• Ei tuloksia

Trustworthy versus Explainable AI in Autonomous Vessels


In this paper we have argued that the topic of explainable AI needs to be unpacked in relation to both the users for whom the explanations are needed, and the different types of explanations required. We argue that explanation of processing and explanation of representation

are of different natures and play different roles. In addition, we argue that trustworthy AI in the context of autonomy is a broader concept than explainable AI. Trustworthiness depends on that the different users and the different types of explanations have been successfully matched. That is, it is not an a priori but rather a posteriori issue.

Human-machine interaction is a key feature of autonomous systems and a key topic to be addressed when exploring explainability in the context of autonomous vehicles. Interpretability and explainability methods are a part of this interaction but have so far focused on the research and development of AI. We argue there is a need for developing suitable methods for the assurance process, the end-users, and externals interacting or being affected by the AI. In this paper we have three specific users in mind: the users of the ferry, externals affected by the autonomous ferry, and assurance participants.

We have proposed different types of explanations and briefly discussed the needs for each type. Generally, end-users need real-time explanations that are interpretable and adapted to their cognitive abilities, alertness and available time to understand and act. In both an assurance context and during development, explanations should be as complete and valid as possible, and simultaneously they must be interpretable to the explainee. We argue that an understanding of the required level of interpretability and completeness of evidence is needed prior to the actual development of an autonomous system.

Explanation of processing, which maps inputs to outputs and treats the AI as a black box model, may be considered more relevant for assurance and more explainable by nature than explanation of representation, which treats the AI as a grey or white box model. However, the challenge in assurance is not the interpretability or explainability itself, but rather if the set of explanations combined can suffice as valid, complete and convincing assurance evidence. We have stated that this could be possible but will require dedicated methods and practices to be developed.

In order to be interpretable, explanations are often simplified compared to what they try to explain. This means they can be less correct or complete than the actual system and should be used with precaution in any situation requiring trust in the AI, either towards an end-user or in an assurance context.


We acknowledge that our views are the result of ongoing cooperation with NTNU on research in the fields of autonomous vessels and AI and the excellent autonomous ferry concept use-case (NTNU, 2019).


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