However, the living trees remaining on or in close proximity to the disturbed sites probably mitigated the belowground response to disturbance to some extent. Although storms often have a more rapid and intense impact on a forest than

more gradually developing I. typographus outbreaks, the similarity in soil C and microbiological characteristics between the sites that had been affected by the two disturbance types may be partly related to the different periods of time since the disturbances occurred in the area.

More research on the patterns of disturbances, especially by insects, across wide ranges of explaining environmental characteristics would be important, as their occurrence is often a result of multiple interrelated factors, of which only little is known. Field research on the impacts of natural disturbance on forest C are often limited to the short-term effects of the events. However, longer-term monitoring and combining field studies with ecosystem modeling elucidate the response and recovery of forest C sink after such events further. As soils are the basis of forest functioning and account for most of boreal forest C stocks, research emphasis should be given to the reflection of disturbances on soil C dynamics and microbial communities. Furthermore, examining predisposition to storm and insect disturbance and their impacts on ecosystem C across forests with varying tree species composition and age structures might provide important and practical information. All such studies would help to develop forest management strategies that result in a better balance between forest ecological functions, economical aims as well as optimization of C sequestration in a changing climate and with intensified disturbances.


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